For a smaller class, or in a PR agency environment, I suggest a blended or multi-layer option that combines the use of both teams or groups and division. In this model, the team or group has an individual focus (such as the target audience, outcome, etc.) and divisions are divided by function (i.e., writing tactical, graphic design, research, etc.). Using this option allows students to work together across teams in creating one unified plan; it is especially attractive because they are exposed to more students’ collaboration, ideas and talents.
Examples of teams:
Team A: Target Audience is Millennials
Bobby (Tactical Writer)
Maritza (Graphic Designer)
Marquis (Researcher)
Tamara (Plan Writer)
Team B: Target Audience is Generation X
Aimee (Graphic Designer)
Jake (Researcher)
Kenneth (Plan Writer)
Theresa (Tactical Writer)
Team C: Target Audience is Baby Boomers
Alexa (Researcher)
Cristeena (Plan Writer)
Kale (Graphic Designer)
Yvette (Tactical Writer)
WORKSHEET 1A: PR Campaign Basics
Before a PR agency or a PR class delves into creating a PR campaign, it is important to determine what type of PR campaign you are creating.
From the worktext, the most common categories for persuasive PR campaigns are commercial, educational, political, reputation and social change. Using the definitions and examples provided, what type do you believe is best for this client?
Why do you believe this is the type of campaign you are creating? Support your answer above with your thinking.
Why is it NOT possible that the campaign is one of the other types?
It’s common to jump directly to assuming that a campaign is an educational or informational campaign. Since so many PR campaigns are this type of PR campaign, ask yourself the following questions:
What information would you need to disseminate?
What does the public need to be educated about?
How does information help the public activate?
What education and/or information leads to activation in a meaningful way?
How can you inform and/or educate the media and how does that impact your campaign?
WORKSHEET 1B: Teammates
Part I: Dividing into teams.
Start by identifying your own strengths (as a person):
Circle what you feel are your strengths as a PR Practitioner:
Graphic Design Research Social Media Writing (Plan) Writing (Tactical)
*In this model, everyone has a part in the overall strategy.
Part II: Being the best teammate YOU can be.
Start by identifying your own hot buttons. According to Cal Sutliff in The Power of YOUR People Skills, hot buttons are your personal triggers that elicit an automatic and exaggerated response that is uncontrollable. What are your hot buttons?
List what you believe makes you a good teammate:
List what you look for in a good teammate