The House of Frogs. Richard Cook. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Richard Cook
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607466321
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paused, flashing me another of those enigmatic smiles. “But we digress Mr Lightfoot. We were I believe discussing the Yamin Elohiym’s current interest in you.”

       “You know what those dog collars want?”

       “Indeed Mr Lightfoot. They wish to save you from my clutches.”

       “Clutches! Just who the hell are you?”

       “You may call me Mr Ameazak; pronounced ‘Amy-zak’. Its Ethiopian in a roundabout way.”

       ”A roundabout way?”

       “Yes Mr Lightfoot, Mr Ameazak is an anagram of Amemzarak; the Ethiopian title of Semyaza the Fallen Angel mentioned in the Book of Enoch. I use this title of course in respect to the Ethiopian Gnostic’s; the only Christian sect to rightly include the Book of Enoch within their Cannon of Testaments.”

       “You have got to be kidding me! You’re not seriously trying to tell me you’re a Fallen Angel?”

       “Of course Mr Lightfoot; though I can imagine such a revelation would no doubt come as quite a surprise to a secular agnostic of the Twenty-First Century. Indeed, it is one of the reasons I use a pseudonym to circumnavigate the many problems associated with my titles.”

       “Problems! What problems?”

       “I have been incarcerated on this cursed planet for millennia; a period in which Elyon’s minions have flagrantly besmirched my good name. In fact demonised it to such a degree, I find it easier to do business under a pseudonym.”

       “But I’ve never heard of Amemzarak; or Semyaza for that matter.”

       “I have borne other, more familiar titles Mr Lightfoot. However, all references to my true titles and deeds are now regrettably consigned by the Yamin Elohiym to the Apocrypha.”

       “The Apocrypha?”

       “Ancient religious texts Mr Lightfoot. Scripture excluded from both old and new Testaments by all the Abrahamic faiths; except as I mentioned, the Ethiopian Gnostic’s; those who stubbornly retain the Book of Enoch within their Old Testament. A scripture written by the Great Grandfather of Noah and the oldest book penned by man.”

       “So what’s the God Squad’s beef with Enoch?”

       “The Books of Enoch and Jubilees; indeed, the Gospel of Philip, plus a host of other ancient apocryphal scriptures relay a very different story of Man’s creation. A story seriously questioning Elyon’s self proclaimed position as God.”

       The man leant forward, fixing me earnestly with his dark eyes. ”It is a story that must be told Lightfoot; and as both an Enlil and writer who better to pen my tale? You see before I depart this world, man must finally realise the terrible, tragic truth of his creation.”


      Benjamin Roland QC gazed at me in what I took to be incredulous awe before reaching into his tan leather briefcase and withdrawing my book. “You’re actually claiming your novel; The Testament of Semyaza, to be a factual account of a Fallen Angel and his creation of man?”

      “Spot on Benjamin. You read it?”

      “Well of course; who hasn’t? It’s a worldwide best seller. The book that launched you from obscurity to fame; or perhaps infamy. It deeply upset many in the Abrahamic faiths. There were even death threats I believe?”

      “Hell! Those God Squad were mad enough to drown puppies. See, it was the testaments autobiographical authenticity that provoked such an outcry.”

      “Daniel, there’s no doubting the book caused a sensation. It led to many conspiracy theories surrounding the Abrahamic faiths. But to call it autobiographical; well that’s just… Preposterous!”

       ‘Old Benjamin’s cocking his leg and pissing on your chips Mr Ameazak.’

       ‘A most regrettable and vulgar turn of phrase Mr Lightfoot; but one I believe succinctly summarises your Barristers secular nature.’

      “Daniel! I asked; why you? Why did he need you to tell his story?”

      “Well being an Enlil, I could allow Mr Ameazak into my consciousness. It’s how he’s controlled man for millennia.”

      “But Daniel! In your book, the Fallen Angel clearly states among the many titles he’s held are Satan, the Devil, Lucifer and Beelzebub. Are you seriously suggesting you allowed the Devil to possess you?”

      “Hey! My book also clearly states the labelling of Mr Ameazak as Satan and the Devil in the Biblical Testaments was a vicious, calculated piece of malicious propaganda. A smear campaign perpetrated by the Yamin Elohiym to irreparably damage his good name. The guy openly admits to being no Angel Benjamin; but he ain’t no Devil either. He just wanted to put the record straight; that’s all!”

       ‘Oh bravo Mr Lightfoot!’

       ‘Thanks Mr Ameazak.’

      “Daniel? DANIEL! I said we cannot base your defence on the existence of Fallen Angels and the bloody Yamin Elohiym!”

      “My god! You cursed Benjamin!”

      “Did I Daniel? Well, I’m sorry…. But you must understand; it’s a little difficult to maintain my composure….WHEN YOU PERSIST WITH THIS RIDICULOUS STORY!”

       ‘He’s suffering angst Mr Lightfoot’

       ‘Angst Mr Ameazak?’

       ‘A feeling of deep anxiety; typically concerning the human condition and state of the world in general.’

       ‘Oh gotcha! Hell, we’re all living in Angstville. Have been since you built Stalag Eden; right Mr Ameazak?’

      The Kallu Hum

       Grenville Psychiatric Prison, six months later

      Lights out had just been called and I lay cocooned in the claustrophobic darkness of my single cell.

       ‘Halloo Mr Ameazak. Hey! You there?’

      Mr Ameazak wasn’t taking calls. Hadn’t since I’d admitted to murder. Shrinks reckoned it was my medication stopped his visits. Well, I’d got me a new song!

       ‘I’m not trying to cause a big s-s-sensation,

       I just ain’t taking my medication.

       Bye-bye-bye-my medication baby!’

      The familiar explosion of the spurting coke can accompanied by the odorous waft of scorched hair informed me a Kallu Hum had just entered my cell.


      “Hey, Mr Ameazak! Where you been? Shittaflit! Thought you’d uptsticks and left me.”

      “Hello Daniel. We meet again.”

      Instantly recognising the soft camp accent of the assassin, I lay trembling, sucking in lungfuls of fetid air. I wished him no satisfaction.


      “You come to kill me or gloat?”

      “Neither Daniel; I’ve come to help you. My name is Juan Gabriel.”

      Living in the Shoe Box

       Existence became