Divine Visits. Josie Varga. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Josie Varga
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047781
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it then slowly moved to my right and stopped.

      At this point I communicated with this divine presence telepathically saying, It's okay. I'm not afraid; come to me, and reached out my hand to it. When I did, the orb slowly turned a beautiful, vibrant purple. For lack of a better description, the orb looked to be alive with energy and vibration. A small dot of purple formed in the center and then became bigger and bigger until it encompassed most of the white, changing color right before my eyes. As though I was in a trance, I lay there spellbound watching what was unfolding before me, feeling totally at peace and content. Then…the technician suddenly opened the door. My heart skipped a beat as she broke my trance, and the magnificent orb quickly disappeared, leaving me wishing that the technician had given me more time to take in this divine visit.

      As she took more scans of my breasts, my mind and my heart were elsewhere as I replayed over and over again in my mind what had just happened to me. I wondered how I was going to explain to my family and friends what had just occurred to me. I even wondered if they would believe me but then quickly decided that it didn't matter who believed and who did not believe. I knew what had happened, and that's all that mattered. But as I drove home that day, I couldn't help but wonder what it all meant. Was it God? Was it my Godmother Lucy? Was I being told that everything was going to be okay? Or was I being told that it was my time but not to worry? And why had the orb turned purple? What did this all mean?

      When my husband returned home from work later that day, I told him what had happened as he looked at me dumbfounded by my words. “That is amazing!” he said. “That is a once in a lifetime experience. Just incredible! What a blessing!”

      Yes, it was a blessing, but I couldn't help but ponder why it happened. Who came to me and why? As an author and researcher of the afterlife and the paranormal, I certainly had no qualms about what I saw. It was clearly an orb which is how spirit energy often manifests in photographs. But there is a big difference between seeing an orb in a photo and seeing one in person while totally awake! There is also a big difference between being visited by spirits or deceased loved ones during your dream state and actually seeing them with your own eyes.

      Two days later I answered the phone to hear my gynecologist on the other end. “Josephine, there is something on your left side. There is something there that shouldn't be there. I want you to have a biopsy as soon as possible. Don't wait.”

      I could clearly hear the panic in his voice. He referred me to a breast cancer specialist and told me to make an appointment. Everything goes blank from that moment on because I was so stunned that I couldn't hear the rest of my doctor's words. I do remember hanging up the phone and crying. I had been through this all before when I was diagnosed with melanoma in 2000. I had gotten the same call. I had heard the same panic. All those painful memories came rushing back. Only now I had two beautiful young daughters to worry about.

      Why? Why would this happen to me in the midst of everything that I am trying to do to get the word out about God, the power of prayer, the afterlife, universal consciousness, etc. Mostly, however, I kept thinking about my kids. As I've said in my books many times, I am not afraid to die. The body is just a garment we wear in order to be able to experience life on this earth. When we crossover, we change our outfit. We go back to being spirit which is and always will be our true essence. Because I know this, it is definitely easier for me when I lose a loved one, but it's definitely not easy. It hurts. It really hurts. I am only human so I long for that physical contact just like everyone else.

      Two days later I attended an engagement party for my neighbor's daughter. In all honesty I did not want to go because I was upset and worried, but I didn't want to cancel at the last minute either. So my husband and I put on a happy face and tried to make the best of it. It was a beautiful affair, and I ended up sitting next to my neighbor and friend Janet, who is a breast cancer survivor. I hadn't planned on talking about my predicament but decided to ask Janet for her advice.

      After I told her about my hectic week, she looked at me surprisingly and said, “It's you!” I had no idea what she was talking about, but she went on to explain that she had had a vivid dream. In the dream she was told that someone was going to be coming to her for help. “Josie,” she said, “It's you. You are the one that I am supposed to help!” WOW! I looked at her both astonished and grateful as I knew someone was looking after me on the Other Side. Janet went on to tell me that what made this even more astonishing was that she usually never remembers her dreams. But she had had no doubt she was meant to remember this one.

      The following week I went to see the breast specialist who examined me and set up an appointment for a biopsy. While I waited for the day of the biopsy, I tried to keep myself busy with writing this book. One day as I was going over one of the chapters, I froze when I came to Lori's response to one of my questions. Lori, who is a gifted psychic medium, wrote, “We humans are made up of matter, and matter is energy. Energy can neither be created, nor can it be destroyed. When we die, the energy is still there and takes a new form. If you were to see it, you would see hazy smoke or orbs of light.” I read this and reread this. “…you would see hazy smoke or orbs of light”

      I then wrote to Lori telling her what had happened to me at the imaging center. In response she wrote, “When you called on your godmother to be with you, she was. You pulled down a wall and invited a loved one in. You were open, and she presented to you.” I was just stunned as I read her words. So it really was my Godmother Lucy! Lori also went on to explain that the reason the orb changed colors is because when I reached out to it, my energy fused with my godmother's energy, thereby creating the color purple.

      Lori concluded, “You have love on your side.” I can't tell you how much her comforting words had meant to me. I have a wonderful page on Facebook based on my book Visits from Heaven.2 I have told the bereaved countless times that their loved ones are just a thought away. “When we think of our loved ones, we bring them to us. If you need help, just ask. They can be of more help to us from the Other Side than they were when they were on this Earth.” I have said these words so many times, and now I experienced the truth of my very own words.

      I was desperate for help. I cried out to God. I asked my Godmother Lucy for help. Within seconds she manifested before me in the form of an orb. She was always there for me and still is. Only now Lucy is in spirit.

      A few days later, I had the biopsy and the stressful wait for the results began. The biopsy was performed on Tuesday, April 24. Two days later my phone rang early in the morning. It was the breast imaging doctor on the line. “It is benign,” he said. “I just read the report and had to call you. I am surprised. I thought it was cancer.” He went on to say how it had looked like cancer to him, but I don't remember his exact words because my happy sobs kept interrupting him.

      “No, I'm telling you this because you should be happy,” he quickly added trying to calm me. I remember uttering something like, “I know. Thank you.” How was I going to explain what had happened in that room to this doctor? How was I going to tell him that I believed my fate was changed in that very room when the orb appeared before me? I hung up the phone and continued sobbing in my husband John's arms.

      The doctor's honesty confirmed what I had been feeling all along and what I was told that day. Remember, I had asked God telepathically, Is everything okay? And I clearly heard back in my mind, No! I asked this same question twice, and twice I heard, No! Why would I hear back, No, if everything was alright? Why would I hear this if it wasn't cancer? Why would I hear this if it was originally benign?

      Fast forward another week and I was in my gynecologist/obstetrician's office for my annual exam. We talked about the biopsy, and since I have a close relationship with my ob-gyn, I decided to tell him what had transpired that day at the diagnostic center. I also told him that I knew it didn't look good because the imaging doctor had told me he thought it was cancer.

      My doctor then admitted that this is what was reported to him. “Listen, I don't know what happened here,” he told me. “Let's just be happy with the results.” He went on to say that he often hears stories such as mine and that there are things in life we just can't explain.

      While I agree that there are some things in life that we just can't explain, I don't