Hoop Mama. Amy Shankland. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Amy Shankland
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781619334120
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       I will… Goodnight, James. :)


      He would never have admitted it to anyone, but he felt like a nervous, happy teenager for the rest of the evening.

      Chapter Five

      The fingers of Lily’s right hand flew over her adding machine as she sat in the receptionist’s area of Belinda’s Place. She only worked Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturday mornings, so there was always plenty to catch up on after a day off. Lily was responsible for all of the little things that kept the shop running smoothly. Thanks to her hard work and good ideas, Belinda had been able to hire two more stylists recently, and her business was booming.

      “Hey, Lily, does everything look okay?” Belinda asked once Lily paused. Lily looked up into the soft brown eyes of her best friend as she snipped away at the long locks of another college girl home for spring break.

      “Good as usual. You were busy yesterday!” Lily replied.

      “Yeah, we had some walk-ins. I don’t think I even took ten minutes for lunch.”

      “I should be able to help with those this afternoon.” Lily had never received any formal training in cutting and styling hair, but she had picked up on how to do some simple cuts just by watching Belinda and the others over the past couple of years. Belinda often called her a genius, with Lily usually brushing aside the compliment.

      “That would be great. You always do such a nice job. I really think you should let me teach you some basic coloring.. You can practice on me!” Belinda chuckled. Her hair, styled in a pixie cut, had been every color one could imagine.

      “Oh no, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I may make your hair fall out!”

      “Ah, it wouldn’t be the first time that happened,” Belinda said with a wink, which made Lily burst out in laughter. She remembered Belinda’s high school hair “experiments” all too well.

      Once Lily had reconciled yesterday’s receipts and scheduled some appointments for the stylists, she checked the shop’s email and web page messages. She glimpsed up when the front door jingled as Paula walked in, her curly red hair pulled back into a messy bun.

      “Hey, Neighbor!” Paula exclaimed. “Hi, Belinda.”

      The ladies exchanged pleasantries while Lily got Paula a cup of tea. Belinda and her staff believed in doing little things like that to make their customers feel welcome and at home, which was one of the reasons the salon did so well. They had decorated it in a cheery yellow and light blue combination, with white sinks and curtains throughout.

      Seeing Paula made Lily remember yesterday’s encounter with both her and her brother-in-law. She hoped Paula wouldn’t mention it today.

      While Belinda washed Paula’s hair ten minutes later, she did just that.

      “It was nice to see you yesterday,” Paula said. Lily almost groaned.

      “Great to see you, too, and to meet your brother-in-law.”

      ‘Might as well get that topic over with,’ Lily thought.

      “Yeah. Sorry about him. James can be a little… um… overpowering.” Belinda grinned as she helped Paula sit up and toweled her hair.

      “Really? How so?” Belinda asked.

      “He saw Lily hooping in the backyard yesterday and-”

      “Woah, hold on here. Lily was hoop dancing- outside?” Belinda gasped in mock horror.

      “I do have a privacy fence, you know.”

      ‘With a missing board, darn it,’ Lily wanted to add.

      “Seriously, though, good for you for getting out of the dungeon,” Belinda said.

      “My basement is not a dungeon,” Lily said indignantly. Belinda guided Paula over to a barber’s chair.

      “I know, I know. But I’m just happy to hear that you ventured out of it. In fact, I’m jealous. I’ve never even seen you hoop.”

      “It’s nothing that spectacular,” Lily said.

      “Not according to James,” Paula said, “He’s an instructor and he says you’re really good.” Lily sighed and quickly pinched the bridge of her nose.

      “I’m sure he says that to every-”

      “In fact, he wanted me to invite you again to that hoop jam on Saturday.”

      ‘Not that again!’ Lily thought.

      “Oooh, a hoop jam? That sounds like fun. You can take Saturday off if you wanna go, we’re actually not that busy for once,” Belinda said, her voice rising in excitement.

      “That’s okay; it’s not ‘til the afternoon- WAIT! I am not going!” Lily cried.

      “Lily, you have got to come out of your shell one of these days,” Belinda said in a serious tone. Lily looked around the salon to see if anyone had overheard them, but other customers were engrossed in their own conversations with their stylists.

      “Sorry, but I am NOT going to go out and hoop in front of a bunch of other people,” Lily said firmly.

      “I’m sure all the others would be busy with their own hooping and wouldn’t even be watching you,” Belinda said.

      “Um, hello? There won’t just be hoopers at Central Park on a Saturday afternoon!” Lily exclaimed. Belinda sighed.

      “You’d be in a large group, Lily. It probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal.” Her friend’s constant refusal to step out of her comfort zone often frustrated Belinda. Paula could feel the tension between the two of them and squirmed in her chair. Lily sighed and paused before speaking again.

      “I just can’t do that yet, Belinda,” she replied. “But,” she took a deep breath. “I have been wondering if James offers private hoop lessons.”

      “Oh! Private lessons! That’d be awesome! Is he cute?” This time, Lily did groan, and Paula giggled.

      “Belinda!” Lily exclaimed.

      “Lily, Honey, it’s been two years now. You need to start opening your eyes and at least think about dating.”

      “Belinda, I don’t want to talk about this right now,” Lily said in a low voice.

      “All right, all right,” Belinda said in defeat, raising her hands in the air, “I’m sorry. I just want what’s best for you.” Lily looked upward before replying.

      “I know you do, and I appreciate it,” she said with a gentle smile. There was a pause before Paula piped up.

      “In response to your question, he IS cute.” This time, all three women burst into giggles.

      “Just have him call me on my cell phone sometime about the lessons, okay?” Lily said. “And I’m not in any rush.”

      Later on, Paula chose to ignore Lily’s final statement from the morning’s conversation.

      “Private lessons?” James asked in disbelief after she relayed Lily’s response to him on the phone that evening.

      “That’s what I said.” James sighed. He hadn’t had time to give private lessons to anyone in years. Right now he was lucky to have Mondays and Tuesday mornings off.

      “I doubt she could afford them, anyway,” James continued. Paula sighed.

      “You wouldn’t offer my neighbor a little discount?” She asked in disbelief. James suddenly felt bad.

      “Sorry. Snap reaction from a hard-working business owner.”

      “She is a widow, you know.”
