Antique To Heirloom Jelly Roll Quilts. Pam Lintott. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pam Lintott
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781446361764
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Choose three jelly roll rectangles, one accent rectangle and one 412in background rectangle and sew them into Strip Unit B. Press seams as shown in the diagram. Repeat to create a total of ten Strip Unit Bs.

      Strip Unit B - make 10

      4 Lay one Strip Unit B on the cutting mat at a time. Trim the selvedge and subcut into eight 212in wide segments in the same way as you did for Strip Unit A. Cut eighty Unit B segments.

      Sewing Strip Unit C

      5 Choose two jelly roll rectangles, one accent rectangle and one 612in background rectangle and sew them into Strip Unit C. Press seams as shown. Repeat to create a total of ten Strip Unit Cs.

      Strip Unit C - make 10

      6 Lay one Strip Unit C on the cutting mat at a time. Trim the selvedge and subcut into eight 212in segments, just as you did for Strip Units A and B. Cut eighty Unit C segments.

      7 Put the Unit A, Unit B and Unit C segments into three piles, making sure that the background fabric always faces the same way.

       Sewing the Blocks

      8 Choose one Unit A, one Unit B and one Unit C and sew together as shown in the diagram, pinning at every seam intersection to ensure a perfect match. The seams will nest together nicely. Try to have different fabrics next to each other. Repeat to make eighty units like this. Press seams towards Unit C as shown. Seventy-two units are needed for the quilt. The extra eight units will make four blocks, which could be used to create a coordinating cushion.

      9 Choose two of these units and rotate one of the units 180 degrees. Sew together as shown, pinning at every seam intersection to ensure a perfect match and then press. Repeat to make thirty-six blocks for the quilt. You could make up the extra four blocks at this stage if you like.

      Make 36 blocks

       Assembling the Quilt

      10 Referring to the diagram below, lay out the blocks into six rows of six blocks each, rotating alternate blocks 90 degrees. When you are happy with the layout, sew the blocks into rows and then sew the rows together, pinning at every seam intersection to ensure a perfect match

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