Tywan Ajani
Barriers to Rebuilding the
African American Community
Understanding the Issues Facing
Today’s African Americans from a
Social Work Perspective
New York • Bern • Berlin
Brussels • Vienna • Oxford • Warsaw
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Control Number: 2019052548
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ISBN 978-1-4331-7681-4 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-4331-7682-1 (ebook pdf )
ISBN 978-1-4331-7683-8 (epub)
ISBN 978-1-4331-7684-5 (mobi)
DOI 10.3726/b16533
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This book is dedicated to:
All people who have suffered injustice because of the color of their skin, gender, and/or religion; past, present, and future. There is hope. Your story will be told and not merely from an emotional perspective but also from an academic and scientific one.
About the author
Tywan Ajani is a licensed clinical social worker currently serving as a community mental health and substance abuse clinician for a large medical center in the Phoenix Metropolitan Community. He holds a MSW (Master of Social Work) degree from Arizona State University, a Master of Education degree from Bowling Green State University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Savannah State University. Tywan is also a U.S. Army veteran, a Dr. Ronald E. McNair scholar, and a former professional basketball player.
About the book
Barriers to Rebuilding the African American Community explores the major threats and roots affecting both America’s most racially polarized periods as well as the major issues plaguing the African American community. The author provides intelligent insight into the deeper roots of America’s long history and struggle with racism as well as the solution. The author shows how a background investigation of medical science, culture, and social policy can propel or subdue an entire people group, and examines research on A.C.E.S. (Adverse Childhood Experiences), which affects all communities regardless of race. This book is an exciting and well-researched exposé into one of America’s most electrifying socio-political movements.
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Table of Contents
5 Chicanery and Politics; Opposing Viewpoints
6 It’s More Than Just a Black Thing
7 The Nemesis of the Black Community
8 I Can’t Believe They Said That
10 The Solution; If There Is One
From police killings of unarmed citizens to America’s most controversial president, and now the resurgence of American White Supremacy groups such as the alt-right and other neo-Nazi organizations, it seems as if race and politics in America are spiraling out of control. Now, more than ever, is America divided with black and white racial tensions along with polarizing political divisions with new weekly developments.
Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, you will find this book to be both an interesting and a thought-provoking journey into the history, heart, and the roots of the black American plight. This book is distinct from the stereotypical social justice text because it is not an extended gripe about white oppression, but rather is an elaborate background investigation of how medical science, culture, and social policy can propel or subdue an entire people group.
You will be amazed at what research has uncovered regarding Adverse, Childhood Experiences (ACEs), which affects all communities regardless of race. Whether you take the liberal or conservative position, this book addresses a wide audience on issues critical to all Americans and social service providers. Get ready for an exciting and well-researched exposé into a momentous, intelligent look into one of America’s most electrifying socio-political movements. Most have forgotten which team won the Super Bowl in 2002, or the World Series in 2009; however, many will remember the Black Lives Matter and the #Metoo movements in the United States, ten, twenty, and even a hundred years from now. These movements now have a permanent place in both American and world history.
I want to carefully acknowledge my amazing wife K. Ajani. She is a wonderful wife, mother, educator, and scholar. She diligently supported me in this project. Her labor is greatly appreciated. I tremendously love and thank her. I want to also acknowledge the eminent Jesus of Nazareth; not as a religious figure but rather as a social worker and civil rights activist.