The Ultimate Cancer Beating Strategy. Phil Meyer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Phil Meyer
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607463924
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am not one of those who believe that all medicines are bad. I try to limit my exposure to pills but if I have a headache, I take an aspirin. If I should ever be badly injured in an accident – bring on the antibiotics, pain killers, anaesthetics, fluid replacement etc. I greatly appreciate all the advances in medicine that have improved so many lives in our time.

      Some of the modalities revealed in the book may contradict accepted medical convention. It is not my intention to cast aspersions on the medical profession or the pharmaceutical industry (I do not have the knowledge or training to do this). I will simply urge you to approach these two bodies with an understanding of how they operate and to recognise that their specific objectives can create problems for us when we are attempting to heal.

      The pharmaceutical industry is a collection of businesses whose primary objective is to generate income. There is nothing wrong with this. Shareholders expect profits and dividends. When our objective is to achieve healing however, a strictly commercial enterprise may not always be our best ally. Let me give an example: Drug Company X develops a pill (prep BP) to treat high blood pressure. Prep BP is patented, undergoes all of the research and tests and is approved by appropriate health authorities around the world. It is advertised, introduced to medical practitioners and hits the market. The treatment is a great success because, despite its high price, it controls the condition effectively in patients. Like most medicines it has side effects but these can be controlled with other medications which the company produces. Note that prep BP does not cure high blood pressure, it merely controls it. If you suffer from high blood pressure and your doctor prescribes prep BP, you will potentially be taking it and the side effect pills for the rest of your life. You have become a small gold mine for the drug company. If millions like you move to the medication, the company has created a successful money spinner.

      Had Company X developed a one off treatment which cures blood pressure for life, such a treatment would be seen as less successful commercially. It would potentially eliminate a huge source of ongoing revenue (high blood pressure in many people). If you or I discovered a cheap, plentiful foodstuff which reduces blood pressure and which we could include into our weekly shopping, this would also be seen as a bad thing by the company. If news of the cheap, safe treatment got out, it would threaten their sales of prep BP. These scenarios demonstrate how our needs and those of the pharmaceutical industry do not always align. We are seeking a cure whereas they need to maximise profits.

      Your doctor wants exactly what you and I want. He wants a cure. If he knows of a cure for your ailment then he will prescribe it – no question. He wants you to be well and the next time he sees you he wants it to be for some other condition. The problem is that practitioners depend upon drug companies for efficacious drugs and the primary creators of medicines are the drug companies. Drug companies will spend more to develop a profitable medication than one which they believe may damage revenues. They are only going to spend the big money on profitable drugs for which they own the patents. These patented drugs are touted on electronic and print media and are therefore continuously on our radar. We don’t hear about remedies and products which cannot be patented because the pharmaceutical industry has no commercial interest in promoting them – even if they are effective and cheap.

      We need to be cognisant of these realities when planning a healing regime.


      The fact that you are reading this book probably means that, like me, you have doubts about the benefits of chemotherapy as a treatment for most cancers. I have not done much research on these agents but I have seen friends and associates die from what I firmly believe was the chemotherapy.

      An ex colleague was diagnosed with cancer after the biopsy of a growth in his groin. The growth was removed and he was put on chemotherapy. I watched a supremely fit individual lose his hair and his vitality. His body retained water causing him to swell alarmingly and his skin turned a yellow colour. They continued poisoning him until he died a few months later. Throughout his treatment I knew in my heart that they were poisoning him to death and decided that if I was ever diagnosed with cancer, chemotherapy would not be a consideration for me.

      I accept that for some cancers, chemotherapy provides an acceptable treatment if they are detected at an early stage. I understand that testicular cancer and some blood cancers respond well to certain of these agents. If you have one of these cancers then you probably need to proceed as directed by the oncologist. In most other cases you need to vigorously question the use of these poisons. We all know that they are designed to destroy cancer cells but they also destroy the body’s own immune system. If the poison does not kill every cancer cell, you can be sure that those cancer cells which withstand the therapy are particularly strong, resilient and deadly. Your immune system however, does not withstand the treatment. What you end up with (after the treatment) is an invading army of cancer “super cells” coming up against an immune system which is itself on life support. You are totally exposed and will almost certainly end up with a poor outcome (after suffering all of the horrific side effects of the so called treatment). The medical profession then shakes its head and pronounces that the brave patient lost the battle with cancer. I would add (from my layman’s perspective) that they were complicit in this since they destroyed the patient’s own defences. Please ask any practitioner who suggests a harmful treatment, whether this treatment has ever resulted in a cure for anyone. He needs to supply statistics from a reputable source. The cure rate for these harmful and debilitating chemicals is unacceptably low. Research this and look at the statistics. Ensure that you understand the meaning of the terms used. Having a few periods of “remission” before eventually dying can in no way be categorised as success.

      I cannot advise you to choose one treatment regime over another. You are going to make that decision yourself. What I can advise is to approach the matter with knowledge and facts. A long term survey of 800 cancer patients (with 30 types of cancer across their number) who refused all conventional treatment for the disease, found that refusal shortened the median length of survival by nine months. Bear this in mind as you read this book. These were patients who did nothing about their disease. They had no regimen of eliminating toxins, reducing stress, de-acidifying their systems, changing diet, introducing remedies etc. They continued living as normal and still survived only nine months short of their chemically treated comparison group. These are averages derived over a long period of time. The treated group went through hell for that small period of extra time and then died anyway. How much better could the refusers have done had they adopted a simple plan of action from the pages of this book? I believe that they could have beaten the treated group in every single way (longevity, quality of life, happiness etc). I can’t prove this of course but I am certain of it. The choice for anyone with cancer should not be between chemotherapy and doing nothing. It must be between chemotherapy and adopting a powerful, safe, multi-faceted approach from options such as those mentioned in this book.


      If you are a religious or spiritual person you will have no problem with this aspect of your healing. If, like me you are sceptical, then you need to make the conscious decision to open your mind to the possibility of other dimensions and perspectives. People will want to pray for you. Accept this positive energy and you will gain strength from it. Such a shift may be difficult but it is important that you make it for this particular journey.

      What I discovered is that if you approach this quest with energy, determination and passion you will find that knowledge and assistance present themselves to you in unexpected ways.


      Some of the foodstuffs and modalities mentioned may clash with a specific condition you have. I will suggest mild exertion to condition your body and you may have a faulty heart. If you do, then you can only exercise as directed by your healthcare professional. Similarly I will be suggesting a moderate intake of alcohol but if you are a recovering alcoholic or someone whose religion prohibits the use of alcohol then clearly this option is off limits for you. Developing a strong and practical common sense is an essential goal in this journey. Everything proposed to you in connection with your disease needs to be treated with a healthy scepticism. You need to ensure that this scepticism does not lead to paralysis however. Positive action is essential so question,