How to Know What You What You Don,t Know. Normand Desmarais. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Normand Desmarais
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607466826
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fruit still tastes good but there is no real nutritional value left after cooking. Raw fruit is the most healthiest to eat, yet some vegetable are ok to cook, while others are best raw. I am not fully authorized on this subject but I do know a little bit, there are many sites on the internet where you can get more information about this then I can give you here. But I can tell you that I also eat raw unsalted organic nuts, I even eat chocolate but it has to be dark, the higher the cocoa content the better.”

      A younger man in the front row stood up and asked.”What about pizza and ice cream?”

      “If you like to eat pizza without cheese that’s ok. I stay away from dairy products because of the health hazards such as homogenization which kills all the good organisms. Most of the dairy products available today are also full of chemicals given to the cows to grow faster and produce more milk. Often the cows are milked by machines that don’t feel or see if there is a sore or abscess on the teat. The machines keep milking till there is no more fluid available and quite often over milk extracting blood and puss from the udder or sore on the udder.”

      If all of this supposedly good food is not enough, many people further destroy any remaining good in it by using a micro wave which destroys any remaining good microbes. I have not used a micro wave for many years now and I have noticed an improvement in my own health. Cooking on a stove or oven, even a toaster oven is much healthier.

      My advice to all of you is to stop cooking with a micro wave oven, throw it out. Or just use a micro wave to warm water or a bean bag to sooth your aches and pains. By the way eating healthier and not using a micro wave will actually reduce and eliminate aches and pains I found this out through experience.

      An elderly gentleman stood up and asked. “Where do you get all this information?”

      Ronny replied. “I am a member of The Neothink Society, you can call support services at 1-800-480-2336 for more information, also I am a member of GIN which is an information site you can go on line at.

      I strongly urge you to join The Global Information Network because there you will find so much more information that is extremely helpful in so many ways. Also being a member of (GIN) you will be able to see and listen to many speakers who have the knowledge to help you to a better life of Health, prosperity, and happiness.

      By the way it is free to you when you go to the site make sure to read the home page then listen to the video. If you decide to become a full member of GIN you are automatically a member of the Natural Cures site as well, here you gain in depth information on natural health and medical information.”

      “Let’s take a short fifteen minute break so that you can stretch your legs, grab a drink if you wish. I have to see to the other speakers.”

      Break is Over

      Break is over

      Ronny was at the front.

      “Ok everyone let’s take our seats so that we can continue”

      Everyone came back and sat down.

      Ronny looked out over the crowd.

      “It seems that we have some new people here.”

      Several people stood and mentioned that they made some calls and invited them.

      Ronny smiled. “That’s ok so let us begin with some questions.”

      A woman from near the back stood up and asked.

      “You mentioned earlier about the drugs we get from the drug store, what’s wrong with them?

      Ronny asked. “Are you asking about prescription medication or off the shelf medications?

      The lady replied. “Well how about all of them, and can you sort of generalize?

      “Well.” Ronny replied and continued. “First I would suggest you read the books that Kevin Trudeau has written.

      ‘The Natural Cures-They don’t Want You to know about’, and then read the book ‘More Natural Cures’ and then the third book, ‘How to lose weight. What I gathered from reading those books is that most prescription and off the counter medicines are not really good for you in the long run. First off, all they really do, is suppress the pain or symptom that you have, there is no attempt at stopping the cause. On top of that there are other chemicals in those medications that probably produce other problems in the future causing you to have to buy more types of prescription or off the counter medications.

      “It is mainly a money making system for the pharmaceutical companies, their chief goal is treat the symptom but don’t cure the cause. If you were totally cured then they would lose a very substantial pile of money. What I am trying to do here is to help you think about it for a while, add the one plus one and hope you get the picture.

      “Did you know or are you aware that these large pill producing companies have lobbied long and hard with the governments to get bills passed that are in their favour? They have even gone so far as to make it against the law in many cases to produce or promote natural cures to the public. Doctors who assist patients with natural cures are arrested and put in jail and /or fined.

      “Kevin Trudeau has been fined Millions of dollars and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees of his own money, simply because he has written his books to inform the public about the lies and deceits that are out there and hidden from the public eye. This man is a true hero and should be treated as such. He is fighting the system for you and me, and deserves all the support that we can give him. I have met the man and I have found him to be a genuine, honest loving compassionate human being.

      “He is by no means the only one out there trying to enlighten his fellow man, there are hundreds of others. Kevin Trudeau is more in the public eye and more of a pain in the butt to the authorities who are trying very hard to shut him and the others up. We are very fortunate to have him on our side because he has the financial backing that others do not.

      “He has The Natural Cures site, and The KT radio station, and has also played a big part in The Global information site and his many books. Kevin is very driven and works tirelessly for our benefit. As I said earlier he is a true hero.”

      “Getting back to your question the drug industry produces and continues to find new forms of drugs (which incidentally they use to come up with new forms of diseases and ailments never before heard of). These drugs are produced with often times very harm full chemicals that wreak havoc with our bodies. Our bodies are natural biological systems needing natural organic foods and natural medicines to help improve and restore our systems. We do not need to be consuming Draino or liquid plumber like chemicals. Yet that is what is being prepared for us by these body destroyers.

      “Now our doctors are trained by these people and many are forced to prescribe this garbage to us. Many doctors are here with love in their hearts but do not even realize the harm that they are doing, but they have to obey this unnatural law set up through the governments by the pharmaceutical industry for their own financial gains.

      “It is a shame when even doctors die of cancers and other most often preventable diseases because the real cures are kept hidden from even them. Natural paths and homeopathic forms of medications are considered unlawful in many locations because it takes away the profits from the AMA (American Medical Association) another leach on our health and finances. So much good has been destroyed by these people simply for profit.

      “Now you have an upset stomach for example and you go to the drugstore to get some Tums or Rolaids. Sure there is some short term relief but you did not get rid of the cause. There are some things to look at here. First if you continue to take this over the counter medication to relieve your stomach ache it will eventually cause some other medical problem in your body, and you will then also start buying something else to treat that other symptom and on and on it goes.

      “Second why did you get a stomach ache