How To Train The Champion In You. David Lukasiak. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Lukasiak
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607465461
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to take control of my thoughts and feelings and make myself feel great no matter the situation, I realized that there are no impossible situations. When my wife and I woke up to this fact many years ago, our lives changed. Things around us began to change.

      Change Your Feelings and Your Attitude Will Change

      My wife is my best friend and greatest partner. She used to call me a “grouch” because in my early days I would allow myself to be affected by situations. She had a better attitude than I did. The negative situations of life did not affect her as much because of her positive attitude. But for me, developing this sort of outlook on life was a major change.

      My wife and I would help each other with our attitudes. We still do even now. When either one of us would allow a situation to get to us, we would say, “It’s gonna be OK. Start thinking about good things!”

      No one can change your thoughts but you. I cannot control your thoughts or tell you what to think about. You can put any kind of image into your mind you want. So you can think on good things if you want to.

      There is a scripture from the Amplified Bible that says: “Whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].”

      So, my wife and I learned that we could get control of our thinking, if we made a conscious effort to do it. We learned that in the middle of the storm (and we’ve been through many), to think of something that without any doubt we know will make us feel great on the inside.

      What we do next is we hold that thought… and our feelings begin to change right away. But don’t think about the thing that upset you. If you do, you will continue to worry more and more. Worry breeds worry, and good feelings breed more good feelings.

       I Think You Can Do This Too!

      I am not asking you to feel great. I am asking you to start with feeling good a little bit at a time. That’s what we did when we started practicing this many years ago, and it works.

      Storms can be terrible. We have been hit with all kinds of storms: financial, sickness, disease, family, trouble with friends and deaths. So I know you can do this as we did. “You are a champion!”

       Action steps for you to take…

       First, it does not matter the situation or whatever emotion you are feeling right now. I would like you to change it to feel a little bit better. Think about something that you know will make you feel good now.

       When you think on this good thought , your feelings will change. Hold the thought for 2-3 minutes and your feelings will get better. You will start to relax, and a peace will begin to manifest. Stop reading this book and go ahead and try it out.

       Now you should be feeling better than before and that is very good indeed.

      Now anytime during the day if situations begin to get to you, change your thoughts right away. Think about the thing that’s making you feel a little better than before. Don’t concern yourself at all with the problem. You have been thinking about the problem too much.

      Work on thinking about the thing that makes you feel good right now. As you practice this you’ll improve. Your attitude will change. Also, as an added benefit, as you practice feeling good right now, the answer to your situation will become very clear to you.

      Now you know what to do, so go and do it. You should have peace now and not stress. You should be feeling good now, not bad. Your answer should be clear and your attitude will be improved. You are now in a better position to help others (which is the greatest joy!) Keep pressing in for what you need to do and don’t look back.


       The storms of life come to all of us

       You do not have to be overtaken by a storm

       Believe that you are a champion

       You were created to fulfill your purpose in life

       You can help others change for good

       When you feel bad, start by just feeling a little bit better

       Changing Your Mindset

       Here is a list of statements you can say out loud so that you can see yourself in a positive light. Doing this exercise will change the way you think about yourself. Start speaking good things about yourself everyday!

       I am a person of integrity

       I am a person of value

       I will do great things in life

       I am alive

       I am courageous

       I am honest

       I am caring

       I am happy

       I am funny

       I am smart

       I am healthy

       I am wealthy

       I am a champion!

      Our Inside Story

       “Learning is the beginning of wealth.

       Learning is the beginning of health.

       Learning is the beginning of spirituality.

       Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.”

       Jim Rohn

      My wife and I became full time missionaries in Japan in 1994. We stepped out on a word that we had in our hearts, “Trust me, go and do it.” We have a burning desire to carry out our dreams and our passions.

      Did we face storms? Of course we did. The storms or troubles of life will come to every human being on planet earth. Sometimes it will seem like all of hell is coming against you. I know you can relate to what I am saying.

       Author’s Note:

       Make a decision that you will follow your heart, inward leading, gut feelings, and inspired thoughts, and it will be much better for you. Listen to your own heart and follow your dreams…


      My wife and I started out in full-time ministry with no money, no place of our own to sleep in. (No organization would support us) I could not even buy my wife a tube of lipstick. When your wife cannot buy the things she needs to look nice, it’s hard on her and it causes stress. We couldn’t even afford a bed at the time. We slept in sleeping bags on hard cement floors.

      Then came the mental and emotional battle. The first thing to hit us was discouragement. Then came doubt, frustration, and fear. We began to think, “Wow, we blew it. We made a mistake.”

      BUT WE KNEW GOD HAD SPOKEN TO OUR HEARTS! We knew we had to keep going forward no matter what. We had made a solid decision. There would be no turning back. We had joy in our hearts and we were happy living that lifestyle.