Shape is an important consideration. You may want a square herb garden with equal sides, or prefer a rectangle to take into account an existing site with irregular sides. Circular herb gardens are attractive and suit a small garden. In a large herb garden you could combine squares, rectangles, triangles and circles (see diagram).
Once the plan is on paper, indicate the points of the compass to give it a directional reference – knowing where the sun casts shadow or is at its strongest helps you position plants correctly. You can then avoid planting tall herbs where they block out light for less vigorous or low-growing plants.
Paths and other features
Whatever the size and shape of your herb bed, you need to be able to work the soil from all angles without treading on it and flattening it with your feet. Similarly, you need to be able to maintain the plants without damaging them, and may need to create access paths. These allow a circulation of air in and around the herb beds, thereby reducing the likelihood of disease. Sensibly planned paths also divide a large herb garden into manageable units and form the framework for herb hedges.
Mark any proposed paths on the plan. At this stage you may decide on a central feature such as a sundial or an old chimney pot, statuary or a bird bath, which can also be shown on the plan.
Now you are ready to make the most important decision of all: which herbs to grow. If your space is limited, grow only the basic herbs that you enjoy and know you will use often.
Chives, parsley, sage, thyme, rosemary, mint, tarragon and bay are eight favourites that provide year-round flavour in fresh, frozen or dried form. Chives, a perennial plant that dies down in winter, can be potted up in autumn to grow indoors. Parsley normally survives outdoors but for convenience can be grown indoors in winter. Sage, thyme and rosemary are evergreen perennials that will survive most winters unprotected in mild climates. Bay plants in containers and those in cold areas need protection from wintry winds in exposed sites. Mint and tarragon, also perennials, die back in winter, but you can persuade them to keep growing by providing a little gentle heat, or ‘forcing’ them. Pot up rooted pieces of mint, grow them on a warm windowsill or in a greenhouse and keep them well watered. Tarragon can be treated similarly, but if you leave it growing outdoors in winter, protect its roots with a straw cover or mulch.
Herb seed specialists provide a wide range of herb and wildflower seeds, while general seed merchants stock the most popular and basic culinary herbs. Most herbs are easily grown from seed, but some require special conditions of heat or cold to get best results. Seed catalogues generally describe ideal sowing conditions, eventual size and harvest time for the individual herbs.
Perennial herbs produce new growth and flowers each year and survive for many seasons. It is best to buy them as young plants or raise them from cuttings or by division, as it may take a while to establish them from seedlings, or they may not grow well from seed. On the other hand it may be worth considering growing from seed those that will, if you need large numbers of plants.
Annuals and biennials
The easiest herbs to grow from seed are annuals. They germinate quickly and develop in one growing season into plants that produce flowers and set seed. Annuals can be hardy (grow outdoors in all weathers), half-hardy (need a little protection while they are young) or tender (need very warm weather to grow outdoors).
Herbs that take two seasons to reach maturity and set seed are called biennials. These can be sown in spring and used through the first year, but once they have flowered in the second year they will set seed and die. You are likely to have many new plants from their seed, as they self sow abundantly.
Order seeds early so that you can be ready to sow tender, half-hardy and hardy annuals indoors, in the greenhouse or into their growing positions in early spring.
Basil • Borage • Chervil • Coriander • Dill • Nasturtium • Orach • Perilla • Pot marigold • Salad rocket • Summer savory
Angelica • Caraway • Evening primrose • Mullein • Parsley
Bay • Box • Chives • Curry plant • Fennel • French tarragon • Lavender • Lemon verbena • Lovage • *Rose • Sage • Salad burnet • Southernwood • Thyme • Wall germander
*Plant out bare-root roses direct into their growing sites.
On graph paper, divide the rectangle into quarters. Number them 1, 2, 3, 4 and then write in your planting plan for each quarter. Use chives and parsley to make the herb hedges that line the paths. There are several different types of thyme, rosemary and sage which offer attractive foliage and shape, as well as aromatic leaves and fragrant flowers.