The Ryder Chronicles. Vicki Sach. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Vicki Sach
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781619333543
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the fort for a bit will you Sarah?”

      Me? What do I do now? Tie Zed up? What if I don’t do it properly and he breaks free? I decided it was safer to just stand there holding him and wait to see what was wrong with Tori.

      After what seemed like hours, Mrs. Livingstone returned.

      “Not good news I’m afraid, Tori seems to be suffering from gastro. I don’t think she’ll be riding today.”

      I was disappointed but sorry for Tori…gastro is the pits!

      “What do we do now?” I asked.

      Mrs Livingstone looked thoughtful and seemed to be checking me over.

      “What size clothes do you take, Sarah?”

      I suddenly realised what she was thinking.

      “No way! I can’t ride here, I’m not good enough. I’ve never ridden Zed before! Can’t you do it?” I spluttered.

      Mrs Livingstone took Zed and tied him to the float before turning to me.

      “You can do it Sarah; I’ve been watching you ride Colby and you’ve improved a lot over past few months. Zed is…well, not as quiet as Colby but I’m confident you’ll be able to handle him.”

      My stomach was tying itself into knots. I badly wanted to help the Livingstones out but…to ride in a big show like this? Talk about a baptism of fire!

      “What about riding gear?” I asked.

      “I’m pretty sure Tori’s clothes will fit you. They’re tailor-made but you’re more or less the same size. Why don’t you try them on and we’ll see? If they don’t fit, we’ll put Zed back in the float and go home. Deal?”

      So I found myself getting changed in the float, trying not to step in horse poop. Tori’s jodhs felt a bit tight and her jacket sleeves were too long for my arms but other than that, they weren’t too bad. I was already wearing my riding boots; they were old and scuffed but would have to do.

      “You look great Sarah!” Mrs. Livingstone exclaimed. “Go to the toilets and check yourself out in the mirror. And see how Tori is while you’re there.”

      I gasped when I saw myself…I looked awesome!

      “Sarah?” Tori exclaimed, exiting a cubicle. “What on earth are you doing?”

      “Ask your mum,” I replied. “How are you feeling?”

      “Okay I guess, I think the worst is over now,” she replied. “Are you riding Zed? Thank goodness if you are because there’s no way I can.”

      “Apparently, although I am SO nervous and don’t expect us to win,” I told her.

      Tori smiled. “C’mon, let’s go see mum and get you up on Zed for some schooling.”

      I gulped. Surely everyone was going to laugh at me for being such a novice?

      Mrs. Livingstone found a quiet corner of the showgrounds and legged me aboard Zed. He shuffled and sidled and swished his tail. He probably sensed how nervous I was (you can’t hide these things from horses).

      “Ride in a circle Sarah,” Mrs Livingstone instructed. “Let him have a loose rein for now.”

      I was glad she’d decided to put Zed in a snaffle as I’ve never used a double bridle before.

      After a while I started to relax and we trotted and cantered.

      “You’re doing great, Sarah!” Mrs Livingstone called out (poor Tori had disappeared back to the toilet block).

      We spent about 30 minutes working Zed, who by now had settled down and was starting to concentrate. I’ve never worked so hard in my life, learning how to do simple canter leg changes, extended trots and practising balanced halts.

      “That’s enough for now,” Mrs Livingstone finally said. “Let’s head back to the float. Zed’s class is on in half an hour and I need to re-do his make-up.”

      I quickly phoned mum to let her know I was riding. She wanted to jump in the car to come and watch but wouldn’t have got there in time.

      “Make sure you call me straight away so I know how you went. Does Tori’s mum have a camera? I want photos…LOTS of photos. Good luck Sarah!”

      Tori was by now sitting pale-faced in the back seat of the car, clutching a bucket. I hoped she wasn’t about to throw up…the way I was feeling right now, I probably would have joined her!

      “Come on Sarah, let’s go ringside and you can watch the class before Zed’s,” Mrs Livingstone said.

      I gulped. My big moment was approaching. I was sure I was going to make a complete fool of myself and ruin the Livingstone’s reputation forever.

      All the other ponies and riders looked so polished, surely someone was going to ‘out’ me as a newbie!

      As we watched the class, Mrs Livingstone gave me some pointers, like how to not get caught in a bunch of horses, which would block the judge’s view; how to keep my eye on the judge and steward case we got called in, plus basic show etiquette stuff like not leaving the ring before someone placed higher than you.

      Then it was our turn.

      “Look after me kiddo and I promise to bring you carrots for life!” I whispered into Zed’s ear.

      He snorted in reply.

      I walked around with the other competitors, feeling very self-conscious but no one seemed to be paying me any attention. I started to relax. Here I was actually competing in a show!

      “TROT PLEASE!” called the judge. So I did, remembering to sit on the correct diagonal. Soon we were cantering and had circled several times before I noticed the steward waving her arms at me.

      “Line up girl on the grey pony,” she said.

      Oh my goodness, we’d been called in! Now I had to remember a workout AND ride it without mistake! I lined up and peered down the line. We were fourth and Mrs Livingstone gave me an encouraging thumbs-up.

      I carefully watched the other competitors do a basic workout which included a simple change of leg at the canter (which I’d just been practising) an extended trot (not exactly my forte) and a rein back.

      Then it was my turn. I think I did okay…our extended trot was a little uneven and the rein-back crooked, but a few of the other competitors also made mistakes so I didn’t feel too bad.

      Finally the judge walked up and down the line before making her decision. The first and second horses stayed in their placings, then Zed and I were beckoned into third. It was all I could do not to let out a mighty WHOOP of triumph! Not only did I not embarrass myself, we actually placed. I had tears in my eyes as the judge tied a white ribbon around Zed’s neck. I was elated cantering around the ring for the lap of honour before riding up to Mrs Livingstone.

      “Well done Sarah!” she exclaimed. “You did a fantastic job, no one would have guessed it was your first ever showing effort!”

      I sort of slid off Zed and collapsed in her arms, my emotions finally catching up with me. I didn’t even care when the results were announced over the loudspeaker and Tori’s name read out as rider (the steward had simply taken down our numbers).

      Tori still looked a bit pale but assured me she was feeling better.

      “Wow, that’s amazing Sarah, well done!” she said.

      Mrs Livingstone untied the ribbon from Zed’s neck and handed it to me.

      “Here…you’ve earned it. We’ve got more ribbons than we know what to do with anyway.”

      I thanked her before carefully folding the gorgeous piece of white satin. My first ever show ribbon…this was a worthy keepsake I knew I’d treasure forever.

      Luckily Mrs Livingstone kept