64 Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) (2009), CAFCASS care demand: Latest quarterly figures: 08 July 2009, London: CAFCASS.
65 Hughes, M. (2009), ‘The killers: a lethal pairing of inadequacy and sadism’, The Independent, 11 August.
66 Professor Nigel Parton (2009), personal communications, December.
67 BaIls, E. (2008), ‘Baby P.: Ed BaIls’ statement in fuIl’, The Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/dec/01/baby-p-ed-baIls-statement, viewed 9 December 2009.
68 Department of Health (1995), ‘Child protection: Messages from research’, London: HMSO.
69 Parton, N. (2007), ‘Constructive social work practice in an age of uncertainty’, in D. Saleebey & S. Witkin (eds), Social work dialogues: Transforming the canon of inquiry, practice and education, USA: Council on Social Work Education.
70 Department of Health (2001), ‘The children act now: Messages from research’, London: Stationery Office.
71 Chief Secretary to the Treasury (2003), ‘Every child matters’, London: Stationery Office, p. 17.
72 HM Government (2009), ‘The protection of children in England: Action plan, The government response to Lord Laming’, CM758. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families.
73 Davey, C.M. (1956), Children and their law-makers, Adelaide: Griffin Press.
74 Davey, C.M. (1956), ibid.
75 NSPCC (2009), History of the NSPCC: Child abuse – an invisible social evil.
76 NSPCC, ibid.
77 Children’s Protection Society Victoria, Heidelberg.
78 Dept for Community Welfare (1975), ‘Proceedings of the First Australian Conference on the Battered Child’, Perth.
79 http://www.ndaa.org/pdf/slides_archive.pdf.
80 Bialestock, D. (1966), ‘Neglected babies: A study of 289 babies admitted consecutively to a reception centre’, Medical Journal of Australia, 2, pp. 1129-1133.
81 Birrell, R. & Birrell, J. (1966), ‘The maltreatment syndrome in children: A hospital study’, Medical Journal of Australia, 2 (23), pp. 1134-1138.
82 Yule, P. (1999), The Royal Children’s Hospital, A history of faith, science and love, Rushcutters.
83 Ferguson, D.M., Fleming, J., & O’Neill, D.P. (1972), Child abuse in New Zealand, Wellington: Department of Social Welfare, Government Printer.
84 Picton, C., & Boss, P. (1981), Child welfare in Australia: An introduction, Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
85 Dickey, B, Martin, E., & Oxenberry, R. (1986), Rations, residence, resources: A history of social welfare in South Australia since 1836, Adelaide: Wakefield Press.
86 Bowlby. J. (1953), Child care and the growth of love, Penguin.
87 Robertson J. & Robertson J. (1989), Separation and the very young, London: Free Association Books.
88 Herman, J. L. (1981), Father-daughter incest, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press.
89 Freud, S. (1954), The origins of psychoanalysis: Letters to Wilhelm Fliess, drafts and notes: 1887-1902, New York: Basic Books, p. 220.
90 Herman, J.L. (1981), op.cit.
91 Abraham, K. (1948), The experiencing of sexual traumas as a form of sexual activity, in Selected Papers of Karl Abraham, London: Hogarth Press, p. 48. Abraham’s blaming of victims is clear in ‘On the Significance of Sexual Traumas in Childhood for the Symptomatology of Dementia Praecox’, in Karl Abraham, Clinical Papers and Essays on Psycho-Analysis, New York: Basic Books, 1955, p. 14.
92 DeMause, L. (1991), ‘The universality of incest’, The Journal of Psychohistory, 19, 2.
93 Herman, J.L. (1981), op.cit.
94 Klein, M. (1960), Narrative of a child analysis: The conduct of the psycho-analysis of children as seen in the treatment of a ten year old boy, New York: Basic Books.
95 Herman, J.L. (1981), op.cit., pp. 11,12.
96 Symonds, J.A. (1964), Sexual inversion, New York: Bell Publishing Company.
97 Edwardes, A. & Masters, R. E. L. (1963), The cradle of erotica, New York: The Julian Press, p. 22.
98 Pomeroy, W.B. (1976), A new look at incest, Penthouse Forum, November, p. 10.
99 Kinsey, A et al., op.cit. Kinsey, A., Pomeroy, W. B, Martin, C. F., & Gebhard, P.H. (1965), Sexual behavior in the human female, Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1953, p. 117. Kinsey’s raw material was re-analysed in John Gagnon, ‘Female Child Victims of Sex Offenders.’ Social Problems, 13, 1965: 176-92.
100 Herman, J. L. (1981), op.cit., pp. 16, 17.
101 Briggs F., Hawkins R.M.F., & Williams, M. (1994), A comparison of the early childhood and family experiences of incarcerated, convicted male child molesters and men who were sexuaIly abused in childhood and have no convictions for sexual offences against children, Report for the Criminology Research Council, Canberra, University of South Australia.
102 Birrell R. G. & Birrell J. H. W. (1966), ‘The maltreatment syndrome in children’, Medical Journal of Australia, 2, 1134-1138. Birrell, R. & Birrell, J. (1968), ‘The maltreatment syndrome in children: A hospital survey’, Medical Journal of Australia, 2, 1023-1029.
103 Matthews, B. & Walsh, K. (2009), Issues in mandatory reporting in child sex abuse by Australian teachers, Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.
104 Walsh, K., & Mathews, B. (2001), ‘Queensland teachers’ new legal obligation to report child sexual abuse’, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Law and Education, 9(1), pp. 25-40.
105 New South Wales Child Protection Council (undated), Child protection on non-English-speaking background communities, Culture – No excuse, Sydney, pp. 4,5.
106 Hmurovich, J. (2010), CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, 5 February. (http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/).
107 SafeCare Press Release, 25 May 2009.
108 Robinson, N. (2008), ‘Child death acquittals, but system failures laid bare’, The Australian, 16 August.
109 Crime and Misconduct Commission (2004), Protecting children: An inquiry into abuse of children in foster care, Brisbane: Queensland Government.
110 Stanley, J., Tomison, A., & Pocock, J. (2003), Child abuse and neglect in Indigenous Australian communities: Issues, National Child Protection Clearing House, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
111 Sam, M. (1992), Through black eyes: A handbook of family violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Fitzroy, Vic.: Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care.
112 Ferrante, A., Morgan, F., Indermauer, D., & Harding, R. (1996), Measuring the extent of domestic violence, Sydney: Hawkins Press.
113 Coorey, L. (2001), ‘Child sexual abuse in rural and remote Australian indigenous communities – A preliminary investigation’, Report for the Senate, Canberra, http://www.Aph.Gov.Au/Senate/Committee/Indigenousaffairs_Ctte/Hearings/Lyla_Coorey_Report_March05.Pdf, February.
114 Gordon, S., Hallahan, K. & Henry, D. (2002), ‘Putting the picture together: Inquiry into response by government agencies to complaints of family violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities’, Western Australia: Department of Premier and Cabinet. p. xxiii.
115 Langton, M. (2007),