The Mary E. Wilkins Freeman Megapack. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434442864
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its foundations. Even the dishes on the sideboard rattled, and the glasses rang like bells. The pictures on the walls of Mrs. Townsend’s room swung out from the walls. But that was not all: every looking-glass in the house cracked simultaneously—as nearly as they could judge—from top to bottom, then shivered into fragments over the floors. Mrs. Townsend was too frightened to scream. She sat huddled in her chair, gasping for breath, her eyes, rolling from side to side in incredulous terror, turned toward the street. She saw a great black group of people crossing it just in front of the vacant lot. There was something inexpressibly strange and gloomy about this moving group; there was an effect of sweeping, wavings and foldings of sable draperies and gleams of deadly white faces; then they passed. She twisted her head to see, and they disappeared in the vacant lot. Mr. Townsend came hurrying into the room; he was pale, and looked at once angry and alarmed.

      “Did you fall?” he asked inconsequently, as if his wife, who was small, could have produced such a manifestation by a fall.

      “Oh, David, what is it?” whispered Mrs. Townsend.

      “Darned if I know!” said David.

      “Don’t swear. It’s too awful. Oh, see the looking-glass, David!”

      “I see it. The one over the library mantel is broken, too.”

      “Oh, it is a sign of death!”

      Cordelia’s feet were heard as she staggered on the stairs. She almost fell into the room. She reeled over to Mr. Townsend and clutched his arm. He cast a sidewise glance, half furious, half commiserating at her.

      “Well, what is it all about?” he asked.

      “I don’t know. What is it? Oh, what is it? The looking-glass in the kitchen is broken. All over the floor. Oh, oh! What is it?”

      “I don’t know any more than you do. I didn’t do it.”

      “Lookin’-glasses broken is a sign of death in the house,” said Cordelia. “If it’s me, I hope I’m ready; but I’d rather die than be so scared as I’ve been lately.”

      Mr. Townsend shook himself loose and eyed the two trembling women with gathering resolution.

      “Now, look here, both of you,” he said. “This is nonsense. You’ll die sure enough of fright if you keep on this way. I was a fool myself to be startled. Everything it is is an earthquake.”

      “Oh, David!” gasped his wife, not much reassured.

      “It is nothing but an earthquake,” persisted Mr. Townsend. “It acted just like that. Things always are broken on the walls, and the middle of the room isn’t affected. I’ve read about it.”

      Suddenly Mrs. Townsend gave a loud shriek and pointed.

      “How do you account for that,” she cried, “if it’s an earthquake? Oh, oh, oh!”

      She was on the verge of hysterics. Her husband held her firmly by the arm as his eyes followed the direction of her rigid pointing finger. Cordelia looked also, her eyes seeming converged to a bright point of fear. On the floor in front of the broken looking-glass lay a mass of black stuff in a grewsome long ridge.

      “It’s something you dropped there,” almost shouted Mr. Townsend.

      “It ain’t. Oh!”

      Mr. Townsend dropped his wife’s arm and took one stride toward the object. It was a very long crape veil. He lifted it, and it floated out from his arm as if imbued with electricity.

      “It’s yours,” he said to his wife.

      “Oh, David, I never had one. You know, oh, you know I—shouldn’t—unless you died. How came it there?”

      “I’m darned if I know,” said David, regarding it. He was deadly pale, but still resentful rather than afraid.

      “Don’t hold it; don’t!”

      “I’d like to know what in thunder all this means?” said David. He gave the thing an angry toss and it fell on the floor in exactly the same long heap as before.

      Cordelia began to weep with racking sobs. Mrs. Townsend reached out and caught her husband’s hand, clutching it hard with ice-cold fingers.

      “What’s got into this house, anyhow?” he growled.

      “You’ll have to sell it. Oh, David, we can’t live here.”

      “As for my selling a house I paid only five thousand for when it’s worth twenty-five, for any such nonsense as this, I won’t!”

      David gave one stride toward the black veil, but it rose from the floor and moved away before him across the room at exactly the same height as if suspended from a woman’s head. He pursued it, clutching vainly, all around the room, then he swung himself on his heel with an exclamation and the thing fell to the floor again in the long heap. Then were heard hurrying feet on the stairs and Adrianna burst into the room. She ran straight to her father and clutched his arm; she tried to speak, but she chattered unintelligibly; her face was blue. Her father shook her violently.

      “Adrianna, do have more sense!” he cried.

      “Oh, David, how can you talk so?” sobbed her mother.

      “I can’t help it. I’m mad!” said he with emphasis. “What has got into this house and you all, anyhow?”

      “What is it, Adrianna, poor child,” asked her mother. “Only look what has happened here.”

      “It’s an earthquake,” said her father staunchly; “nothing to be afraid of.”

      “How do you account for that?” said Mrs. Townsend in an awful voice, pointing to the veil.

      Adrianna did not look—she was too engrossed with her own terrors. She began to speak in a breathless voice.

      “I—was—coming—by the vacant lot,” she panted, “and—I—I—had my new hat in a paper bag and—a parcel of blue ribbon, and—I saw a crowd, an awful—oh! a whole crowd of people with white faces, as if—they were dressed all in black.”

      “Where are they now?”

      “I don’t know. Oh!” Adrianna sank gasping feebly into a chair.

      “Get her some water, David,” sobbed her mother.

      David rushed with an impatient exclamation out of the room and returned with a glass of water which he held to his daughter’s lips.

      “Here, drink this!” he said roughly.

      “Oh, David, how can you speak so?” sobbed his wife.

      “I can’t help it. I’m mad clean through,” said David.

      Then there was a hard bound upstairs, and George entered. He was very white, but he grinned at them with an appearance of unconcern.

      “Hullo!” he said in a shaking voice, which he tried to control. “What on earth’s to pay in that vacant lot now?”

      “Well, what is it?” demanded his father.

      “Oh, nothing, only—well, there are lights over it exactly as if there was a house there, just about where the windows would be. It looked as if you could walk right in, but when you look close there are those old dried-up weeds rattling away on the ground the same as ever. I looked at it and couldn’t believe my eyes. A woman saw it, too. She came along just as I did. She gave one look, then she screeched and ran. I waited for someone else, but nobody came.”

      Mr. Townsend rushed out of the room.

      “I daresay it’ll be gone when he gets there,” began George, then he stared round the room. “What’s to pay here?” he cried.

      “Oh, George, the whole house shook all at once, and all the looking-glasses broke,” wailed his mother, and Adrianna and Cordelia joined.

      George whistled with