The Craig Kennedy Scientific Detective MEGAPACK ®. Brander Matthews. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brander Matthews
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434448651
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as eating and sleeping. Say, do you want to help me—really?”

      “Certainly. I am as interested in the case as you are, but I can’t make heads or tails of it,” I replied.

      “Then, I wish you would look up Mrs. Popper tonight and have a private seance with her. What I want you to do particularly is to get a good idea of the looks of the room in which she is accustomed to work. I’m going to duplicate it here in my laboratory as nearly as possible. Then I want you to arrange with her for a private ‘circle’ here tomorrow night. Tell her it is with a few professors at the university who are interested in psychical research and that Mr. Vandam will be present. I’d rather have her come willingly than to force her to come. Incidentally watch that manager of hers, Farrington. By all means he must accompany her.”

      That evening I dropped casually in on Mrs. Popper. She was a woman of great brilliance and delicacy, both in her physical and mental perceptions, of exceptional vivacity and cleverness. She must have studied me more closely than I was aware of, for I believe she relied on diverting my attention whenever she desired to produce one of her really wonderful results. Needless to say, I was completely mystified by her performance. She did spirit writing that would have done credit to the immortal Slade, told me a lot of things that were true, and many more that were unverifiable or hopelessly vague. It was really worth much more than the price, and I did not need to feign the interest necessary to get her terms for a circle in the laboratory.

      Of course I had to make the terms with Farrington. The first glance aroused my suspicions of him. He was shifty-eyed, and his face had a hard and mercenary look. In spite of, perhaps rather because of, my repugnance we quickly came to an agreement, and as I left the apartment I mentally resolved to keep my eye on him.

      Craig came in late, having been engaged in his chemical analyses all the evening. From his manner I inferred that they had been satisfactory, and he seemed much gratified when I told him that I had arranged successfully for the seance and that Farrington would accompany the medium.

      As we were talking over the case a messenger arrived with a note from O’Connor. It was written with his usual brevity: “Have just found from servants that Farrington and Mrs. P. have key to Vandam house. Wish I had known it before. House shadowed. No one has entered or left it tonight.”

      Craig looked at his watch. It was a quarter after one. “The ghost won’t walk tonight, Walter,” he said as he entered his bedroom for a much-needed rest. “I guess I was right after all in getting the capsules as soon as possible. The ghost must have flitted unobserved in there this morning directly after the maid brought them back from the druggist.”

      Again, the next morning, he had me out of bed bright and early. As we descended from the Sixth Avenue “L,” he led me into a peculiar little shop in the shadow of the “L” structure. He entered as though he knew the place well; but, then, that air of assurance was Kennedy’s stock in trade and sat very well on him.

      Few people, I suppose, have ever had a glimpse of this workshop of magic and deception. This little shop of Marina’s was the headquarters of the magicians of the country. Levitation and ghostly disappearing hands were on every side. The shelves in the back of the shop were full of nickel, brass, wire, wood, and papier-mache contrivances, new and strange to the eye of the uninitiated. Yet it was all as systematic as a hardware shop.

      “Is Signor Marina in?” asked Craig of a girl in the first room, given up to picture post-cards. The room was as deceptive as the trade, for it was only an anteroom to the storeroom I have described above. This storeroom was also a factory, and half a dozen artisans were hard at work in it.

      Yes, the signor was in, the girl replied, leading us back into the workshop. He proved to be a short man with a bland, open face and frank eyes, the very antithesis of his trade.

      “I have arranged for a circle with Mrs. May Popper,” began Kennedy, handing the man his card. “I suppose you know her?”

      “Indeed yes,” he answered. “I furnished her seance room.”

      “Well, I want to hire for tonight just the same sort of tables, cabinets, carpets, everything that she has—only hire, you understand, but I am willing to pay you well for them. It is the best way to get a good sitting, I believe. Can you do it?”

      The little man thought a moment, then replied: “Si, signor yes—very nearly, near enough. I would do anything for Mrs. Popper. She is a good customer. But her manager—”

      “My friend here, Mr. Jameson, has had seances with her in her own apartment,” interposed Craig. “Perhaps he can help you to recollect just what is necessary.”

      “I know very well, signor. I have the duplicate bill, the bill which was paid by that Farrington with a check from the banker Vandam. Leave it to me.”

      “Then you will get the stuff together this morning and have it up to my place this afternoon.”

      “Yes, Professor, yes. It is a bargain. I would do anything for Mrs. Popper—she is a fine woman.”

      Late that afternoon I rejoined Craig at his laboratory. Signor Marina had already arrived with a truck and was disposing the paraphernalia about the laboratory. He had first laid a thick black rug. Mrs. Popper very much affected black carpets, and I had noticed that Vandam’s room was carpeted in black, too. I suppose black conceals everything that one oughtn’t to see at a seance.

      A cabinet with a black curtain, several chairs, a light deal table, several banjos, horns, and other instruments were disposed about the room. With a few suggestions from me we made a fair duplication of the hangings on the walls. Kennedy was manifestly anxious to finish, and at last it was done.

      After Marina had gone, Kennedy stretched a curtain over the end of the room farthest from the cabinet. Behind it he placed on a shelf the apparatus composed of the pendulums and magnets. The beakers and test-tubes were also on this shelf.

      He had also arranged that the cabinet should be so situated that it was next a hallway that ran past his laboratory.

      “Tonight, Jameson,” he said, indicating a spot on the hall wall just back of the cabinet, “I shall want you to bring my guests out here and do a little spirit rapping—I’ll tell you just what to do when the time comes.”

      That night, when we gathered in the transformed laboratory, there were Henry Vandam, Dr. Hanson, Inspector O’Connor, Kennedy, and myself. At last the sound of wheels was heard, and Mrs. Popper drove up in a hansom, accompanied by Farrington. They both inspected the room narrowly and seemed satisfied. I had, as I have said, taken a serious dislike to the man, and watched him closely. I did not like his air of calm assurance.

      The lights were switched off, all except one sixteen-candle-power lamp in the farthest corner, shaded by a deep-red globe. It was just light enough to see to read very, large print with difficulty.

      Mrs. Popper began immediately with the table. Kennedy and I sat on her right and left respectively, in the circle, and held her hands and feet. I confess to a real thrill when I felt the light table rise first on two legs, then on one, and finally remain suspended in the air, whence it dropped with a thud, as if someone had suddenly withdrawn his support.

      The medium sat with her back to the curtain of the cabinet, and several times I could have sworn that a hand reached out and passed close to my head. At least it seemed so. The curtain bulged at times, and a breeze seemed to sweep out from the cabinet.

      After some time of this sort of work Craig led gradually up to a request for a materialisation of the control of Vandam, but Mrs. Popper refused. She said she did not feel strong enough, and Farrington put in a hasty word that he, too, could feel that “there was something working against them.” But Kennedy was importunate and at last she consented to see if “John” would do some rapping, even if he could not materialise.

      Kennedy asked to be permitted to put the questions.

      “Are you the ‘John’ who appears to Mr. Vandam every night at twelve-thirty?”

      Rap! rap! rap! came the faint reply from the cabinet.