The Emergence of American Amphibious Warfare, 1898–1945. David S. Nasca. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David S. Nasca
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781682475058
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interests being blocked out in the process. In order to save China and prevent the major powers from using the country as another potential battleground, Secretary Hay proposed the Open Door Policy that balanced between maintaining Chinese sovereignty while leaving the country open for commercial trade for all the major powers.27

      Unfortunately, once Empress Cixi returned to power and the relief forces withdrew, Russia disregarded the Open Door Policy and began to once again encroach on Chinese sovereignty by investing heavily in developing Manchuria, constructing railroads and industries, and moving large military forces into the area. While the United States did little to stop Russian ambitions, both Great Britain and Japan viewed these moves as a threat to peace in the Asia-Pacific Region. In order to deter further Russian aggression and contain its expansion, the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was formed as a counterbalance to continue maintaining a balance of power in the region.

      Despite the alliance, Russia continued pursuing its ambitions in China and became progressively more aggressive toward Japan to where Japanese political and military leaders felt that Russia was a clear and present danger to Japanese security. This would essentially be used from a geopolitical standpoint for Japan to begin secretly preparing for a confrontation with the Russians that would eventually lead to the Russo-Japanese War. While tensions began to build, Russia was supremely confident in defeating Japan, while the Japanese understood that they needed to win a quick and overwhelming victory and saw amphibious warfare as an essential part in protecting Japan and finally driving the Russians out of Northeast Asia.

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