Straight from The Onion Vine. Book 3 Lasting Past. Jody Scottsmith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jody Scottsmith
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607460053
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      Straight from The Onion Vine. Book 3 Lasting Past

      Jody Scottsmith

      Copyright © 2012 Jody Scottsmith

      All characters in “Straight from The Onion Vine” Trilogy are fictitious and events are totally fabricated.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      For my favorite granddaughter


      My Cabin in the woods, where my energy to create blooms.

      1 - INTRO

      Mom and Kara sat down across from each other at Ricardo’s. Neither knew exactly what to say or do, or how this even happened.

      “Ok Mom,” Kara tried to explain. “When we took Annie home, I knew you wanted to tell her mother about the call. I stayed in the car because I couldn’t wait to drop her off and leave, seriously.”

      She paused to finger-comb her hair, returning to the moment she and Annie made eye contact. “It was the look she gave me that said ’don’t do this to me’. It made me think we can work this out, so she can live with us.”

      The waitress brought their sandwich over with two plates. Mom spoke before picking up her half. “I had the same idea, Kara. The question is…we’re willing to give her another chance, but will Annie see it that way. For starters, she needs to quit lying and bring up her grades.”

      “I don’t know, Mom,” Kara reasoned. “What I really hate is…the way her mother can’t wait to get rid of her.”

      “Me too,” Mom readily agreed, “that’s not going to happen. I have a few rules in mind for Annie AND her mother. We’ll go over them in the morning.”

      “This is our decision, but how about some other opinions?”

      Mom’s eyes twinkled just a little. “Sure, if you think they might have some.”

      2 - FIRST THOUGHTS ‘I need to hear from everyone and soon. Annie called when I got home from school. She was out all night and needed a ride. Mom and I found her at a gas station and took her home. Basically she ran away to keep from going to live with her dad. She wants to move in here. Mom and I have to be sure about this, before we agree to it.’

      Kara found her favorite flannels in a laundry basket. She decided a shower would help clear her head. “If everyone goes on like we’re crazy, I’ll be determined to prove them wrong,” she reasoned, wrapping her hair in a towel. “So they know that won’t work.”

      She stretched out on her bed, staring at the poster of a runner on her ceiling. It took a load off to tell her friends. They knew the situation with her and Annie, especially after Thanksgiving. The cool air woke up early the next morning and she crawled under the covers, but couldn’t go back to sleep. Finally, she reached for her phone to check Suzanne was the first to answer.

      ‘When I wanted to find Eleanor, you did too, almost as much as I did. Ok so it had plenty of twists and turns, but we both were on the same page. Does Annie really want to get her life together? Maybe what she’ looking for an escape. If she comes to live with you, how do you know she isn’t running from her problems?’ -Suz

      ‘For her to move in, you have to be able to trust her. Like Thanksgiving, I confronted her about inviting Mitch. She lies like she believes what she says. How will you know she’s being straight with you?’ -N

      ‘When Annie called for a ride, ok you picked her up. She got that far, so why not see if you’d take her in? That’s what I call taking advantage of you and Mom. Seems like nothing is ever enough for her. I’ll say more tomorrow morning.’ -S

      Kara barely had time to sit up in bed before Scott’s car pulled in the driveway. With an ‘OMG’ she brushed her teeth and threw on some sweats, leaving her hair in a braid. She hurried downstairs and followed familiar voices to the kitchen.

      Mom was already at the table with her usual crossword, and a legal pad like she uses for case management problems at the hospital.

      “If there ever was a ‘case management problem’, it’s Annie,” Kara thought, before giving Scott a kiss. Suzanne and Neil handed out lattes from Ricardo’s. Mom was ready to get started.

      3 - NOT SO FAST

      “Annie’s mother has already called about a time,” Mom said, rolling her eyes a little. “I want to hear what everyone thinks, then you can listen to a plan I outlined.”

      Mom stopped there. Kara already had her phone out and read their answers on She looked up, her eyes resting on Scott.

      “I take it you have more to say,” she said, referring to his blog.

      Scott chose his words carefully. “I know how important your friends are. You have a lot of them, so why make Annie your problem?”

      Kara nodded in understanding. “I’m as surprised we’re here as you are, especially after all she’s done.”

      She paused to sip her latte, feeling Scott’s hand on shoulder.

      “Why can’t she live with her dad?” Suzanne questioned.

      “She doesn’t want to leave her friends,” Kara confirmed.

      “Maybe that’s what she needs,” Neil observed. “I’ve seen her ‘friends’; they’re out for themselves, like she is. Why didn’t she call one of them for a ride?”

      “One more thing,” Scott added. “It’s eady to say ‘no’ here, if that’s what you decide. But it’s much harder to her face.”

      Everyone nodded with a few ‘yeahs’, and waited for Mom. She put her glasses on and picked up the pad.

      “If we do this, it’s for Annie and not her mother. Suzanne, when you mentioned ‘escaping’, her mother wants ‘out’ as much as Annie does. It won’t be like it used to be, when Annie came come over, before. If she lives here, these are the rules. She can stay Monday through Thursday. She’ll take the bus to school each day and Friday go her house for the weekend. No cell phone, tablet or computer.”

      “She can borrow someone’s phone on the bus,” Suzanne pointed out. “What if she needs a computer for homework?”

      “A lot of kids use the computer lab,” Neil added.

      “Annie and her mother expect us to take her in…like forever,” Kara realized. “What about a curfew, and her friends?”

      “There’s no curfew because she can’t go anywhere, or have friends over.” Mom reassured. “Her mother can deal with Annie’s social life on weekends.”

      “No second chances?” Kara included.

      Mom shook her head. “It looks like I’m hoping she won’t agree to this. Annie has to decide if Lakewood is worth all the rules, or go to her Dad’s.”

      Mom looked at everyone. “Anyone else?”

      Scott focused on Kara. “Remember that talk we had about ‘us’? You don’t mind if I…” He waited for her nod, since things were said in private. “This is what Dad would say. If you decide to be a therapist, it’s a lot like being a doctor. It’s not enough to offer help. Annie