Sacred Journey. M.K. Welsch. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: M.K. Welsch
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876048634
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the death of the man Jesus who will raise up his body—rebuild the temple—after spending three days in a tomb.

       In all those periods that the basic principle was the Oneness of the Father, He has walked with men.


      In addition to the sequence of appearances stretching from Amilius to Jeshua, the Edgar Cayce information also ascribes an incarnation of the Adam/Jesus soul to Zend [San/Zan], the father of the first Zoroaster, spiritual leader, and author of the Zend Avesta, the sacred writings of the Persians. (Report 262-36) The readings subsequently highlight an equally notable incarnation of this soul as the multi-talented biblical character named Asaph, whose name in Hebrew means “God has gathered or sustained.” Appointed chief musician to the courts of King David and Solomon and charged with playing before the Ark of the Covenant, Asaph is credited with composing twelve of the psalms recorded in the Old Testament (Psalms 50; 73-83).

      The mysterious character the Greeks refer to as Hermes Trismegistus (meaning “thrice great”) and known to native Egyptians as Thoth, or Thoth-Hermes, is pinpointed by the Cayce readings as potentially one additional lifetime of the Master’s. While the Cayce material never directly states that Hermes was an incarnation of the Adam soul, it places that soul in the earth at the same time as Hermes and includes other interesting references that make a good case for Jesus having previously lived as this extraordinary figure from the past. The ancient Egyptians, who regarded Thoth-Hermes as a being self-begotten and self-produced, deified him as the god of wisdom. Recognized as the “scribe of the gods,” Thoth is associated not only with developing a system of writing but is also equated with the disciplines of science and magic. Befitting the spiritual vision and purpose of the Master-soul, Thoth-Hermes was also revered as the arbitrator or mediating power between good and evil.

      Cayce ups the ante even further by attributing an astonishing achievement to the figure Thoth-Hermes. The readings claim that in approximately 10,500 BC, in concert with a priest by the name of Ra or Ra-Ta, this entity was responsible for the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza. They refer to Hermes as the “guide, or the actual (as would be termed in the present) constructing or construction architect” of the pyramid. (294-151) Elsewhere the Cayce material provides a brief discourse on the underlying purpose for creating this dazzling monument. “Then, with Hermes and Ra … there began the building of that now called Gizeh, with which those prophecies that had been in the Temple of Records and the Temple Beautiful were builded, in the building of this that was to be the hall of the initiates of that sometimes referred to as the White Brotherhood.” (5748-5) The reverberations from both of these statements by Cayce are amplified when considered from the angle of the readings’ interpretation of the story of Jesus. The information reveals that as a young man Jesus travelled to Egypt and was tested in the Great Pyramid as part of his initiation before becoming a master. One reason Edgar Cayce may not have specifically linked Hermes to the Adam soul could be a preference for using the biblical name Enoch. There is an intriguing theory associated with several religious traditions that Hermes and Enoch may, in fact, have been one and the same person.

      It is conceivable the Adam soul may have had many more incarnations as well, which the readings never bother to mention. Not specifically featured in the Cayce information but open to speculation is the possibility that this same soul had entered the earth as Akhenaton—the maverick pharaoh of ancient Egypt who turned that country’s polytheistic tradition on its head by demanding worship of a single God named Aton. Despite a comprehensive campaign following Akhenaton’s death to wipe out all references to the heretical pharaoh and his capital city of Amarna, the world seemed destined to learn about this extraordinary soul and its unique perspective on the divine. The way was opened with the discovery of what is possibly the most famous Egyptian pharaoh in all of history. Akhenaton not only was the husband of the beautiful Queen Nefertiti, but the father of the legendary boy-king, Tutankhamun, known far and wide as King Tut.

      Life on earth is both a soul adventure and a school. The lessons the Adam soul learned lifetime after lifetime during untold sojourns within this dimension provided the means for its continuing evolution until it was able to break completely free of the limitations of mortality. Through the ages the first begotten of God would climb higher and higher out of the darkness toward the light until it reached the climactic summit by achieving the level of a Christ, thus completing the mission it had undertaken at the dawn of creation. For the first time in history a soul dwelling in a human body consciously would realize its own divinity and be capable of fully manifesting that state of being in the earth. People everywhere eventually would come to recognize the fruits of the Adam soul’s labor and find their own salvation as they acquainted themselves with the record of this soul, which had succeeded in overcoming the limitations of the form-based world, by studying the life of a man called Jesus.

       Chapter 3

       Christ Awakening: The Story of Jesus

       A Pattern Written on the Soul …

       … The power then is in the Christ. The pattern is in Jesus.


      The Cayce readings reiterate the true purpose of life as contained in one simple yet elegant phrase: To know our selves to be ourselves—yet one with God. (254-114) This is the motivational force behind humanity’s journey through the earth and the mystical heart of the story of a man, who in the relatively short span of thirty-three years, fully revealed his divine nature. His story is our story too. The Bible is a record of the history of humanity’s long journey homeward back to the Godhead with all of its adventures and massive challenges, incremental successes, petty squabbles, courageous steps forward, and tragic pitfalls. And the apotheosis of that saga is the appearance of a Christed one—a “savior” named Jesus of Nazareth born more than 2,100 years ago.

      He was not always known by that name, nor did this soul appear on the human scene only once and in a single place. According to the Edgar Cayce information, since its debut in material form at the beginning of time, the Adam soul had descended from the higher realms to our planet on any number of occasions inhabiting various fleshly bodies and different areas of the globe. By preparing and working lifetime after lifetime the first soul had evolved in consciousness to the point that during its final incarnation as Jesus it would become the penultimate pattern for the human race. The firstborn Son of God would blaze a trail for his brothers and sisters hopelessly lost in a wilderness of their own making, guiding them on the arduous trek upward through the third dimension by helping them remember their long-forgotten past and innate divinity. Driven by this singular mission, he had arrived on earth to teach every “fallen” soul how to free itself from the irresistible pull and confines of matter.

      The entrance of the Adam soul back into physicality in Judea twenty-one centuries ago was the apex of a Herculean, centuries-long process, which at its climax would alter the course of human history. This soul’s incarnation as Mary and Joseph’s son Jesus marked the juncture at which the first begotten of God, living as a man on earth, would flawlessly mirror in the outer world the divinity residing within the innermost recesses of the human heart. Through his efforts, men and women would be able to see firsthand how a single soul encased in a material body might use that vehicle as the tool to regain the awareness of itself as a limitless, unfettered being of light. The perceived barrier between spirit and flesh, God and man, had ceased to exist in the personhood of Jesus who became a Christ. His life and work confronted human beings with an inescapable truth: these two seemingly disparate aspects of themselves were never really separate. They were and are one.

      The man from Galilee was able to succeed in his mission because consciousness had risen high enough on this plane so that a sufficient number of people were now able to grasp the message he imparted. Our destiny is to follow in the footsteps left behind by this master, the consummate spiritual teacher, and joyfully return to our Father’s house to dwell in a state