Dare To Be Bold. Donald Stevens Jr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donald Stevens Jr
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922309662
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know who I was

       Hung around the wrong crowd

       Took advantage of people, I manipulated people

       I stole, committed crimes

       Cursed God, Blame God

       Tried to kill myself

       Bully, and beat people up

       Had evil thoughts


       One Day God,

       One Day I heard a voice

       One day I was faced with a situation

       I went to a service with my friend

       One day a man or woman talked to me about God

       I got into an accident, and that change my whole life

       One day I was faced with a decision

       I was given the opportunity to change my life

       One day I saw God do the impossible

       "This Changed my life and now…."

       I have never gone back to that

       I have a second chance at a new life

       I have my family back, friends back

       I'm healed, delivered, set free, believe, have more confidence

       I have peace, joy, I can love again, I'm happy

       I can run, jump, sing, hear, see, talk

       Transition to prayer

       The objective is to focus the prayer from the conversation. Do not stray off into another direction. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, you need to see what God is doing, don't just assume by the way you feel. Do not place your hands on there head unless you are praying for something physical, or mental. You don't want the people you are praying for to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. We will cover this in a later chapter on Healing. You can start by saying something like:

      "I believe that if he did it for me, he could do it for you, does anything that I said resonates with you?" ( Now you Listen so that you know what to pray for when the opportunity presents itself). If the opportunity to pray presents itself, you can use these words:

       You know just hearing what you were saying, has really compelled me to want to pray with you

       Is it ok if I pray for you/with you

       Can I teach you a prayer that really helped me in those times?

       I don't know what you believe, but is it ok if I pray for you?

       I believe a seed was planted today, and I would like to water it with a prayer.

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