Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times. Allen Klein. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allen Klein
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Руководства
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633539570
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rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">Let It Go

       Lighten Up

       Make Lemonade

       Never Give Up

       Practice Appreciation

       Put It in Perspective

       Seek Silence, Find Peace

       Seize the Day

       Take Courage

       Trust Your Higher Power

       Closing Thought

       About the Author

      When Allen asked if I would be willing to share some words to introduce his next literary creation, I jumped at the chance to contribute. In fact, I started writing the foreword by going on and on about how inspiring and entertaining Allen’s words were, and how he was once again revolutionizing the way we look at the world. That was long before I realized it was mainly a collection of quotes from other people. Then, with a massive smile and an internal giggle, I realized that he had once again found a new way to sneak some serious delight into my day.

      Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times is special and needed, considering the fact that the words we use and the thoughts we think literally shape our experience of the world. As a stress expert, and as someone who’s pretty good at stressing myself, I’ve seen firsthand the damage done by the wrong kind of inner dialogue.

      Despite more knowledge about stress—both its causes and its comforts—we’ve never been more in need of a cure. Research suggests that 75–90 percent of medical visits are stress-related. We are tired and wired and in need of a new direction—which is where Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times comes in.

      Fortunately for us all, Allen Klein has stepped up to serve as a guide to organize important wisdom from some of our most transformational leaders in a way that is both entertaining and energizing. The thoughts, reflections, insights, and new directions provided in this inspiring book serve as an internal GPS for our souls as we navigate the stress of our daily lives.

      I invite you to join me in using the positive thoughts shared in this book as a mantra of sorts. They can comfort you in times of confusion and challenge. They can provide course corrections when you require a change of pace. Perhaps most important of all, follow Allen’s guidance in these pages as he provides you with the structure to look into the seemingly simple choices we make and become curious about more positive directions—and to grow stronger and more resilient as a result.

      Heidi Hanna, PhD

      Author of Stressaholic and executive director

      of the American Institute of Stress

      One of the first shows I saw on Broadway was Carousel. I was seven years old at the time. Shortly after, a favorite uncle of mine died. A song from the show helped me deal with my loss. The lyrics spoke about holding your head up high when you go through a storm and not being afraid of the dark. It also reminded me that at the end of the storm, there is always a golden sky.

      Those words, and numerous inspirational others, comforted me not only at that time, but in many of the dark times I experienced during the years that followed.

      The right words at just the right time can be powerful companions to lift you up when the world is bringing you down. Carefully chosen thoughts can be a guide to help you maneuver trying times. They can be an inspiration to help you rise above any situation.

      It is my hope that the thoughts in this book bring you comfort and perhaps ease the pain of your troubling moments.

      You can read the book in sequential order, if you choose. But my favorite way to read a book of this type is to think about what difficulty I am experiencing and then randomly open to any page and see what advice it presents. See what calls out to you and embrace those words. If nothing sings to you, continue searching until something does.

      In any case, it is not really important how you read this book. What is more important is that you read it, read it again, and perhaps even post a quotation or two where you can see it on a regular basis.

      And, remember…words are powerful. May those in this book enrich and empower your life.

      Allen Klein

      San Francisco, CA


      We are the choices we make. Each and every second of the day we are making decisions. Some of them are major…should we get married, raise a family, move to a new city? Others are more mundane…which video to view, restaurant to patronize, emails to answer?

      Even a stop at a Starbucks for a simple cup of coffee is not so simple. Do you want regular or decaf, black, regular milk, soy milk, or almond milk, espresso Americano or espresso latte, or something special like a Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino®? Or on the other hand, should you just chuck the whole coffee experience and maybe order a steamed apple juice or hot chocolate instead?

      The point is that one cup of coffee might not make much difference in your life. But so many other decisions do. We therefore need to choose wisely. Hopefully the thoughts in this section will help you do just that.

      When it rains, it pours. Maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to great experiences:

      we can choose to hate the rain or dance in it.

      —Joan Marques

      Everything can be taken from a man but one thing:

      the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

      —Victor Frankl

      The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves but in our attitude towards them.

      —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

      You always have two choices with your life and experience: you can either learn from it or you can place blame. The choice is always yours.

      —Kevin Horsley

      No one forces a person to be negative, and no one forces anyone to be positive. The choice is up to an individual and that person alone.

      —Byron Pulsifer

      That’s the nice thing about being human. We only have one life, but we can choose what kind of story it’s going to be.

      —Rick Riordan

      We are the choices we make.

      —Patrick Ness

      You have a choice, you either give it your best, or alternatively, you give up. Don’t look back upon your life with regret, make the changes you want and make them now!

      —Darren Housley

      Every day, you make choices about what you will dedicate your time to, how you will spend your