Edgar Cayce's Guide to Colon Care. Sandra Duggan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sandra Duggan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876048030
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line the walls of the small intestine and assimilate nutrients from the digested food.

      3)The colon has no villi. It contains glands that secrete a small amount of mucus to protect the delicate membranes from too much acid and abrasive material.

      4)The colon has smooth-shaped pockets called haustras that expand or contract during peristalsis to move the bowel contents along.


       Why Cleanse?

      If a cell is left in the system that should be eliminated, or if it IS of that condition of inactivity, then all the cells gathered about it cannot heal that cell. It must produce sufficient of the lymph or leukocyte, that condition which will gather about it and move it out of the system, to let the new supply take its place!

      Hence we have that called coagulation, or incoordination, producing distresses from a bad coordinating elimination in this body.


      Why should we cleanse this five-foot-long colon that goes uphill against gravity, makes a sharp turn, frequently sags in the middle, makes another sharp turn, and then goes downwards? After all, isn’t it supposed to clean itself whenever there is an elimination? Not so, said Cayce, who emphasized that the colon should periodically be irrigated with water.

      For every one—everybody—should take an internal bath occasionally, as well as an external one. They would all be better off if they would.


      Many of the physical problems that develop over the years can easily be avoided by a high-fiber diet and occasional colonics to clean out the accumulation of matter in the colon pockets and keep the colon muscles toned.

       Case History

      In 1938, a 51-year-old spinster school teacher requested a health reading (1703-1). She asked about diet, her reliance on coffee, and wanted help with an exercise program. She was worried that she was too thin and lacked vitality. She particularly wanted to know if she had cancer, tuberculosis, a tumor, or any dead material in her body that would account for her excretions having such a bad odor.

      Now, here was a woman who was advanced spiritually and quite knowledgeable about health matters. Her long letters to Cayce give exact details about her symptoms and reactions to the advice given in the readings. To improve her health, she had spent thousands of dollars on cleansing diets and fasts, electrical health machines, massage, osteopathy and naturopathy treatments, and health spa fees. She exercised daily, took nude sun baths, and drank raw juices. However, the one area where her health was sadly lacking was the colon. She had been constipated since childhood, and relied on laxatives and enemas, although they were no longer “doing the job.”

      She told Cayce that she had recently gone to a “painless, bloodless surgeon” who found that her abdominal organs sagged, and that the colon was “tied down” with adhesions. (These commonly occur after abdominal surgery, when the peritoneal lining becomes glued together and constricts the intestines and colon.) The surgeon was very concerned, and felt there was a tendency for cancer to develop because the colon was in such poor condition. No wonder there was a foul odor to her stool! In order to cure her, he recommended abdominal surgery to lift the sagging organs and remove the adhesions.

      Rather than spend $510 for surgery, which would be equivalent to thousands of dollars today, she asked Cayce for help. He found no evidence of tuberculosis, but said there were indeed cancer cells in her body. Instead of forming a tumor, they had apparently been “kept distributed” all over her body by her various attempts over the years to fast and cleanse. She was walking a very fine line, however, for her vital forces were in a state of deterioration.

      A longstanding condition of mucus in her head, throat, and digestive system prevented food from being assimilated, which, in turn, kept her weight at roughly 90 pounds. The extreme toxicity from years of constipation not only interfered with her vision, but created a condition of hyperacidity that periodically caused canker sores.

      Cayce recommended the Wet Cell appliance (a low-voltage, high-vibrational battery) and steam/fume baths with pine oil, followed by a Swedish massage. A special oil formula was to be massaged into the nervous system (cerebrospinal and autonomic) along both sides of the spine, from the first cervical to the sacrum. At the end of the treatment, an alcohol rubdown was to be given to the whole body.

      Codiron, a combination of cod liver oil and iron, was recommended, as well as dietary advice that was “most necessary” warned Cayce, for some of the health diets she had followed had been too hard on her system. She was overjoyed to learn that if she followed all the suggestions, her abdominal organs would be lifted, and the adhesions would dissolve without the need for surgery.

      Her letters give a fascinating account of her trials and tribulations in attempting to follow the suggestions given in her reading. She argued with Cayce when his advice didn’t agree with her own ideas of what she considered right for herself. For example, she wanted to remain a vegetarian for spiritual reasons, and could not bring herself to eat fish, fowl or lamb, nor to drink beef juice. She preferred distilled water and fresh raw juices to Cayce’s non-carbonated Coca-Cola syrup that was recommended to help prevent the formation of gas. She also resisted using the Wet Cell appliance, and could not understand why he would not sanction the use of her own electrical machines. This seems to be a case of someone who really wanted help, but was simply unable to accept any advice contrary to her own.

      A check reading, or follow-up reading, given two months later, noted that she refused to follow some suggestions, and urged that everything be carried out persistently and consistently in order for healing to occur. She asked why Cayce hadn’t mentioned her constipation in the first reading, and he answered that someone with her knowledge of health should have known about colon health. He then gave one of those wonderful, general statements:

      And the keeping of the colon clean is that which is necessary for every well-balanced body; hence should be and is a part of the experience for each entity.


      This concept that a clean colon is vital to our health and well-being is an extremely important and crucial one. If the body can be kept free of toxic build-up, then it is capable of normally assimilating nutrients, and can replenish itself. Cayce went even further to say that, with a proper balance in the assimilations and eliminations, there can be a rejuvenation and longevity to whatever age we desire. As you may recall, it was not uncommon to live to be several hundred years old during biblical times. Each cell in the body can live indefinitely as long as it does not become overloaded with its own waste products. For:

      There is within the body [that] which will replenish if the body is kept cleansed from the impurities of poor eliminations.


      Colon cleansing is not a new concept, but it seems to have fallen by the wayside in modern times. It was first recorded in 1500 B.C. in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical document. Pliny said the Egyptians discovered the idea of injecting water into the colon from the example of the ibis, a sacred, stork-like bird which used its slender, downward-curved bill for this purpose.

      In The Essene Gospel of Peace, translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, the Hebrew sect known as the Essenes led a simple life of work, service, prayer, and meditation. They believed they were preparing for the coming of the Messiah, and that it was necessary to have a healthy body to aid in this preparation. An important part of their health regimen was cleansing the colon. To do so, they took a gourd with a long, trailing stem, and filled it with warm river water. Then they kneeled down, inserted the stem into the rectum, and called upon the Angel of Water to help rid them of all “uncleanliness,