Sacred Journey. M.K. Welsch. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: M.K. Welsch
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876048634
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is what caused the child to be left behind. (1010-17) Mary and Joseph believed he was elsewhere in their caravan in the care of Josie, and Josie must have thought he was with his parents. “And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:46-49) Interestingly the episode in the temple actually is the first time Jesus begins to comprehend his powers and abilities. This understanding was “ … not as a consciousness … ” in his boyhood according to Edgar Cayce. The awareness really starts to dawn on him during the more formal preparations for his ministry, the first step of which was his great thirst for knowledge about spiritual subjects: “ … Thus the seeking for the study through the associations with the teachers of that period.” (2067-7)

       … in first India, then Persia, then Egypt: for “My son shall be called from Egypt.”


      Grounded in a thorough knowledge of Jewish law via the instruction he had received at home before his twelfth birthday, Jesus leaves the household of Joseph and Mary and is placed in the care and ministry of the priests and leaders of the Brotherhood. From the age of twelve to about fifteen or sixteen, Judy taught him the prophecies in her home at Mount Carmel. But at a certain point the young man had gleaned what he could from his Essene teachers and began his education abroad—first in Egypt for a short period, then in India for three years followed by studies in the area later called Persia. (Approximately one year was spent in travel and another year spent studying with various masters in Persia.) Cayce says it was from Persia that Jesus was called back to Judea at the death of Joseph. (5749-7) The culmination of all of this schooling was a second stint in Egypt a few years later, which marked the final step in his development as a teacher.

      In all of his studies he was registered under the name Jeshua. This name and its variant, Joshua, of which the Greek form is Jesus, are contractions of Jehoshua, which means “Help of Jehova,” or “Savior.” His lessons overall were broad-ranging and demanded enormous amounts of personal discipline. In India he explored “those cleansings of the body as related to preparations for strength in the physical as well as the mental man … ” and in Persia “ … the union of forces as related to those teaching of Zu and Ra … ” (5749-2) Egypt was the capstone however. There he delved into all the teachings that had been part of the ancient Temple of Sacrifice and Temple Beautiful and the “ … after actions of the crucifying of self in relationships to ideals that made for the abilities of carrying on that called to be done.” (5749-2) In other words, he learned how to set an ideal and overcome self. The Bible alludes to the fact that Jesus was called “Rabbi” or teacher, a title accurately describing his educational achievements. The readings also comment that “hence in all ways of the teachers {Jesus} was trained.” (5749-7) They go on to explain that he became distinguished for learning and was an authoritative teacher of the law as well as a Master of the teachings of the East.

      Jesus’ cousin, the messenger John, was with him during a portion of the time he spent in Egypt, although John was in one class and Jesus in another. It was while Jesus was in India that John, at the age of seventeen, had first gone to Egypt for his own dedication and preparation. Jesus and John studied together in Heliopolis, which had schools of astronomy and philosophy, and was located about six miles northeast of what is now modern Cairo—not far from the Great Pyramid. His second sojourn in Egypt represented the period when Jesus would attain the final degree needed to complete his formal training before publicly launching his soul mission and work.

      According to Edgar Cayce, scholars in Egypt during that era had gathered together and unified the teachings of many lands. Egypt was the center from which there was to be a “ … radial activity of influence in the earth—as indicated by the first establishing of those tests, or the recording of time as it has been, was and is to be—until the new cycle is begun.” (2067-7) Jesus and his cousin were there “ … for the periods of attaining to the priesthood, or the taking of examinations … passing the tests there … through which one attained to that place of being accepted or rejected by the influence of the mystics as well as of the various groups or schools in other lands … ” (2067-7) The most important and decisive trials were conducted inside the Great Pyramid.

       In this same pyramid did the Great Initiate, the Master, take those last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the forerunner of Him, at that place …


      Contrary to popular theories held by most archeological scholars today, the Great Pyramid was not originally built as a tomb but “ … to be the hall of initiates of that sometimes referred to as the White Brotherhood.” (5748-5) The readings talk about the era of its construction at the time of Ra-Ta and describe its mystical purpose as a symbol in stone of humanity’s “ … passage through that to which each soul is to attain in its development … ”(2067-7) Astonishing in its size and enveloped by a sense of the occult, Egypt’s Great Pyramid still speaks to souls everywhere, silently calling them to contemplate the deeper mysteries of life and what will be unveiled within the human heart once we awaken to who we truly are. The readings say the inner chamber of the Great Pyramid was the site where the great Initiate, the Master, took “ … those last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the forerunner of him at that place … ” (5748-5) It was inside the Great Pyramid that Jesus came face to face with the meaning of death and saw through it.

      The climb up through the Great Pyramid is a long and somewhat challenging trek ending in the King’s Chamber where an empty sarcophagus cut from a single piece of rock sits with its lid open. Curiously, Edgar Cayce states that all of the changes in religious thought in the history of the world are recorded in the pyramid’s structure through the variations in the stone as one passes from its base to the top or “ … to the open tomb and the top … ” (5748-5) These changes are signified by both the layer and color of the stone and by whatever direction turns are made while moving through the pyramid’s interior. The readings elaborate on the symbolism of Jesus’ initiation and the breaking open of the tomb to release the soul from its entrapment in a material world—

       … that through which each entity, each soul, as an initiate must pass for the attaining to the releasing of same—as indicated by the empty tomb, which has never been filled, see? Only Jesus was able to break same, as it became that which indicated His fulfillment.


      Jesus had embarked on his preparatory studies first by gaining a better understanding of the foundations of Jewish law. His life as a student concluded with him reaching the pinnacle of mysticism or God awareness. Out of the law this Great Initiate would bring grace as “ … love, mercy, peace that there may be the fulfilling wholly of that purpose to which, of which, He was called,” states Edgar Cayce. (5749-2) Now it was time for his ministry to begin. But before that work could commence, he would have to retreat into the wilderness to meet “ … that which had been his undoing in the beginning.” (2067-7)

      Once Herod the Great had passed on, the Essenes had more freedom of movement and activity and no longer felt the need to keep their operations so secret. And after returning from his own studies in Egypt, Jesus’ cousin John assumed a larger role in the sect. Renouncing the orthodox priesthood (John was the lineal descendent of the priest Zacharias), he was appointed leader of the sect and began preaching in the backcountry and