Unlocking Your Intuition. Carol Ann Liaros. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Carol Ann Liaros
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047880
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motion, relax every muscle in your body . . . slowly and gently . . . relax every muscle . . .

      Now slowly, let your head fall forward and gently rotate your head and neck in one direction and then the other. Tell yourself to relax . . .

      Tell the muscles to let go . . . communicate to every cell in your body to relax even more. Experience the relaxation with your body and your mind.

      Take a deep breath . . . open your eyes . . . maintaining that very relaxed state of mind and body.


       Seven Keys to Unlocking Your Intuition

      Having given readings for forty-five years, I have discovered there are certain formulas that work. I am sharing these formulas in the Seven Keys; these keys will be helpful as you learn to use your intuitive skills.

       Key Number One-Relaxation

      Research has shown that the more relaxed one is the keener the sight, meaning one observes and notices more—the peripheral vision is extended, the sense of hearing is more acute as is the sense of smell, taste, and touch. ESP, or intuition, is an extension of the senses, so the results of relaxation also hold true when you want to become aware of another level of reality. We are swimming in a sea of higher, finer energy anywhere we go. We are constantly bombarded by all kinds of waves: radio waves, TV waves, microwaves, as well as the energy field of each person we encounter.

      In order to become aware of this level of reality, the more relaxed one is the more sensitive a person is to these vibrations. When I first started in this field in 1996, scientists would say to me, “Carol Ann, don’t use words like vibrations; they sound very esoteric.” But, of course, what science has discovered is that everything is vibration. Consequently, when one wants or needs to become aware of this other reality, a shift in focus to this higher, finer level of reality is possible by becoming relaxed. For a person who is usually relaxed, this isn’t going to be a difficult step. Anyone who practices yoga, tai chi, or some kind of relaxation or hypnotherapy may be able to relax easily. For a tense person, one who has been under a lot of stress or one who is extremely analytical, the use of some type of relaxation technique is advised. The technique used with this course is a relaxation response brought about by tensing and relaxing your muscles. Research indicates you only have to do this technique approximately twenty-one times; and after that, when you say “relax,” your body will relax. The body follows your command. In the beginning, you go through this process step by step; however, after a while, the step-by-step process is not necessary. Learning to ride a two-wheel bicycle is a similar process. At first, you used training wheels, your parents stood beside you, and you rode on a smooth surface; but you didn’t spend the rest of your life riding a two wheeler that way. After you learned to balance, all of these conditions were not required. As with repeating “relaxation” to yourself several times, awareness of this higher, finer level of energy and interpretation of these vibrations become possible. It is one thing to feel them, experience, and/or see them; but if the vibrations cannot be interpreted, they are not very useful. Part of the training in this course is to interpret energies.

      In times of stress, extreme stress, some people have become very psychic. This is the other end of the spectrum from relaxation. At one end of this spectrum is relaxation, and at the other end is stress which can also produce altered states of consciousness. However, stress is not the healthy way to achieve an altered state. Putting yourself under stress to become intuitive or psychic is not advisable! This course will teach relaxation, a healthy method to use to tap into your psychic abilities.

       Key Number Two—Concentration

      Another word for concentration could be “focused.” Concentration is important as you are tuning into a situation or a person because only specific information is needed. For example, there is not a need to know that five months ago this person started a new cycle in life, is going to sell the house, and move. If you own your own business, want to hire someone, and have three résumés in front of you, how do you know which person is best suited for the position. Most people know how to write résumés; consequently, the three applicants may look equally qualified. Then comes the interview, and each applicant puts on his or her best face. How do you get the information you really need to know about these people that, more than likely, you can’t ask them? Of course, none of them will put on résumé this fact: “Well, I’m really looking for a temporary stopgap before I go on to the company I’m waiting to hear from, but I really want the experience with your company for six months.” Because that information is available at some level to everyone, you can use your intuition to access this fact and discover that this person is qualified but does not plan to stay. Without this information, you may have invested a great deal of money in the person’s development. A question that the applicants wouldn’t know the answer to might be: “Will this person get along with the other people in the office?” Questions such as this are important and need to be answered. The applicants won’t know the answer, but you can. In concentration, you can be like a laser beam with the intent: “This is the information I want.” If you’re a doctor, you want medical information; if you’re a lawyer, you want legal information; if you’re a personnel manager, you want personnel information; if you’re a parent, the information you need will be different.

      Concentration has very practical applications for the selection of information needed. It can be compared to a radio. You want a particular station; you turn the dial to get that station. When you learn to concentrate—like a laser beam—you focus and get the information you want or need. When I want information on the stock market, I believe that I’m tuning into the collective minds and decisions of the people in the investing world. I sense the direction of their investments when I want to invest in the stock. You may not want to know the whole history of the stock; you do want to know how it will be doing at any given time: Is it going up? How high? Is it going down? How far down? You want specific information.

      The way other people teach interests me, so I participate in other people’s intuitive workshops. It is very interesting to hear about the same subject from many different perspectives. In some of the workshops, the presenters would say “Open yourself up and let anything come in.” There was no focusing on “This is the information I want.” For most of us, the “honing in” on needed information is the most practical approach.

      Learning a few simple concentration techniques will be valuable to you as you seek pertinent information and will also make it easier to get the information. One technique is to turn your attention to the middle of your forehead, keep it there; when you feel your attention wandering, very gently bring it back again and again no matter how many times your attention wanders. Continue this for two or three minutes. This technique is said to stimulate the third eye or our ability to see psychically. Another method is to concentrate on your breathing. By working with these two simple techniques, you are learning focused concentration in a relaxed state.

       Key Number Three—Meditation

      I consider meditation to be very important in psychic development. Although you do not have to meditate to be extremely intuitive, meditation keeps the spiritual components in the attunement and keeps one attuned to whatever higher power that person acknowledges. Meditation is important for spiritual growth and for keeping balanced. Some people come to a workshop and suddenly feel their intuition is their primary focus; one result can be that some of them may neglect their spouse and children, leave their job, and may engage in other types of destructive behavior. Meditation would help them stay balanced and keep their perspective so that the lenses in their glasses remain clear. In this way their intuition will fit, but won’t overtake, their