The Craig Kennedy Scientific Detective MEGAPACK ®. Brander Matthews. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brander Matthews
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781434448651
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you presently, aside from the medical ethics of the case. Aitken was the family physician of the Marburys.”

      Kennedy glanced at the note. “One is dead. Others are dying,” he read. “Who are the others? Who else is stricken?”

      “Why,” continued Leslie, eager to unburden his story, “Wardlaw himself has the marks of a nervous affection as plainly as the eye can see it. You know what it is in this disease, as though the nerves were wasting away. But he doesn’t seem half as badly affected as his wife. They tell me Maude Marbury was quite a beauty once, and photographs I have seen prove it. She’s a wreck now. And, of course, the old lady must have been the most seriously affected of them all.”

      “Who else is there in the household?” inquired Kennedy, growing more and more interested.

      “Well,” answered Leslie, slowly, “they’ve had a nurse for some time, Natalie Langdale. Apparently she has escaped.”

      “Any servants?”

      “Some by the day; only one regularly—a Japanese, Kato. He goes home at night, too. There’s no evidence of the disease having affected him.”

      I caught Leslie’s eye as he gave the last information. Though I did not know much about beriberi, I had read of it, and knew that it was especially prevalent in the Orient. I did not know what importance to attach to Kato and his going home at night.

      “Have you done any investigating yourself?” asked Kennedy.

      Leslie hesitated a moment, as though deprecating his own efforts in that line, though when he spoke I could see no reason why he should, except that it had so often happened that Kennedy had seen the obvious which was hidden from most of those who consulted him.

      “Yes,” he replied, “I thought perhaps there might be some motive back of it all which I might discover. Possibly it was old Mrs. Marbury’s fortune—not a large one, but substantial. So it occurred to me that the will might show it. I have been to the surrogate.”

      “And?” prompted Kennedy, approvingly.

      “Mrs. Marbury’s will has already been offered for probate. It directs, among other things, that twenty-five thousand dollars be given by her daughter, to whom she leaves the bulk of her fortune, to Doctor Aitken, who had been Mr. Marbury’s physician and her own.”

      Leslie looked at us significantly, but Kennedy made no comment.

      “Would you like to go up there and see them?” urged the commissioner, anxious to get Craig’s final word on whether he would co-operate in the affair.

      “I certainly should,” returned Kennedy, heartily, folding up the letter which had first attracted his interest. “It looks as if there were more to this thing than a mere disease, however unusual.”

      Doctor Leslie could not conceal his satisfaction, and without delaying a moment more than was necessary hurried us out into one of the department cars, which he had left waiting outside, and directed the driver to take us to the Forum Apartments, one of the newest and most fashionable on the Drive.

      Miss Langdale met us at the door and admitted us into the apartment. She was a striking type of trained nurse, one of those who seem bubbling over with health and vivacity. She seemed solicitous of her patients and reluctant to have them disturbed, yet apparently not daring to refuse to admit Doctor Leslie. There was nothing in her solicitude, however, that one could take exception to.

      Miss Langdale conducted us softly down a hallway through the middle of the apartment, and I noted quickly how it was laid out. On one side we passed a handsomely furnished parlor and dining-room, opposite which were the kitchen and butler’s pantry, and, farther along, a bedroom and the bath. On down the hall, on the right, was Doctor Wardlaw’s study, or rather den, for it was more of a library than an office.

      The nurse led the way, and we entered. Through the windows one caught a beautiful vista of the Drive, the river, and the Jersey shore. I gazed about curiously. Around the room there were bookcases and cabinets, a desk, some easy-chairs, and in the corner a table on which were some of Wardlaw’s paraphernalia, for, although he was not a practising physician, he still specialized in his favorite branches of eye and ear surgery.

      Miss Langdale left us a moment, with a hasty excuse that she must prepare Mrs. Wardlaw for the unexpected visit. The preparation, however, did not take long, for a moment later Maude Wardlaw entered, supported by her nurse.

      Her lips moved mechanically as she saw us, but we could not hear what she said. As she walked, I could see that she had a peculiar gait, as though she were always lifting her feet over small obstacles. Her eyes, too, as she looked at us, had a strange squint, and now and then the muscles of her face twitched. She glanced from Leslie to Kennedy inquiringly, as Leslie introduced us, implying that we were from his office, then dropped into the easy-chair. Her breathing seemed to be labored and her heart action feeble, as the nurse propped her up comfortably.

      As Mrs. Wardlaw’s hand rested on the arm of the chair I saw that there was a peculiar flexion of her wrist which reminded me of the so-called “wrist-drop” of which I had heard. It was almost as if the muscles of her hands and arms, feet and legs, were weak and wasting. Once she had been beautiful, and even now, although she seemed to be a wreck of her former self, she had a sort of ethereal beauty that was very touching.

      “Doctor is out—just now,” she hesitated, in a tone that hinted at the loss of her voice. She turned appealingly to Miss Langdale. “Oh,” she murmured, “I feel so badly this morning—as if pins and needles were sticking in me—vague pains in all my limbs—”

      Her voice sank to a whisper and only her lips moved feebly. One had only to see her to feel sympathy. It seemed almost cruel to intrude under the circumstances, yet it was absolutely necessary if Craig were to accomplish anything. Maude Wardlaw, however, did not seem to comprehend the significance of our presence, and I wondered how Kennedy would proceed.

      “I should like to see your Japanese servant, Kato,” he began, directly, somewhat to my surprise, addressing himself rather to Miss Langdale than to Mrs. Wardlaw.

      The nurse nodded and left the room without a word, as though appreciating the anomalous position in which she was placed as temporary mistress of the household.

      A few moments later Kato entered. He was a typical specimen of the suave Oriental, and I eyed him keenly, for to me East was East and West was West, and I was frankly suspicious, especially as I saw no reason to be otherwise in Kennedy’s manner. I waited eagerly to see what Craig would do.

      “Sit here,” directed Kennedy, indicating a straight-backed chair, on which the Japanese obediently sat. “Now cross your knees.”

      As Kato complied, Kennedy quickly brought his hand, held flat and palm upward, sharply against the Jap’s knee just below the kneecap. There was a quick reflex jerk of the leg below the knee in response.

      “Quite natural,” Kennedy whispered, turning to Leslie, who nodded.

      He dismissed Kato without further questioning, having had an opportunity to observe whether he showed any of the symptoms that had appeared in the rest of the family. Craig and the Health Commissioner exchanged a few words under their breath, then Craig crossed the room to Mrs. Wardlaw. The entrance of Kato had roused her momentarily and she had been watching what was going on.

      “It is a simple test,” explained Kennedy, indicating to Miss Langdale that he wished to repeat it on her patient.

      Mrs. Wardlaw’s knee showed no reflex! As he turned to us, we could see that Kennedy’s face was lined deeply with thought, and he paced up and down the room once or twice, considering what he had observed.

      I could see that even this simple interview had greatly fatigued Mrs. Wardlaw. Miss Langdale said nothing, but it was plainly evident that she objected strongly to the strain on her patient’s strength.

      “That will be sufficient,” nodded Craig, noticing the nurse. “Thank you very much. I think you had better let Mrs. Wardlaw rest in her own room.”