Conviction Fitness. Chas Allen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Chas Allen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781649692146
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days. Forfeit your rest days for that week. Add 25 Burpees and 50 Jumping Jacks to the end of your next two workouts.

       Miss 3 workouts in a week:

      Punishment: Repeat that week. Add 25 Burpees and 50 Jumping Jacks to the end of every workout during the repeated week.

      Training Guidelines: Cell Block-D

      Set Range: Posted on each exercise

      Rep Range: Posted on each exercise

      Max. Rest Between Sets: 30 seconds

      Max. Rest Between Supersets: 20 Seconds

       Key Definitions :

      Warm-up Set: Lift a lightweight for 15-20 reps.

      Working Set: Lift an appropriate weight for 12-15 reps.

      Superset: Two exercises paired together with only 20 seconds maximum rest between each consecutive set.

      Superset Triple: Three exercises paired together with only 20 seconds maximum rest between each consecutive set.

      Triple Variation: Three unique body positions to perform on one exercise to shift the targeted muscle focus.

      D-Block: Week 1 Day 1 Shoulders

       Vertical Rotator Cuff Rotation:

       2 sets 12-15 reps

      Laterally raise your elbows to shoulder height, forming a 90 degrees angle. Maintain a stable position with your arm then rotate your shoulder upward. Rotate back to starting position.

       Superset with: Horizontal Rotator Cuff Rotation

       Horizontal Rotator Cuff Rotation: 2 sets 12-15 reps

      Tuck your elbows by your sides holding dumbbells at 90 degrees. Maintain elbow position at your side while rotating the dumbbell laterally.

       Standing Shoulder Press: 3 sets 12-15 reps

      Stack a barbell or dumbbells at shoulder height with your feet and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees in an athletic position, ready to lift. Raise the weight into position and press.

       Arnold Press: 3 sets 12-15 reps

      In a standing position, grip dumbbells at shoulder height with palms facing you, arms bent at 90 degrees. Feel your chest and shoulders flex to support the weight. Raise your arms while smoothly rotating your grip 180 degrees to reach the top of the lift. Reverse the motion on the way down.

       Upright Row – Barbell: 4 sets 12-15 reps

      Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the barbell held comfortably in front of your body with a narrow grip. Raise the bar to just beneath your chin, bending at the elbows. Lower and repeat.

       Superset with: Shrugs

       Shrugs: 4 sets 12-15 reps

      Grip a barbell or dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your elbows nearly extended and lift, raising your shoulders, contracting your traps. Lower and repeat.

       Y Shaped Lateral Raise: 3 sets 12-15 reps

      Stand with a pair of dumbbells gripped in front of your legs. Face the palms inward. Raise both dumbbells simultaneously spreading your arms upward and outward so that your body forms a “Y”. Lower to center and repeat.

       Superset with Steering Wheel Plate Rotations

       Steering Wheels Plate Rotations:3 sets 12-15 reps

      Grip both sides of a plate in front of your body. Lift the plate with extended arms directly in front of your chest. Turn the “wheel” all the way around to the left. Turn the “wheel” all the way around to the right. Return to center. Lower the weight back to origin.

       Cardio: Burpees 4-6 sets 15-20 reps

      Stand tall then drop the hands down into push-up position. Do a pushup. Pop back up to your feet and leap upward extending the arms toward the sky. Repeat.

      D-Block: Week 1 Day 2 Back

       Deadlifts: 2 Warm-up sets 15-20 reps; 3 Working sets 12-15 reps

      Grip the bar with a double overhand grip. Bend with the hips and keep the knees back. Don’t let your knees cross in front of your toes. Keep shoulders back and chest lifted through the lift to maintain strong supported posture. Press your feet firmly into the floor and pull the weight upward to stand tall. Lower and repeat.

       Bent Over Rows – Overhand: 3 sets 12-15 reps

      Grip a bar or dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder-width. Fold at the waist and lower your upper body to form a 90 degrees angle. Pull toward your chest, focusing on the muscle contraction between the shoulder blades. Maintain body position as you repeat.

      Superset with Bent Over Rows - Underhand

       Bent Over Rows – Underhand: 3 sets 12-15 reps

      Grip a bar or dumbbells at shoulder-width with an underhand grip. Fold at the waist to lower your upper body to a 135-degree angle between a half fold and standing. Pull up and back above the line of your hips. Maintaining body position as you repeat.

       Lawn Mowers: 3 sets 12-15 reps

      Grip a dumbbell with an arm extended down to the ground. Step the opposite leg forward into a lunge position. Rest the forearm across the knee. Pull upward rotating the shoulders from horizontal to vertical. Repeat all sets and reps on both sides.

      Back Extensions with Reverse Flies Flying Squirrels”:

       3 sets 12-15 reps

      From the elevated start position, hinge at the waist and lower your torso. Grip a weighted plate in each hand. Rise upward while maintaining your hold on the weight and fly the arms wide at the top.

       Pull-ups : 3 sets 12-15 reps

      Grab a stationary overhead bar, or assisted pull-up bar, with a wide double overhand grip. Begin at a dead hang and pull your body upward bringing your chest to the bar. Lower to near dead hang position. Repeat.

       Pikes: 3 sets 15-20 reps

      Begin in a position of rest on your back. Extend the legs straight out and reach to extend the arms beyond your head. Pike your arms and legs to meet above your waist.

       Superset Triple with V Twists and 6-Inch Leg Lift

       V Twists: 3 sets 15-20 reps

      Bend the knees and raise the legs and torso to form a V with the body. Bring the hands together with elbows to both sides. Maintain a strong posture through the back. Twist through the torso to one side, then the opposite side to complete one full rep. Continue through all reps.

       6-Inch Leg Lift: 3 sets 15-30 seconds

      Lie flat on the floor. Maintain your upper back flat on the floor and lift the legs six inches from the floor. Maintain six inches of space between the ground and feet for the duration of the exercise.

      D-Block: Week 1 Day 3 Chest