Straight From The Onion Vine Book 1 Between. Jody Scottsmith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jody Scottsmith
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607465959
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no one’s going to like me because my hair’s in a braid,” she told herself. “Annie’s never gotten a headache running 5K with her hair in a ponytail.” An afternoon run was sounding better and better.

      Neil waited for her after homeroom bell. They easily found the stairs to third floor and English.

      He slowed before walking in the room and she did the same. “I didn’t see you on the bus. Want some company on the way home?”

      “Mom gave me a ride,” she explained. “I have to sign up for cross country. No telling how long that’ll take.”

      “Ok,” Neil said, giving a little nod.

      The classroom was filling and everyone rushed for their seats as the final bell rang. Kara could hear Annie…sign up for cross-country instead of walking home with a boy? She would never hear the end of it.

      After school, she followed signs to the gym and sat down on the bleachers. Mr. Rodriguez passed around a clip board for everyone to sign. He talked about their first run this Saturday. A 5K would quickly weed out the runners who weren’t in condition. When he said they could go, Kara was relieved the day was over.

      She was starving and couldn’t wait to get home. She made a Kraft Singles sandwich and took a bite, unzipping her back pack at the same time. She didn’t need to see who it was after the usual knock.

      “It’s just me,” Annie said, putting up a hand in a ‘stop’ motion. “Wait, don’t eat anything!”

      She took another bite before Annie grabbed the sandwich and put it in the fridge. Kara gave her a ‘what now’ look and took out some homework. She did notice Annie had on a different tank top. That had to mean something.

      “You’re coming with me…to The Onion,” she said, leaning against the fridge. “We can get something there.”

      “I have way too much…”

      From the way Annie crossed her arms Kara knew she wouldn’t win, but she could try. There were SOME advantages to not having classes with your best friend.

      “I have a paper to write for English.”

      “It’s not due for a week…I checked. Just do something with your hair first.”

      Kara put her notebook down. “I’m wiped, really. Go without me.”

      “Can’t; we’re best friends…remember? Besides, this is the only way to get you there. Last minute like this, before you have a chance to think.” Kara’s silence gave Annie the go ahead to continue. “Was today it as bad as you thought?”

      “Plenty…for me,” Kara informed, aware she was losing ground.

      “It’ll be so crowded no one will notice us.”

      “So what’s the point in going?” Kara questioned.

      “Ok you’ve got me on that one,” Annie surrendered. “I’ll go by myself.”

      She sounded so pathetic; Kara headed for the bathroom to ‘do something’ with her hair.

      “Anything’s better that that braid,” Annie critiqued, “even a ponytail.” Kara undid it and used a scrunchie to fashion a loose ponytail. They were on their way.

      The Onion’s real name is The Student Union. From there is was shortened to The UNion and finally The Onion. Run by the town, it is THE place for high school students to go after school and on weekends. Annie’s talked about nothing else for years.

      She left Mom a note and they headed down the street. “I can only stay an hour,” Kara finalized, “then I’m leaving…with or without you.” She could take almost anything that long. Her jitters got worse the closer they got to The Onion.


      “Will you quit being so nervous?” Annie demanded. “Just think…maybe you’ll meet someone.”

      “But I don’t want…”

      Annie almost pushed her inside before she could finish. The lighting was dim inside, and their eyes had to adjust. All Kara could see were rows of endless tables. Annie suddenly waved to someone and started across the room. Kara followed in a sort of survival mode, but not too close. What if Annie stopped and she ran into her; how stupid would that look?

      Annie finally sat down at a table and Kara did the same. She felt less self-consciousness…at first. She got up the nerve to see who was here and looked around. There wasn’t anyone she recognized. All Kara knew about The Onion was each class had their own tables. Annie always said Freshman tables were on the outside against the walls. This one was in a prime spot, next to the dance floor and food court. As usual, Annie knew everyone and Kara was wishing she walked home with Neil.

      “Are you sure we’re supposed to be here?” She finally asked Annie.

      “It’s fine until varsity practice is over.”

      “How does Annie know this stuff?” Kara thought, starting to panic. She could’t stay even an hour…no way! She gave Annie a nudge and looked in the direction of the ‘restroom’ sign. She followed the arrow downstairs, opening double doors into a bright hallway. All Kara knew is she escaped, and took two stairs at a time on the way down. Maybe she was in too much of a hurry; she missed the last step and fell…hard. She kept her head down, hoping no one noticed.

      “Are you alright?” A male voice asked.

      “I’m fine, really,” She winced at a sharp pain in her ankle. “Can’t believe I did this…I run track and cross country.”

      “Come on; things happen,” he said, putting a hand on her arm to help her up. “How about sitting down to give that ankle a rest?”

      Kara tried not to limp on the way to a booth. She couldn’t help but notice how tall he was, and strong. Then she saw his varsity duffle bag. As soon as they sat down, he introduced himself as Scott. A dark curl fell on this forehead, still wet from a shower.

      Kara shook his outstretched hand. “Kara,” she managed, rubbing her ankle with the other one. The real problem was…what to say next!

      “Your first time here?”

      Kara nodded. “You guessed it … my first time here on the first day of high school. It was my friend’s idea.”

      Scott was amused at her regret. “So you’re getting it all over with at once.”

      “I have nothing more to worry about,” Kara conceded, “especially after falling.”

      His eyes sparkled and she couldn’t help but smile back. “Oh well,” she added with a shrug, “it’s uphill from here.”

      He asked who her homeroom teacher was and she told him. Scott had Mr. Johnson for advanced Bio. and Anatomy. He told her about decorating the skeleton for Halloween.

      “How about a slice of pizza?” He asked, getting up.

      Kara checked her back pocket. “I only have a dollar.”

      “You can pay me later,” he said, already on his way to the food court.

      She leaned over to put some weight on her ankle and looked around. Annie was at a table next to the booths, and gave her an ‘i-c-u’ hand sign. Kara quickly turned away, knowing she would get this all wrong. Scott returned with two slices and handed her one. Kara forgot how hungry she was.

      “You have a practice 5K this Saturday, right?” He asked.

      Kara was impressed…no one ever pays much attention to cross country until regionals.

      “Yeah, a lot will sign up but few have any idea how far that is.”

      Scott nodded. “Same thing with football. Two weeks of practice and that’s it for most guys.”
