Introducing King David The Messiah: Walking WIth God. King Jr David. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: King Jr David
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499904772
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says no to punishment.

      "He" will send the boy to his bedroom to learn never to bully again, and if the boy insists on bullying again, "he" might recommend reformatory school? Will the boy insist his ways are justified or will he back off and listen?

      God doesn't use the word reward.

      "He" will give the employee the raise because it's the most fair and proper thing to do.

      Moreover, the drug dealer is thrown into prison for his corrupt ways. God sees this as a way for him to learn, but also to protect society, as the earth is full of junk as it is.

      The Buddhist monk insists he depart from Samsara because he feels he's lived a righteous life well enough to move onto Nirvana. God says, "Who cares. Since life is a journey, and your life beyond that is also such, yet in the ways of love and kindness. Moreover, you should have a nice time as well, so go to the theatre and enjoy the Red Vines too."


      If you didn't score well on your placement tests, it may mean you don't have the skills to be a rocket engineer, yet not always.

      There are many types of intelligences, and placement tests emphasize on certain types of reasoning and problem-solving, such as with math and language. Of course, these tests don't fully measure ones' thinking potential, such as the case of Richard Feynman, a noteworthy theoretical physicist , who "only" scored 125 on his IQ test.

      IQ and placement tests may also not measure how talented a drawer you are, or how skilled a golfer you are. Some people can design things with ease, whereas others are crafty when it comes to repairing objects.

      If gorillas can communicate using sign language, elephants paint relatively well, Australian cattle dogs drive cows over long distances, then you can tell your mom that she has the sheer ability to combine words to form language. She will probably respond by asking: "Huh, what do you mean sweetie?", then you can tell her, "That's true, and I hope you are doing well too!"

      The Meek

      God doesn't want people to feel small or subservient, and the title suggests that. A better way of expressing that would be those who inherit the earth are the ones that have learned to be more kind and gentle.

      The world to come will be of concord, and if you want to join us, detach yourself from mean-spiritedness.

      The Absence Of Hell

      When the wicked have moved on, God goes face to face and tells them "Never again", and they listen and mutter nervously, "Sorry." Then, they sit in some type of prison for a while or more.

      In our society, when a criminal is thrown in the penitentiary, he sits in his cell, leaves for meals and smoke breaks. Does he have fire tossed at him? Where is the brimstone?


      The same applies to God, who isn't a violent being. So, this sort of abyss doesn't exist.

      Some may wonder about putting them into a dark place instead? Maybe, only if they can learn from it, but it's temporary. However, there is no such thing as total blackness. And eternity in prison is wrong, as it would suggest that God doesn't understand forgiveness.

      Again, don't worry. The wicked will still have to face God.

      Proof Of God?

      The earth may have evolved over billions of years from a vast nothingness to landscapes of the lush and profound, and from the simpler forms of bacteria to the sheer complex types that dwell amongst us. I'm not asserting general creationism, yet I want to bring up the possibility of God having something to do with the world being glamorous at many parts, including with animals too?

      In the meantime, God says he doesn't want us to worry about this, but learn to take care of the world, be nice to others and adopt the orphaned children, cats and dogs who need a home as well.

      Is God Angry?

      Humans tend to anthropmorphise God, so they assume "he" is wrathful, punitive and vindictive towards the wicked.

      Instead, "he" wants us to channel our rage by therapeutic means, such as painting on a canvas, writing poetry, using a boxing bag, running, playing an instrument or by talking it out with someone else as a sounding board. So, as we become less infuriated people, we are more empathic towards ourselves and others.

      Moreover, God is the perfect judge, guide and supreme entity from someplace else. "He" isn't peeved at you or anyone else for that matter, nor does "he" condemn you one iota.

      David Debates Jesus

      John 6:47 King James Version "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.


       So, the confused and uncertain folks won't join "his" kingdom, and that they might be condemned otherwise? Moreover, if you are skeptical, then how can you be sure that it will be fully resolved to the point that you finally believe, when it's possible Jesus might have been wrong?

       Also, Christian evangelists sometimes go on to say that we all know the truth about Jesus, and that we're probably wretches for not confiding in him, then mere skepticism doesn't exist. Are you sure?

      Matthew 12:50 King James Version "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."

       No, God reassures that "he" takes care of everyone forever. "He" wants the crooked ones to grow up, and to learn to care about others.

       Also, Jesus can have his own flock, and I will be more than happy to debate with one of his clergy, perhaps?


      If you want to be part of the new universe, you have to learn to think of others, including animals. Society can be very self-centered, and you have to assume you might be the victim too.

      No rape, murder or stealing. You don't want that to happen to you, as well? Right.

      Set rates that are affordable. You are a customer everywhere else you go. Try to avoid purchasing goods or using services that you deem as overpriced.

      Don't belittle or attack others. You've felt that before, and you can learn to say no more.

      Don't unearth your trees. The rain forests in Brazil were destroyed for the purposes of making a profit, and the corporations didn't consider the tribes and animals that once resided there.

      Don't blame, nor place guilt on others. Learn to listen peoples' feelings, and they might happier when you speak with a concerned voice.

      Maybe your Newfoundland wants to go out or play with a rubber ball, so if you hear him barking, think of something that will help him feel better. Don't pamper him too much, though.

      Don't go to the zoo anymore, as small compartments aren't meant for animals. If your Russian Blue cat likes jumping around and about, you wouldn't leave it in a cage, right?

      Say hi to bystanders every now and then. This world can be a cold, dark place, and who cares if someone smiles every now and then?

      Make sure everyone around you has enough food, including the impoverished. Shelter them too.

      Watch a movie or a play a game, as even the compassionate ones need a break as well.

      Where Is God?

      God sent the Dog to demonstrate "his" love, and God promises you for all eternity, because with the Dog, there is God. Have no fear though