The Zen of Joy. Matti Anttila. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Matti Anttila
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781619337282
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       I guarantee you this: if you read this manual and follow the instructions,


       You too can feel joy, an inner warm glow, despite what is going on in your outer life.


      I’m not much different from you. We humans on this planet share the same basic body, mind and emotions. Sure we have all kinds of differences if you start looking for them, but …


       We have much more in common than we have differences. What I have done to feel joy and bliss in my life, you can too.

       Let me share another secret: It is actually much easier to feel joy than it is to be miserable, to be unhappy, to worry, to be frustrated and so on.



      You may be thinking: If it’s easier to feel joy, why am I not feeling it right now? Why am I feeling overwhelmed with time pressure and stress and anxiety about project deadlines? Why, if it’s so easy to feel joy as you say, do I feel overworked, overwhelmed and frustrated more than I feel joy?”

      Answer: We’ve been sold a line of pure BS.

      Want a simple example? Ever hear this: “He is very hard on his employees, but he’s even harder on himself?” What happens inside you when you hear that? Do you think, “Well, that’s all right then. If he beats himself up more than he beats up on his staff, then he’s an OK guy.”

      HUH?!?!?!? Can we just stop for a moment and think about this? So the guy beats himself up and that makes it OK to beat up his staff? How did we get here? How did we ever buy into that kind of thinking? How did we get to the place where we believe that we can accomplish more by feeling stressed out rather than feeling good, i.e. feeling joy.

      When you saw the John Lennon quote, did you intuitively feel that to be true? Do you think you can accomplish more by feeling stressed out at work and just hope you can unwind on weekends and maybe have some fun on your time off. If you like this kind of nose-to-the-grindstone existence at work and “chasing-fun-on-weekends” lifestyle, then you are welcome to keep it. But, if you want a way to feel joy all the time, or at least most of the time, read on, and


      Let’s Keep it Simple. I know you have more time pressure than ever. That’s why what you will find here are simple, easy techniques that can be applied quickly. And this will be practical stuff. Stuff you can apply and will want to apply regularly. Why?

       Because this stuff works and it works right away.

      Welcome to a wonderful journey of discovery. Here’s to your joy, energy, health, bliss and to success in all your endeavours.

      Your Treasure House is in yourself, it contains all you need. –Hui Hai

      Protocol # 1 How to be Happy 24/7

      When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am depressed, I notice that people’s eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive. -Steve Chandler


      This simple technique will take 16-18 minutes the first time and 4-5 minutes after that. (3-4 minutes to unplug the phone(s), turn off the cell phone, lock the doors and/or ask the family not to engage you in any way for 7 minutes; 5 minutes to do the technique and a minute or two to bask in the delightful feeling of bliss you will experience.)


       The How-to-be-Happy-24/7 Meditation


       This informal technique is simple and easy to remember.

       Step 1: Breathe From the Mouth

       “Relax the lower jaw and let your mouth open just slightly. Start breathing from the mouth, but not deeply.

       Just let the body breathe so it becomes more and more shallow.

       And when you feel that the breath has become very shallow and your mouth is open and jaw relaxed, your whole body will feel very relaxed.

       Step 2: Feel a Smile

       “In that moment, start feeling a smile — not on your face but all over your being — and you will be able to.

       It is not a smile that comes on the lips; it is an existential smile that spreads just inside.

       Try and you will know what it is, because it cannot be explained.

       No need to smile with your lips on your face but just as if you are smiling from the belly, the belly is smiling.

       And it is a smile, not a laugh, so it is very, very soft, delicate, fragile — like a small rose opening in the belly and the fragrance spreading all over the body.

       Once you have known what this smile is, you can remain happy for twenty-four hours a day.

       And whenever you feel that you are missing that happiness, just close your eyes and catch hold of that smile again, and it will be there.

       In the daytime as many times as you want, you can catch hold of it. It is always there.”

      How long did that actually take you? 2-3 minutes? Is that about right? And how long will it take you the next time you want to “catch hold” of that inner smile and feel the happy feeling again? What do you think? 2-3 minutes again? Or maybe just a few moments? Literally just a few seconds?

      If you have a few seconds right now, try it out for time. Go ahead, I’ll wait and be right here when you are done. Check your watch, catch hold of the inner smile by closing your eyes, breathing shallowly through the mouth and feeling the warmth of it spread from your belly to all over your body. Now look at your watch again. What was your time? I did it while waiting for you. My time was about 13 seconds. Do you think you may be able to find 15-60 seconds occasionally? OK, that is your first assignment.

      Your first mission, should you decide to accept, is: Anytime you feel like it, whenever you want, stop and feel the inner smile. (Time commitment: 13 seconds) It matters not if it is once a day or every hour on the hour. (Say, that’s a good idea, don’t you think?) All that matters is that you accept the mission and JUST DO IT!

      Put this manual down now and stop reading. Come back to it later; and you will remember to come back to it. When? It matters not. This is not a race. There is no timetable. You get to do this at any pace you want. You get to set the agenda and the timing. Come back to it when you feel the inner urge to do so. OK? And be sure to enjoy the process. Allow yourself to luxuriate in this. Luxuriating can be done for just a few seconds. It doesn’t need to be taking a day off to spend at a spa. That’s a great thing too, but there is no need to save up your luxuriating until you have time for that. You can do it for a few seconds and still get great benefit.