At first the situation appeared temporary and for a while spirits were able to enter and depart the physical realm as they pleased. Eventually, however, captivated by this new dimension and seeking greater and greater sensual pleasures, they became completely encased in physicality and no longer were able to leave at will to reside among the higher celestial vibrations. Souls were trapped. Worse, tantalized by the fascinating exercise of generating new creations in the province of lower and slower vibrations, they turned away from the light and grew increasingly distant from the transcendental force out of which they had emanated. As time passed, souls would completely forget their spiritual origins and begin to see themselves as totally separate beings confined by the boundaries of a physical form. And with that sense of limitation, selfishness entered the picture. Incorporeal souls whose true home was the boundless cosmos were stuck—spellbound—in the third dimension, cut off from the light by the inventions of their own minds. Such was the fall from grace of which so many spiritual traditions speak.
Myths from around the world recount the remnants of this prehuman era. Some of the mesmerized spirits were so intrigued with matter that they entered and occupied plants and animals, taking on the characteristics of those species. Strange creatures projecting tree limbs and leaves or possessing animal legs, hooves, fish scales, and furry skin now inhabited material form. Edgar Cayce indicates that universal legends about mermaids, centaurs, satyrs and other exotic beings are the vestiges of this far distant past. The Bible also describes one group of entities intensely enmeshed in materiality as the sons and daughters of men or “Sons of Belial” who assumed a variety of forms, including as the Nephilim (giants) portrayed in the Old Testament. The readings refer to this particular group of souls as “ … those that sought more the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for self, without thought or consideration as to … the hardships in the experiences of others. Or, in other words, as we would term it today, they were without a standard of morality.” (877-26)
All was not lost however, for the Father-Mother God desired to prepare a way out for the souls that had gone astray. “ … For He hath not willed that any soul should perish, but hath prepared a way of escape,” (262-84) assert the Cayce readings. Recognizing the dilemma the entangled spirits faced, the first begotten of the divine, Amilius, was moved to action. He and a group of souls not yet hopelessly locked into physicality determined they would provide a way to free other souls from their entrapment in matter. The law of limitation and self-aggrandizement characterized the Sons of Belial and their activities, but the souls Amilius led were different and offered a sharp contrast to the “fallen angels.” His group comprised those who understood and followed the Law of One because they still could remember their spiritual origins and intimate relationship with the divine. Together Amilius and his cohorts made the decision to act as guides to help the wayward children reestablish a relationship with their Source. They would lead them back to the presence of God.
The task was not without peril, however. Even Amilius, whose original purpose in entering the earth plane was to help other souls remember their innate divinity, eventually succumbed to the attractions of a material world. According to Edgar Cayce, Amilius “ … allowed himself to be led in the ways of selfishness … ” (364-8) When all was said and done, this self-proclaimed leader and principal representative of the Law of One was going to have to find his way out too. Fortunately for the human race its prospective savior never strayed so far afield that he was not able to extricate himself. Despite myriad temptations to abandon the Herculean task, the first begotten of God continued working lifetime after lifetime—advancing in most but occasionally losing ground—to construct the pattern by which the soul would finally be released from its imprisonment in matter and return to God awareness.
In His Image
Hence, every form of life that man sees in a material world is an essence or manifestation of the Creator; not the Creator, but a manifestation of a first cause …
Meanwhile it had become painfully evident to the Sons of God that their success was predicated upon creating a new type of bodily structure. The animal-like bodies with which the lost souls were intertwined were not adequate for their long-term habitation nor the arduous task of reigniting the divine spark—raising up the individuated spirit—and liberating it. Clearly souls enshrouded in matter needed access to a different type of vehicle—a more spiritualized and perfect physical form—in order to be able to break free. A new body would allow them to experience the third dimensional world yet still maintain a connection to higher awareness and their true nature.
The key was to design a way for souls enmeshed in a physical world to recognize their estrangement from the divine while at the same time reawakening in them the conscious desire to return to companionship with their Creator. This redesigned body became the first of what is called a human being or Homo sapiens: “ … man’s indwelling as man in the form of flesh in this material world … ”(364-5) as described in the Edgar Cayce readings. Hundreds of thousands of years after spirit became ensnared by matter, a more advanced form of physicality emerged. And the soul, which had first entered the earth plane as Amilius and later would return as Jesus of Nazareth, was the soul which would inhabit the earliest prototypical human form.
A glorious period dawned as Amilius and the other Sons of God prepared the way for the entry of a physical human into the earth. The Cayce information reports that the morning stars sang together in the glory of the coming of the Lord as divinity was reflected in flesh; “ … when the Sons of God came together to announce to Matter a way being opened for the souls of men, the souls of God’s creation, to come again to the awareness of their error.” (2156-2) The offspring of divinity, fallen away in consciousness from their Source, now had access to the most effective vehicle by which to rise up to those celestial heights again. Souls would have the pathway to freedom embodied in the very forms they carried around with them. Hope abounded. But it would be a long and difficult journey home.
… He, our Lord was the first among those that put on mortality that there might be the opportunity for those forces that had erred in spiritual things …
The presence in the biblical account of not one but two creation stories culminating in the appearance of a human being on earth is an enigma which has intrigued biblical scholars for centuries. According to Edgar Cayce, the first version of the story found in Genesis refers to the original formation of the soul and describes a being made in the image and likeness of God who, by virtue of its emanation from a divine source, had dominion over the rest of creation. The second rendition pertains to the creation of the physical body of man fashioned from the dust of the earth. After the materialization of this outer form occurs, God breathes the breath of the life force into its nostrils and a living being emerges: Adam. The readings describe the appearance of Adam this way—
When there was in the beginning a man’s advent into the plane known as earth, and it became a living soul, amendable to the laws that govern the plane itself as presented, the Son of man entered the earth as the first man. Hence the Son of man, the Son of God, the Son of the first Cause, making manifest in a material body. This was not the first spiritual influence, spiritual body, spiritual manifestation in the earth, but the first man—flesh and blood; the first carnal house, the first amenable body to the laws of the plane in its position in the universe.
Further, the emergence of human beings in this new material “home” for the soul built according to a divine blueprint was not an isolated incident. The readings indicate that souls in humanoid form entered in five different places at the same time, and