Your Doorway to Consciousness. Michael Vogelsgesang. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Vogelsgesang
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607465140
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disease. For instance, if someone feels unloved, does that make someone truly unworthy of love? Or, if we feel incompetent, does that mean that our body and mind are truly incapable of performing that action? Wrong beliefs cause us to misinterpret our circumstances as threatening, which creates internal stress (and for those interested in more detail: see related research at Stanford University by Bruce Lipton Ph.D.), which in return is translated into fear. The point is that this transforms into energies that are doing us harm over time, and it is on us to control such energies. And this brings me to the task I have in mind for you to start today: consciously think about and focus on truth, love and respect for yourself and others. In case of undesired thoughts, images and emotions coming up during the process continue to treat the self-talk in your mind as discussed in the previous chapter.

      Start planting good seeds today for what you wish to reap tomorrow.

      Collective Consciousness

      We get to look now at the influence of others on our lives and how this mechanism actually works. As much as we want to know about the powers and responsibilities for ourselves as an individual, we also want to know how that affects us as a group.

      It seems obvious: just like the cells of a body act together as a community for a shared goal, any other group, may that be small or large, develop a collective consciousness. These may be a family, businesses, companies, states, countries, you name it. Any of those groups is successful only as a whole, in unity about the worthiness of what wants to be achieved. Too easily then we condemn one party as being faulty and are tempted to seek a mistake in the external world if for the individual the path goes an undesired direction. The underlying law however still remains the same and therefore the outcome or situation for an individual continues to be based on what has been programmed by the person in the first place. The success of an individual then has its cause in the own consciousness, whereas the success of a group has its cause in the collective consciousness. A group that is about to fail wants to change the program as the group altogether. As much as it may appear that a single person may be the cause, it is still the group as a whole allowing the program to run. A beautiful example is Mahatma Gandhi in his quest to end the oppression of India by the United Kingdom, who as the wonderful person that he was still needed the support of his people. The collective consciousness from the Indian people and the collective consciousness from the witnessing world were so powerful that the outcome was predetermined. The acceptance of the ideas offered and the allowance of the effects were the key factors of the dynamics, whereas the dismissal of violence, fear based thinking and blame versus Gandhi’s proclamation of love, respect and peaceful thinking were the key to success. Owing to the fact that we are essentially all one (as we got confirmed by Quantum Physics), Gandhi knew that his people would eventually just hurt themselves if they would answer the violence of the British troops with violence. And here we come to an essential tool to multiply and accelerate our desires:

      Give what you want to get more of!

      While doing so we focus more effectively and reach the mindset necessary to achieve what we want. While we can also expect a return it is vital to stay open minded as to where this may come from. It is a habit though (again!) to expect a return from the very same person we gave to, may that be love, knowledge or matter of some sorts. To hang on to this kind of expectation is an extreme limitation compared to the possible sources that would be available otherwise. This is meant by giving freely and from our heart. And this is also the reason why it is so beneficial for me to make the effort to show everyone interested how to create the wealth and life desired.

      Back to the collective consciousness: once we have made our choice to participate in a group experience we are of course taking up repetitive information about the goal and how it has been decided upon to get there. Naturally that feeds eventually our subconscious mind as long as we want to be part of it and thus makes the group stronger. Keep in mind though that our own happiness remains our responsibility owing to what we feed us with independently from what we feed the group with. Another form of collective consciousness comes from mass information like the media, which reaches more and more people instantly with the same message, may that be TV, Internet, radio or phones with their various applets and feeds. Can you imagine the power of an emotional imprint when millions of people are watching the news with its ever so negative information all at the same time? Carefully observe whether the content really is what wants to be stored in the subconscious mind to be put on autopilot to get more of! Happiness is a way of life which excludes all fear based thinking and resulting beliefs. The circumstances we find us in act like a mirror to our inner world, may that be an individual, a small or large group of people. Interestingly we tend to find us continuously judging for good or bad and right or wrong, instead however, a situation simply just is because like attracts like.

      Too easy we feel comfortable in the role of the victim and blame a number of circumstances or other external forces for it. Keep in mind though, that however adverse a situation may seem to be, the underlying principal remains the same and affects everyone and everything alike. As soon as we are able to create for ourselves a high vibration level of consciousness, the group is able to follow to that level. This force is directional and works only in a one way mode, which is why it is necessary to work on ourselves first before we can expect it to happen to the society we work or live in, and this is entirely independent of gender, race, religion, age, or status within the society. Paying attention to the vibratory level of emotional energies we continuously send out can be trained. For that to happen it is extremely helpful to allow images into our mind which themselves are packed with emotional energies that have the ability to create happy feelings in us. And I am sure you have guessed it, this is the task of this chapter. Carefully observe what you allow to enter into your life and decide yourself whether that what you feed yourself with by watching or listening to certain types of news, movies or alike, is really what you want. Look also at the kind of conversations you entertain and watch what comes to mind. Enjoy the change.

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