On Guard For Thee. Murray Snow. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Murray Snow
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607462309
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threatened to erupt. Finally, slowly, he stood, but not before shoving his knee farther into the man’s chest.

      James walked over to Leeanne. She continued to rub her wrist, and her eyes flared with disgust as she stared at Pétin. “Are you okay?”

      She nodded and leaned into his chest. “My hero,” she said sarcastically. Suddenly, she straightened up and looked at him. “Why didn’t you let me hit that bastard again?”

      “Easy, tiger. It’s all over.”

      Leroche looked at the MP. “Would someone mind telling me what the hell is going on before I have everyone arrested.”

      Leeanne walked over and thrust out her arm for him to inspect. He looked down. “This,” she said. “Thisis what started this incident.” She explained the argument to the two men. “In addition, sir, if immediate charges of sexual harassment and assault are not brought against Lieutenant-Commander Pétin, I will be forced to take this incident to the civilian court system.”

      Leroche thought about the ultimatum and looked at the warrant officer beside him. “I presume,” the MP said slowly, as he looked from James to Leeanne, “that you are able to substantiate your claim of sexual harassment, ma’am?”

      “You’re goddamned right I can.” She walked into her office and looked down as she passed Pétin, mumbling under her breath. Within seconds, she reappeared, carrying the small black notebook. She walked over to Petty Officer Gratton. “Hand it over.” Gratton unlocked the top right-hand drawer of her desk and pulled out a similar black book.

      “I had Petty Officer Gratton keep an account of everything she heard that asshole say, not only to me, but also to the other females in this office. My notebook, with the exception of today’s activities, contains those incidents that I know about.”

      The warrant officer took the books and leafed through them. “Have you compared notes or exchanged information at any time, ma’am?”

      “No. We haven’t seen each other’s notes nor have we discussed what was written down.”

      Pétin groaned and tried to get up, but ended up resting on his hands and knees. Blood poured out of his nose, and three teeth had been broken from the force of James’s punch. “Sit down, asshole,” James said, and pushed Pétin over with his foot.

      Leroche briefly looked up and then continued to glance over the many pages of accusations. “James,” he said, trying desperately to care that Pétin outranked the angry young man, “step away from the commander.” James chuckled at the tone, but did as he was ordered.

      Pétin staggered to one knee as he awkwardly pulled himself up, and leaned heavily on the desk. He looked around the room, trying to make it stop spinning. The front of his white uniform shirt was almost completely red. He pointed at James and coughed as he tried to speak. Finally, he brought his voice under control. “Arretht thith man at wunth.” His last, pitiful attempt to salvage his dignity disappeared as everyone in the room burst out in hysterical laughter at his now prominent lisp.

      Leroche put his hand on the warrant officer’s shoulder and steadied himself. “Get the paperwork started to have Commander Pétin charged. As of now, he is under arrest, open custody. Gilles,” he said, and wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. “Not only are you under arrest and about to be charged with assault, sexual harassment, and conduct unbecoming an officer, but you’re fired.”

      “Sir. I’m taking my wife home.”

      Leroche nodded. “Leeanne,” he said, “I am very sorry you and the others had to go through this. As much as you don’t want to admit it right now, he is very good at his job. I just thought he didn’t have any people skills. I didn’t know he was criminally insane.” She nodded, accepting his apology. “Go into my office and put your name on a leave pass. I’ll fill out the rest.”

      “What about Morgan?” Pétin asked incredulously.

      Leroche shook his head. “Commander, it’s your right to press charges against Captain Morgan, but I don’t think there’s a court-martial board in the land that would convict him under these circumstances.” Leroche walked into his office, signed the leave pass, and gave Leeanne a copy. “Get your wrist looked at. Make sure they get a few pictures and then go home. I’ll call your father and tell him what happened on the official net. Knowing him, he’ll be waiting on the front porch.” Leroche walked her out of his office and watched as she reached for James’s hand.

      “Let’s go,” she said.

      Leroche watched them leave and shook his head. He walked into his office and shut the door. It was shaping up to be a long day, and his first call wasn’t going to be a pleasant one. “Hank,” he said when the connection was made, “it’s Marc. I think you should sit down.”

      Work Point Barracks

      21 January, 0955 Hours

      “What the hell are you doing here?”

      “Just thought I’d see if you’d run the battalion into the ground.” James shut the door, sat down, and removed the sling he had been forced to wear after a second reconstructive surgery.

      “Are you sure you’re supposed to be doing that?”

      “Probably not, but the doctor isn’t here to stop me.”

      “Maybe not, but family can be worse than the medics at times. Get your arm back into the sling right this minute.”

      “For God’s sake, Dad, I’m not a kid anymore.”

      Hanson nodded in agreement and relished the opening he had just been given. “Maybe not, but just remember how much time I have to make up for. You thought I was tough when you were just dating my daughter. Well, Captain, now that you’re legally part of this family and not just another snot-nosed junior officer that I am forced to endure, I have a few more things I can yell at you about and not seem like a tyrannical CO. What do you think of that?”

      James shrugged, massaging his arm as he spoke. “I’ve learned how to deal with you, General. When you piss me off, I tell myself you’re just an in-law. Mostly, I just ignore you.”

      “I see another bullet hasn’t rid you of your insolence.”

      “Nope. Anything going on around here?”

      “You’ll take over the details for the battalion’s return when you get back from Wales.”

      “Come again?”

      Hanson laughed at James’s expression. “Not that you deserve it, but there are two tickets to Gatwick and a connection into Newport waiting for you at the airport. Your Uncle John will pick you up and take you to Brecon. Think of it as an early anniversary present.”

      James’s eyes widened with surprise. “You’ve got to be kidding. When the hell are we supposed to be going?”

      “Tomorrow. Leeanne is probably busy packing. Speaking of right now, don’t you have an appointment with Captain Graham at the hospital?”

      James, still shocked, shook his head as he walked to the door. “You know, Dad, every time I think I’ve got you figured out, you pull something like this.” He shook his head. “Thank you.” There was nothing else to say.

      Nothing his watery eyes didn’t say for him.

      Chapter 8

      The Barracks

      Brecon, Wales

      24 January, 0830 Hours

      James and Leeanne arrived at Brecon Barracks, home to the Royal Welsh Regiment, formerly the Royal Regiment of Wales, and were immediately taken to the commanding officer, Brigadier-General William Bennett. James was in his dress greens, his medals filling three rows on the left side of his tunic.

      As they entered the plain, nondescript office, James came to