Nominigan and Other Smoke Lake Jewels. Gaye Clemson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gaye Clemson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607467700
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enjoying a smile and a game of cribbage. It seemed to be an enthralling game as my presence did not seem to have any effect. The train finally squeaked to a stop at Joe Lake Station sometime after midnight where Dad was waiting. Eventually we got to our canoe and paddled off into a starry black night.

       Across Canoe Lake, we then threaded our way through the fallen forest of Lake Bonita and Smoke Creek and sighted down the length of Smoke Lake by the early cool light of breaking day. I do not recall the last leg of the long journey, reaching for Molly’s Island where we camped for more than a week. I built a pirate ship with driftwood, fishing line and other found things, which fitted the imagination. We launched the model with fanfare and good wishes for a fine voyage. North it sailed until it disappeared from view around Ranger’s Point – its birch bark sails seemed to billow strangely as it was carried away in the breeze stern first. On overcast or cool days, we fished on Dad’s favourite trolling ground along the shoal running north from Nominigan toward Hangar Bay. A pan-fried freshly caught trout meal seemed to be a part of food fare most days. At Park Headquarters, Dad looked into available cottage lots. We visited the Portage Store, not yet officially open for the season. On another day we visited the Smoke Lake hanger and were shown around by the Park Superintendent. Over the days, we visited many potential cottage sites, sometimes picnicking on them when the bugs were tolerable. Toward the end of our two weeks, we canoed to the northwest arm of Smoke Lake to look at lots previously not visited. Opposite the old highway, the shoreline was heavily mined with fallen trees. Captured in this log jungle was the model pirate ship we’d launched over a week before.”

      At the peak in the early 1950s there were nearly 100 leaseholds, but today Smoke Lake is the summer home to about 80 families, some of whom have been coming for four generations. Arriving soon after the ice goes out in late April, many do not return to their winter haunts till well into fall. But one special lease belonged to Gar and Jessie Northway who resided on Canoe Lake from 1931 to 1960.

      Pencil Sketch of James Dickson by Lorrie Szekat - Gary Long Collection

      Logs Floating in Front of Tea Lake Campground 1940s - Baskerville Collection

Historical Beginnings

      Rock Inscription Dated 1667 APMA#3704

Historical Beginnings

      Area Map Glimpses of Algonquin Park Pg. 9

Historical Beginnings

      View of Camp 2 From the Water APMA#3591

Historical Beginnings

      Entry way to Smoke Creek

Historical Beginnings

      Original Tea Lake Dam APMA#221

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