Day 13
Depending on whether your new community routine is something you can start right away or something you start next week, it is still important to declare it. That declaration, much like your personal routine, comes with new fears and concerns. What is different is these fears and concerns involve others and bring with them an elevated concern. “What will people think, say, etc. about me?” Below, declare your new community routine. What does it look like, what is involved and why have you chosen it?
What fears and concerns do you have about fulfilling this community routine? What is the worst thing someone could think of you? What is the worst thing someone could say to you? Reflect on what you would think if someone thought or said these things to you or to someone else about you.
Day 14
We’ve finally come to the first day we begin to think about finances. Some may have assumed that this journal would start with ways to build or grow a financial future. That assumption would be completely incorrect. To build anything requires the foundation of a vision and a community first. This is why we spent our time there. Why do you think creating a vision first might support a stronger foundation for your finances? Why do you think creating a community first might support a stronger foundation for your finances?
Notice how you view your life through the lens of your finances. Does the amount of money you have define who you are? Does your community define who you are? Do you define who you are?
Day 15
Today, we begin to think through a new financial routine. In the same vein as the personal and community routines, the financial routine allows you to begin a new relationship with money. This financial routine should be done daily or weekly, therefore think through what new routine you will explore. This routine must be something you do to grow or expand your finances. Simply checking your accounts regularly or moving funds to a single account does not count. Instead these are things that can be done to better structure your finances. This routine needs to be something you can do repeatedly. It could be saving a dollar each day, or putting aside money each week, bringing a lunch rather than buying one and saving the money, or removing one regularly occurring activity that has a cost like dinner out or the movies. Regardless of the action, it must impact your finances regularly in order to be measured and for you to be able to see changes.