Words B Word, Right?. Cathy Lorraine Bagley MD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cathy Lorraine Bagley MD
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781619337046
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       lest verbal/body language disapprovals will expressly be given…

      With these stereotypes in constant circulation

      how do fathers nurture freely without frustration

      When finding themselves custodial parents of a child;

      performing, tasking, keeping them from running wild?

      As all women aren’t intrinsic nurtures as studies have alluded,

      all dads aren’t without innate capabilities- as formerly concluded.

      Let us not detract, deflect glory away from fatherly men

      deserving applause now, most certainly when they begin

      uneasy assignments solitary or otherwise

      as constant dads in their own children’s lives.


      Seen and unforeseen forces trying to alienate:

       employment circumstances acting to separate;

       Mothers seeking retribution for perceived treatments unjust

      enlisting community support biassed ostracizing him in disgust

       without recognizing there could be another side

       without a guilty party- just life hitching onto detour’s ride;

       uncertainties, greener grass; chemistries not mixing,

       preferences, crossed lines; changes not worth fixing.

      Mothers dying off, strung out, breaking down and walking away

      explain why more males are left as single “mo-dad’s” today

      Kudos to those men remaining patient, available,

       courageous, enduring with pride unassailable


       Vindictive people, faltering times using children as bait;

       economic injustices, profiling promulgating hate.

      Single dads, you are valued, honored, respected, treasured

      Your work’s been counted, noted, collected and measured.

      It helps define standards for a new male order who might also be asked

      to discard old mores to adopt nurturing- formerly considered a feminine task.

      Thanks for good sense in setting your own loving standards so children thrive

      knowing they need emotions to develop, stay healthy to live not just survive

      when they fall- and they will!

      No one claims possession of a pill

      guarding fully against even a trip,

      fever, pain, failure or busted lip…

      But when they fall, it’s good dad’s send them on with a nod or a hug,

      showing tough gentle love patching bruises with that needed fatherly plug.

      How do “Mo-dads” nurture freely without frustration?

      By looking into children’s eyes seeing adoration,

      appreciation for the daunting task of solo jobs well done.

      Despite the sacrifice, single father’s know nothing’s won

      until adult kids are out and on their own

      decidedly responsible rejecting lesser choices well known.

      And in turn when their children’s parenting opportunities present

      they too will have grown sons into men continuing to represent!

      A Beautiful Peace

      A Beautiful Peace

      Good morning, Sunshine! Here’s a beautiful peace: keep happiness in mind as you rest and release!

       Busying thoughts talk ears off slumberless nights. Daily thrills impede mind’s descent from troubling heights leaving us hyped from travels, undertakings of the day. Giddy, chatty. Sleep commands are nearly impossible to obey!

      May we wake mornings with all inner sounds gone

       except circadian alarms announcing a splendid new dawn.

       Wishing everyone a great day, not letting go of the fact

       we’re kept in good company with love’s lasting impact.

       May this word supplement nutritional breakfast mornings

       with consciousness rising, eyelids lifting like awnings;

      muscles stretching, mouths steadily yawning

      as sleep’s absence is replaced by adventure’s fresh dawning

      marking each day with events yet untold

       whether great, sad, blase- they’re ours to unfold!

      A beautiful peace in a beautiful place is always ours to develop putting smiles on each face. Days start afresh stacked with lessons before learned from yesterday’s loves and yesteryear’s burned

      images of painful tracks lined with sorrows.

       Today use pasts to pave golden tomorrows!

      Develop a beautiful peace in a beautiful mind. It’s ours to possess sent on missions to share what we find.

      Upon encountering someone not yet in our place,

       open a hospitable mind’s room; offer them a space.

       Smiling at strangers is infectious, agree?

       As a virus, it then spreads about liberally!

       Allow those in our midst to partake in our calm.

       Jump-start days with good thoughts used as morning’s alarm.

       So rise without need of a shrill ringing noise!

       A brand new day’s welcomed with concomittant new joys…

      Behaving like children on Christmas all happy to see what Santa Claus has in store for gifting under every tree. Open eyes knowing we’re blessed; thankful again for the gift of life and every new chance to befriend.

       Great treasures around each corner awaits

       for saving, investing or spending future dates.

       Thank God for new gifts granted each day. Good morning sunshine hopping, skipping our way

      perky like a stone flirting with water,

      giggly like a soldier tossing a daughter

      having been away too long measured spell

      returning with tears causing oceans to swell

      upon the sight of a child’s joyous expression,

      and relief from another deployment session.

      Rest assured knowing each day concluded right.

      Unfinished business won’t appear ghostly, prickly night.

      In every way worthwhile- release, please let go

      filling lungs as if bellows preparing sighs that will blow

      away stormy obsessions,

      and past indiscretions.

       Wow, such a cathartic life altering release