Mysteries of the Supernatural. Darrin W. Owens. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Darrin W. Owens
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047910
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not saying I’m the final word when it comes to understanding and navigating the supernatural, but I do know enough from my own studies and my own personal experiences not to journey into the unknown without a life rope tied to a strong spiritual foundation. Again, with anything psychic or supernatural, there will always be room for growth and room for expanding one’s mind. If you have a strong spiritual ideal that you live by, you can freely move and discover more psychic landscapes with safety and ease. This book will describe more about the supernatural landscape.

      My books on building a strong spiritual foundation are revealed in Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic and Becoming Masters of Light: Co-Creating the New Age of Enlightenment. I would strongly suggest reading my aforementioned works to prepare you for stepping into this highly intense realm of understanding.

      I think that I am more excited about writing this book than any other. My life has been so absorbed with the supernatural that to finally write about my findings and experiences is truly important to me as a psychic investigator and researcher. In my previous book, Becoming Masters of Light, I came out of the closet for the second time, but as a practicing exorcist. This story gave my readers a small glimpse into my world as far as dealing with dimensions beyond what we see with the physical eye. Many of you who are reading this work have also seen a glimpse beyond the veil, or you would not have happened upon this book. This will not be a scientific work that tries to prove the reality of the supernatural. I have no interest in proving anything. I am a researcher, yes, and a psychic investigator, all the time, but I’m not a scientist. I’m simply interested in sharing my experience, my insights, and my views on a very challenging topic. Don’t get me wrong, evidence that there is actually a man behind the curtain, per se, is extremely beneficial, and I love it when my colleagues discover this reality. Even though I’m interested to hear what’s been found, I also know and don’t hesitate to say, “See, I told you so.”

      Always remember that the veil between worlds is an intelligence all its own and will reveal itself along with its supernatural inhabitants when it wants to do so. I love the scientific folks, but some of them who think that they are scientific are laughable. I ran into a self-proclaimed “copy-and-paste” paranormal investigator (we will call him Barry), who was gung ho about proving his investigations with the paranormal. He had co-authored a few books with another self-proclaimed paranormal scientist, and together they were pretty funny. With all their “research” and video presentations, they seemed to focus more on proving their work with the paranormal rather than concentrating on the paranormal by itself. That’s always a red flag for me, when I see ego first and actual, legitimate research later. There are many personalities of that type in this business. Misrepresentation makes it difficult for my friends and colleagues who are actually doing good field work to publish their information without slander or even theft. Consequently, you will see in my work a mere sharing of stories, and any research that I’m detailing will be credited wholeheartedly to the true person of origin.

      The veil between the realms deserves respect and integrity. It is not something to be seen as a joyride at an amusement park. We are gradually opening up spiritually and psychically to the veil as an awareness of what’s truly vibrating around us, and any investigation is for the purpose of knowledge and understanding. Remember that when we incarnated on this planet in this life and in other lives, we had to pass through the spectral membrane. At death, we will do it again. The veil is familiar with us and with all souls, so its discovery in our own lives is that of a deep and ancient remembrance. When you read these pages and ponder the stories and the information, remember that the supernatural is an ever-changing vibration of mystery and discovery. It is our one single question of “who is that man behind the curtain” that will truly reveal a world among worlds as well as our spiritual heritage and destiny.


       The Dark Realm

       “If you place your head in a lion’s mouth, then you cannot complain one day if he happens to bite it off.”—Agatha Christie

      We begin our journey into the many realms of the supernatural with the Dark Realm. This is a fascinating realm and one with which I’m very familiar. It may sound obscure and foreboding—true—but this realm is like the others, which are all part of God’s many dimensions. With the sweet comes the sour, and with the rose comes the thorn. As a practicing exorcist and spiritual healer, I have had considerable edification and experience with the shadows that possess people, whether the shadows are self-induced or come from an outside force. Either way, this particular realm is very interesting. It is home not only to supernatural beings but also to our own reflections of the shadows and fears by which we might allow ourselves to be controlled. Negative projections, evil intent, glamour, illusion, and demonic intelligences are the inhabitants here. What’s interesting about this realm is that it is the farthest away from the Creator. It’s an area of rebellion. All beings that choose to turn away from the Divine Light of the Source realm make this their chaotic presence of residence.

      The Divine Light represents truth, liberation, peace, awareness, justice, and all aspects of healing and balance. When I refer to light and dark, I’m not talking about a religious god vs. Satan, even though those are well-formed archetypal symbols. I will not use or accept the religious dogma projected by some of the fundamentalist Christian groups. We all have the great power to choose to be lighthearted or dark-hearted. There are even those that live in the gray area of supernatural and human alike. It’s not good, it’s not bad, and it’s all within the power of choice. Like the yin and yang symbol, within the white side there is a dot of black, and within the black side there is a dot of white. If we look at this symbol as a 3-D image, like a sphere, we can begin to see life and creation as a holistic design rather than just black and white designs. There is a need for both love and fear within the universe, and we learn and grow from both. When it comes to our spiritual natures, we have the divine right to choose what’s healthy and what’s not. Many people who come to me for healing or for an exorcism ritual are able to release their fears and their control issues as they allow a higher vibration to be their guide. I never judge souls on what path they want to take—either way, as I will say repeatedly, all souls will return to the Creator, the Source, at some point. In my own personal belief system, evil is never the way to go. I have seen the results of its hold on a soul and it is not pretty! But, I also know that many people who have experienced possessions and delved into the black arts have evolved out of that darkness. They discover their own power and receive a wider perspective and a deeper view of their own place in the world. Healing can happen for anyone and anything.

      In most of the other realms, the Creator has charged many spiritual beings to reign, but in the Dark Realm there is commonly utter chaos. If there is any ruling factor to this realm, it is the archetypal force we call Satan that permeates and saturates the realm. The Christian mythological story states that Satan, an archangel, was cast out of heaven for not being a team player. Hell—or in my terms, the Dark Realm—was created, and Satan and his legions were cast into it permanently. There are many new age dogmas that consider Satan to be a symbol of man’s ego, or a lower form of consciousness that is selfish and has no desire for spiritual evolution. Lucifer (the shining one) became another name for Satan in Christian theology. According to Jewish studies, Lucifer was cast out of heaven for not bowing down to Adam, who had charge over the earth. In Judaism and Christianity, Satan is represented as a fallen angel, but in Islamic studies, the devil is a djinn (or spiritual creature) and not an angel.

      In folk traditions from Europe, the devil was known as the Old One or Old Split-foot. This persona did not carry the same role that Satan portrayed in Christianity and Judaism. Instead, he was a trickster. The word old has long been related to the devil, originally in respect to his primeval character. In Old English, he was called se ealda (“the old one”). For centuries, English speakers have invented all sorts of fantastic euphemisms for the devil using the word old. Examples include Old Nick, Old Teaser, and Old Thief. Some of the devil’s nicknames are based on the traditional representation of him with horns and cloven hooves, which were initiated by Christians in the Middle Ages. They pictured the devil as an evil figure modeled after the pagan deity, Pan, who was part human