Informed Choices in Motherhood. Fiona Lee. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Fiona Lee
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922328847
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I knew that nobody could convince me that it was ok or in some way beneficial to inject harmful chemicals into my pregnant body. The inner conflict that mothers often feel with vaccination is a clear sign that they are going against their instinct.

      When women are pregnant, they are advised to avoid certain foods such as raw fish, soft cheese and unwashed vegetables, to avoid contamination and infection. Ironically, at the same time, mothers are being told to have multiple vaccines. We are told to avoid products that could be contaminated and can potentially cause miscarriage, but also encouraged to get injected with highly toxic shots that have never at any time been tested for safety during pregnancy. Sadly there are many women who are not aware enough about this topic, and simply going along with their doctors advice, without knowing the facts.

       Whooping Cough Vaccination in Pregnancy - Why Reading The Vaccine Package Insert is Essential

      The whooping cough vaccine given during pregnancy contains highly toxic ingredients including polysorbate 80, formaldehyde and aluminum.⁴ These are known to be extremely harmful, yet the shot is being given routinely to all pregnant women (without informed consent).

       Ingredients explained:

      Polysorbate 80: Used as an emulsifier by the pharmaceutical industry to enhance the delivery of chemicals or drugs across the blood brain barrier, there is extensive research to support it being harmful to health. By opening the blood brain barrier, polysorbate 80 allows toxins to enter the brain.⁵

      Formaldehyde: A neurotoxin⁶, and human carcinogen.⁷ In woman, exposure can affect the reproductive system and cause spontaneous abortion, as well as developmental impact to fetuses.⁸

      Aluminum: A neurotoxin that has been linked to many chronic health conditions. It has been known to cause brain inflammation and can interfere with the nervous system and metabolic processes.⁹ (There’s extensive information about the harmful effects of aluminum in the Vaccination section in this book). *All vaccine ingredients are available to view on the Centre For Disease Control (CDC) website.

      According to the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration), the maximum limit for aluminum in an IV is 25mcg per day. The suggested limit of aluminum per kg of weight to give to a person is up to 5mcg. Anything that contains more than 25mcg of aluminum is supposed to have the following warning label:

      “WARNING: This product contains aluminum that may be toxic. Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney function is impaired. Premature neonates are particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they require large amounts of calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain aluminum. Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 mcg/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.”

      The amount of aluminum in one brand of whooping cough vaccine given to pregnant mothers in Australia is 500mcg, 20 times the recommended maximum specified by the FDA.¹¹ Unlike other products, vaccines don’t require a warning label and are not required to meet the ‘maximum dosage’ limit.

      If you are considering the toxins that you ingest during pregnancy then also consider the toxins that you inject, as injected toxins are absorbed into the body more easily and are harder to excrete. They can potentially affect your unborn baby, either in the short term or the term, not to mention the effect they could have on your own body.¹²

      What The Research Says

      There have been several studies, which have found a link between miscarriage and pregnancy vaccinations. One study found a positive association between spontaneous abortion and the flu vaccine.¹³ In the study it was found that women who received an inactivated influenza vaccine had twice the risk of having a spontaneous abortion within 28 days of receipt than women who did not receive a flu shot. In the 2010-2011 season the risk of having a spontaneous abortion was 3.7 times greater: They found that vaccinated women who had also received a flu shot the prior season had a 7.7 times greater risk of spontaneous abortion.

      The authors of the study concluded that:

      “The association was modified by influenza vaccination in the prior season. ... Among women who received pH1N1-containing vaccine in the previous influenza season, the aOR in the 1–28 days was 7.7 (95% CI 2.2–27.3); the aOR was 1.3 (95% CI 0.7–2.7) among women not vaccinated in the previous season. This effect modification was observed in each season.” (Donahue et al. 2017)¹⁴

      There is still no reliable data on the long-term impact of pregnancy vaccination once the baby is born with regards to neurodevelopmental, behavioural and chronic illness in childhood. It even states this fact on the package insert for the whooping cough vaccine: “adequate human data on use during pregnancy are not available”.

      In other words, there has been no sufficient research done on the effects of these vaccines during pregnancy on the mother or her baby. Unfortunately, at this time in many countries the majority of pregnancies are not tracked and data on the outcomes of pregnancy vaccination is not recorded.

       Will my baby be at risk if I don’t have pregnancy vaccinations?

      Every mother wants to feel that her baby is protected. There is no greater feeling as a mother than our need to protect our babies from harm.

      Whilst both flu and whooping cough can be potentially dangerous to pregnant women and their babies, according to the data, the risk of death is extremely low. The following figures from the US show the real risks of these diseases:

       Risk of flu-complication death for pregnant women: 0.000125%*

       Risk of flu-complication death for pregnant women in a pandemic year: 0.001875%*

       Risk of newborn death under three months during a non-major outbreak year: 0.00015%*

       Risk of newborn death under three months during a major whooping cough outbreak: 0.000375%*

      *US statistics reported through the NNDSS to the CDC ¹⁵

      The most effective way to boost your immune system during pregnancy is through a healthy lifestyle, and there is no vaccine that can provide the protection that a healthy mind and body can. Getting adequate sunlight for vitamin D and eating a healthy mostly organic diet are essential for keeping your immune system healthy at this time.

       Is vaccination effective at preventing whooping cough?

      There is no conclusive evidence that the vaccine is at all effective at preventing whooping cough, and much more evidence to suggest it actually increases rates of whooping cough (pertussis). One of the main reasons for its ineffectiveness is the fact that those who have had the vaccine can still contract whooping cough, and infect others with it, without having the typical symptoms (in other words they become silent/asymptomatic carriers). This was demonstrated by a 2014 study, which showed that the pertussis (whooping cough) bacteria lingered in the throats of vaccinated baboons for 35 days (Warfel et al. 2014)¹⁶

      If a new mother has had the vaccine, she can still potentially be carrying the whooping cough toxin. (It just means she may not show the usual symptoms like the unvaccinated would if they were carrying it). The same applies for any family or friends who may have been vaccinated. Anyone who has had the vaccine can still be a risk to your baby without them even knowing it.

      Some safer and more effective options to reduce your newborn’s risk of getting serious infections like whooping cough would be to make sure you breastfeed, increase