Finding Wisdom. Tywana R. Fredenburg. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tywana R. Fredenburg
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499904307
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or history of worrying about everything, you’re more than likely going to exemplify the same type of behavior as well. Better yet, let’s use the example of an individual in an abusive relationship. Whether the abuse is physical or mental, the anxiety levels of the individual being abused will be higher than those of others who are not. Anxiety can develop based off how intense one perceives his or her condition or circumstance at the time. We understand that we all are different; however, some people are more disciplined in some areas than others, so in strenuous or chaotic situations, some will reveal a higher level of anxiety until they are able to build up and exercise some control over their emotions.

      The practice of exercising your self-control and meditating on the word of God can help calm and eliminate the anxiety being experienced from the equation. Isaiah 26:3 reads, thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Prayer is a key element to possess the ability to obtaining self-control and the discipline to meditate on God’s word. Meditating on God’s word and positive thoughts such as things that are true, pure, honest, good report, and trustworthy (Philippians 4:8) can help heal the part of the brain that was damaged from the trauma that caused the anxiety. Anxiety is real, but it can be controlled and deleted from your life. It is intertwined with our emotions. Pray daily, asking God to delete the anxiety from your life and ask him to help you exercise self-control. Ask God to show you the root cause of your anxiety. Take at least five minutes out of your day to pray and meditate on God’s goodness, on scripture, or on things your thankful for. When God shows you the root cause of your anxiety, find scriptures to meditate on to build that area of your life and to shrink the anxiety until it’s absolutely deleted from your life. Even after it’s been eradicated, continue to meditate on the word of God. God is the only one who can heal ALL wounds. Reading and meditating on God’s word will lead you straight on the road to obtaining wisdom. Finding wisdom can change a lot of areas in your life. As you read the Bible, allow God’s word to transform you.

      Chapter 1: Wisdom Principles for the Journey

      In the Bible, King Solomon was a blessed king who had the advantage of being mentored by his father and taught by his mother. He was blessed to have his father, King David take the time to show him what to do and what not to do in life. King David, Solomon's father, had raised him to be a wise man, to run from evil, foolish things, and foolish people. He taught him how to avoid poverty and lustful women full of sexual immorality. He also taught him how to recognize and avoid simple women. Solomon was taught that he would make mistakes along the journey and was shown how to recover from them so he could keep moving forward in his search for wisdom. His father taught him how to mature from a young man to a grown man. In writing this book, I understand that every male being on earth has not had the advantage of having an active, dedicated father in the home, faithfully training him on how to be a wise, successful man. And the reason many people may not have had a father in the home is that their father’s father may have also been absent. Thus, the same behavior is being passed along to generation to generation.

      Even though some males may or may not have had fathers in their lives to teach them important life lessons, they may have had mentors or other male figures placed around them. Moreover, these days it appears that wise, fatherly mentors are hard to find for young men. Do you know that most men are afraid to reach out for help because of anxiety, the fear of failure, being rejected, or of the prevailing misconception that it’s a sign of weakness for men to ask for help? I encourage you to pray and ask God who you can invite and mentor on the journey to wisdom with you. Find someone who needs mentoring, love, or help. If you are reading this book right now and you have not had the advantage of being taught by your father or mother how to be a man or a lady, the search for wisdom can help you in many ways. I understand that because the fact that someone was not raised with a father or mother in the home doesn’t mean his or her parents abandoned them. Maybe that person’s parent(s) passed away before they could pass their teachings along. Whatever the reason may be, I want you to understand that Solomon provided some sound teachings in the book of Proverbs for you to learn on your search to discovering wisdom. I encourage you to read these proverbs and allow them to guide you down your new journey to wisdom in life. It may be a strenuous journey, but don’t give up; keep pursuing wisdom in all you do.

      In the book of Proverbs, Solomon, the son of King David, began to mentor the young men and impart wisdom of daily living into their lives, just as his father did with him. Even though many of the proverbs are directed toward young men, they can be applicable to anyone. Everyone can search for and receive wisdom. To receive wisdom is a great journey, an everyday search. Those that find wisdom will be happy. According to Solomon, we should run after wisdom daily. Proverbs are great sayings, wise statements, or concise sentences conveying moral truths. These statements, sentences, or concise sentences comprise the wisdom we should strive to apply to our everyday lives. The wisdom that Solomon spoke of was also directed toward leaders. If you desire to be a leader one day or are in a leadership position today, these wise sayings will help develop you.

      God’s Instructions for Successful Living

      The book of Proverbs was written and designed to teach people how to live a godly life. The purpose of Proverbs was to teach people how to attain wisdom and discipline, how to live a prudent life, and how to do what is right, just, and fair. King Solomon, the author of Proverbs, wanted to provide moral instructions to help readers to learn how to apply divine wisdom to their daily lives.

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