The Great Temple Deception. Brad Freeman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brad Freeman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922381378
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knowledge and chastising the maker of the survey, he never found out what the point of the question was, even though he was the only one that ever asked why the question was asked—such irony. The basic lesson in this one tyrant is that pride gets in the way of truth; especially for those proclaiming the loudest that they are avid truth seekers. False authority reared its ugly head in this conversation, because the scholar, who thought himself the greatest, became the least of all surveyed. There wasn’t an ounce of humility, but there was a throng of arrogance, as if the child-like faith of expression was deserving of a tongue-lashing capped with “That’s what the Bible says…so what…that’s not good enough for you? C’mon man, you’re wasting my time!” Hopefully you don’t fall into this category of being so confident in your knowledge you aren’t willing to learn something new, just like this scholar-cat dressed up in a dogma suit.

      Inversely, if you are one of the few that really cares to know the truth in this matter, then you might be asking yourself: So what is the point of the question? Too much anticipation yields impatience, so let’s get on with it already. You see, over the course of a couple of decades the author has heard a fairly particular message preached about King David, and a common reference in many other messages and conversations, that anchors up on the reason why God said David couldn’t build the temple. I suspect it might be something they all learn in seminary? Otherwise the circle of repetition for the sake of repetition is even more fluid than we all know. Maybe we are only as good as the last conversation we had? Mind control is a powerful thing. Who knows really, but it’s apparently something Pastors just have to say at some point. However, the context of the message is always false. It’s like a conspiracy! If you know what the reference here is, chances are you are shaking your head right now, and saying something like “that’s not true…it’s not false…it’s in the Bible”! Maybe you yelled at me like “Scholar Man”?

      At this point you might even be thinking in your own mind that you have a false teacher on your hands—meaning me. Please be encouraged to continue, even if your motivation is just trying to understand how one could be so preposterously childish. After all, how can so many people be wrong over so many centuries? It says it “RIGHT THERE” in the Bible! Well, the answer just might be that true enlightenment is sometimes awfully painful. Once we complete the proper rolling out of the Scripture, and put it to the test with our spiritual-square and compass, it will be obvious there is a contrast at play that presents a seeming contradiction, yet in the end is at the core of the mystery revealed. Me thinks the masses missed something major o’er the ages, I do so boldly claim, to slightly tug this Eon’s elbow, that we might rightly adjust our aim, thus regarding the words of YHWH Elohim. Remember Gentlemen and Ladies, the recipe the Lord gave: precept upon precept here a little there a little, lest you fall backward, being broken and snared (7). In layman’s terms the Holy Spirit was saying this: “Woe to the crown of pride…” (8).

      In simpler and more direct terms, consider what Isaiah had to say:

      [Isa 66:1-2 KJV Freevised Version] 1 [So says YHWH], the heaven [is] my throne, and the earth [is] my footstool: where [is] the house that [you] build unto me? and where [is] the place of my rest? 2 For all those [things] [has my] hand made, and all those [things] have been, [says] [YHWH]: but to this [man] will I look, [even] to [him that is] poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembl[es] at my word.

      The aforementioned apathy in light of verses like the preceding is the main reason for squaring the question. Secondarily, Solomon’s Temple was never really “only” Solomon’s Temple. Solomon’s Temple was mostly David’s Temple that Solomon was commanded by his father David to build, a product of his personal desires, and in no way can be attributed to something commanded by Almighty God. It all came from the heart of David the Developer. This truth is not so disturbing itself, because it is scripturally thematic; Man’s ways against God’s ways. What’s so fascinating is apparently the whole world doesn’t get it to this very day. The most read book in history falls flat in the hands of its worshippers as misunderstood at best! Why? Mankind is too busy worshipping what is material while they proclaim how in the Lord they are so very spiritual. So here comes the Great Temple Deception just up ahead on the other side. Buckle up and let’s take a prophecy ride.

      Chapter 2

      Compassing the Answer

      As with any good deception, there is always some element of truth to the lie. In the best propaganda you want to have two main elements: a point “a” within a circle “b”. At the center-point there is a tall grandiose fabrication, like an oversized obelisk, especially if it has some enlightened measurement within its posture. The bigger the better, as few will suspect that you would be so bold to bow before the people respectfully while also floating such a titanic tale. Then, shaped by the helm of a crafty tongue, is the detail that surrounds the Great Lie, usually including just enough truth to spin the untrained eye into constant submission. Mix this up with most people’s unwillingness to seek truth, and you have a way to sort of just make up whatever Target you want. Call it mind control. With a little leadership, the led simply follow, principally where constant repetitions are hallowed. Usually this happens without anyone even noticing or questioning the matter. In the realm of spirituality you have blind trust formed, and then the blind lead the blind into a ditch (9), as they take their eyes off God and seek the false horizon, because it sounds so ear-tickling good. It’s a sheeple thing.

      When we end up in a ditch we need to seek to be lifted up by the Holy One who knows all things, and do so according to his Word(s). Then we can find that the most honest answer given in the survey to the initiated question of Why did God say David couldn’t build the temple? “I don’t know”. Albeit anyone who has been a Christian for reasonable time should have an answer besides “idk, because Solomon’s Temple is no small matter of Scripture and history, especially for “the elect and elite” of this world.

      After all, the truth seems easy enough to validate by looking at two passages:

      [1 Chronicles 22:7-8 KJV Freevised Version] 7 And David said to Solomon, My son, as for me, it was in my mind to build a house unto the name of the YHWH my God: 8 But the word of YHWH came to me, saying, [you have] shed blood abundantly, and [have] made great wars: [you] shalt not build a house unto my name, because [you] [have] shed much blood upon the earth in my sight.

      [1 Chronicles 28:2-3 KJV Freevised Version] 2 Then David the king stood up upon his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people: [As for me], I [had] in [my] heart to build [a] house of rest for the ark of the covenant of [YHWH], and for the footstool of our God, and had made ready for the building: 3 But God said unto me, [you shall] not build a house for my name, because [you] [(have) been] a man of war, and [have] shed blood.

      So far it sounds like the usual answer given during the survey is accurate. What is there to challenge? Should we assume that the man after God’s own heart (10) David is lying? Is there another passage that says something different? Please understand that this is not the author putting David down, but rather lifting the Most High Almighty God up. We must survey the answer in light of the biggest human problem: communication. It seems as though most everyone answered a question they weren’t really asked. If the question was, “Why did DAVID say he couldn’t build the temple?”, then the “blood on his hands/man of war” answer would have been accurate, at least in terms of what David said. But the question is “What did God—YHWH Elohim say?”

      But David said ‘God said’ so isn’t that enough? This objection is expected, with extra attention to this being the greatly worshipped King David, but if we are to take the whole counsel of the transcript into consideration, then we need to know if the unabridged text agrees, especially on such an important matter, and certainly if God had something different to say! When we check the text we find two other passages that directly oppose David’s claims, and each of these passages preceded David’s claims.

      Let’s have a look at what YHWH Elohim said:

      [2 Samuel 7:1-17 KJV Freevised Version] 1 And it came to