nightfall. dhiraj gaurh. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: dhiraj gaurh
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607460961
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important. They have entirely lost their perspective. Food is not important. Property is not important. Thought is important. We must spend most of our time thinking how life must be led. What we should do and shouldn’t do. If we do not have this perspective, we might end up doing all the wrong things in the worst possible way. We are playing Russian roulette with this world. We have been reduced to living like animals or worse. We do not think about the grander scheme of things in this universe. We are preoccupied with our day to day existence. We think only of leading the most comfortable life possible, without thinking what sort of impact our life will have on this world.

      People have become too selfish. They do not have a care for this world. Let someone else do that job. Fighting and survival of the fittest may be good enough for the natural world but it is no longer appropriate for us. We have come far from nature and we need to be more human. Thought must be given to the world as a whole and not to the individual. If individuals have to change their lives for the betterment of this world, they should be happy to do it.

      People have to forget their petty woes and worries and spend time contemplating the grandness of this universe. Our ambitions pale in comparison to the grandeur of this universe.

      In ancient India, the greatest respect was given to philosophers who spent their life in contemplation. They were considered the greatest among men. This was considered the greatest feat and all material gains paled in comparison. These ascetics were considered greater than the wealthiest man alive.

      In the current world, we are seeing a shift towards more material things. Material gains are the most coveted and important thing for a vast majority of the educated people today. God has died and the old world is dying. It is replaced by a new world full of people mewling and scratching each other like angry cats. Philosophy is no longer important. The little philosophy that is popular amongst the masses is about being richer or more successful. This is indeed a pathetic turn of events. Philosophy and thought must be reinstalled as the most important things in this world. More important than science and religion.

      Science can produce evil things and religions can lead to evil massacres. They both require thought to temper them. The most important thing in our life is the philosophy we follow and why we follow it. Would our life lead to a better world or would it lead to an end of the world ? The earth is crying under our load and many ends seem plausible. All we do is fight and bicker. It is time to put an end to this inhumanness.

      There is no need to fight once we realize the relative importance of things in this world. “Vairagya” or detachment from human society was common in ancient India. In fact, “sanyas” is prescribed as the last stage of life in scripture. A certain degree of detachment is essential to distance ourselves from the mad rush of this world. It is a pity that so many people spend so much time fighting and worrying over things that are not important. If this world were full of philosophers, the world might have a better future.

      Why do we no longer seek the meaning of life ? What has changed? Have we become too reliant on science? We think that science will produce all the answers to this universe. There should be someone here to receive those answers, when and if they come.

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