From Alcohol To God. Catherine Findlay. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Catherine Findlay
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные стихи
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781925277234
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      Dear Reader,

      I write this book in poem style as God gave me the Gift after saving me from alcohol's clutches.

      I want to share my story and let others with addictions see there is a way out.

      I tried to do it myself but kept slipping back.

      It wasn't till I was at rock bottom until I cried out for help and God pulled me out the muck.

      I bear my soul in my writing in order to help others.

      No Friend Of Mine

      I once had a friend I used to keep,

      Hidden under my pillow when I tried to sleep,

      Or, placed in places hidden from view,

      The life I lived was so untrue.

      That friend started of as a wee acquaintance,

      And then years after put me in a trance,

      It was no more a friend than the devil himself,

      Destroying and maiming bringing down my health.

      One day that friend I could no longer keep,

      It had blinded and scared me, making me weep,

      Thank God for a Friend so kind and true,

      He broke that bottle and made my life new.


      Pain! So hard to focus on much else,

      Pain! So easy to look inward feeling sorry for yourself,

      Pain! Robs you of the joys life has for you,

      Pain!Makes it hard to accept God cares for you.

      Aah! But what does scripture say?

      The joy of the Lord is your strength, all the day,

      Overcoming the pain with His Word is the way,

      Not easy I know as have struggled each day.

      Singing praise through the pain works as well,

      Putting moaning aside lifts you from that hell,

      So, as hard as it is to look past it to praise,

      Let's fight past it and our voices raise,

      For God hears and He helps us to help ourselves

      Pain! satans tool to lead us astray, God turns to good when in His Word we delve.

      Into Thy Presence

      Come we Lord into Thy Presence,

      Falling prostrate at Thy feet,

      Arise with singing on our lips,

      Gather round Your mercy seat.

      Day to day we all but flounder,

      As Your steady hand does guide,

      Bringing us with awe and wonder,

      From fear and dreading by Your side.

      Guide us through this world of sin,

      To bring others hearts to Thee,

      Then they also have hearts to win,

      And Your faithful Love to see.

      Bring us faithfully before You,

      As this sick world disappears,

      Joyfully we adore You,

      Singing praises to Your ears.

      Heavens angels ever singing,

      Harps resound their cheerful din,

      Blessings flow all around us,

      As we bow and enter in.

      Saved From Drowning In An Alcoholic Sea

      Never a day goes by when I do not stop to think,

      And thank Thee for Thy care O God that saved me from the demon drink,

      My life is so much better now and I handle stress so well,

      Only because of Thy Love for me, and I am glad that I am here to tell.

      Tell of the way Thy healing hand got hold of me,

      Pulled me up from drowning in that alcoholic sea,

      Yes we move forward and it is not good to dwell,

      But times come around where I am led my story to tell.

      That sinking sand pulled family down too,

      Thy healing hand gave them life anew,

      We have so much to be thankful for,

      O God, my God Thee I adore.

      You fellow sufferers from addictions or pain of different kinds,

      Look up to The Father Who can heal your minds,

      It may not come in a flash and may take a lot of hard work on your part,

      But life will be much better and you will have a brand new start.

      Who Am I

      Ask me "Who am I today?"

      I will tell you with delight.

      How I try to walk in Gods' true Way,

      Trying to be pleasing in His sight.

      Ask me "Who was I before?"

      Before I saw The Light?

      Never did I need Him more,

      When the poison called alcohol did bite.

      Ask me to share how bad life was,

      Was for others not just myself,

      Truthfully I can say what hell I did cause,

      Family out in the cold, me hiding in self.

      Truly God pulled me out from the mire,

      Set me on a Rock.

      Brought peace to family and He does not tire,

      As now I am on the clock.

      Ask me who I am,

      As this world comes to an end,

      I am His child who has His Word to pass on,

      Like all of His children we have little time,

      To give others the chance to be free,

      And with us worship on bended knee.

      Little time left,

      All who do not follow,

      Are left bereft,

      The need for repentance today not tomorrow.

      We must do our duty and never fall back or we too will be left in hell's sorrow.

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