Return of Magic. Steve Reilly. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Steve Reilly
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Society
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780648242635
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for Battok.”

      A young man passed Hirith a black sword. It had a broad blade, wider than his hand, and a hilt that curved down over the owner’s hand. The image of a shining sun was carved on the hilt. Hirith looked up enquiringly.

      “Sun light way for world follow. Battok light way for auchs follow,” Kallu explained.

      Hirith took the sword, taking care to keep clear of the honed blade.

      “I give to Battok. He be very surprised learn he leader.” He laughed a moment but then sobered. “Battok think only needed for jokes. He be honoured get sword.”

      Another woman came forward and Kallu spoke again. “And spirits say Camille be leader. She be very important to auchs. That why Holdbori protect, bring her here. Carvers make but his gift come from Holdbori.” The other woman passed Hirith a pin, carved in the shape of the shield from her dress with two crossed swords sitting on top. Like the weapons, it, too, was black. But its darkness was more than just a lack of colour, it glowed with an absence of light and the six bars cut into the pin were somehow compelling, drawing the eyes in and capturing them. Kallu told him that Camille would understand its meaning when the time came that it was needed, but until then it would be good to wear. Hirith took the pin and told them he was sure Camille would love it.

      “One more,” continued Kallu. “Give three gifts for people with task to save auchs. But Holdbori say there is one who has task to save all three. This gift for Aiyu.”

      The final gift was brought forward, a mace. The shaft was taller than Hirith and as thick as it could be while still being comfortable to hold. The head on each end was an orb covered in rounded lumps, and each of these was carved with the image of a mountain.

      “It show that Aiyu stand before all that come, and no move. He strong and solid like mountains,” the king announced proudly.

      Hirith thanked them all and took the time to speak with as many people as he could before the time came to leave. The auchs in the valley gave him a proud farewell.


      They waited quietly for Camille. Hirith had called them all together upon his return from the valley. Ethru sat at his left, Battok, Zon and Aiyu sat opposite and when Camille entered, Hirith invited her to sit on his right. All had seen the cloth laying against the wall, obviously hiding something. King Hirith spoke.

      “Just come back from valley. People work very hard. Make many swords,” he told them, after everyone had settled. “What happen at Edge? Do lowlanders come back?”

      “No see lowlanders,” Battok told him. “But many more auchs come.”

      Aiyu was keen to add his comment. “News spread of attack on family. Also learn auchs have king. They come help. Ulffinnr now grow across high country from Glimjandi to Randvar. Auchs come from all Sysla.”

      Zon noticed the concern that flicked across Hirith’s face and asked about it, but the king dismissed the worry for the moment and instead told them of the gifts.

      “Kallu say, if Hirith be king, must have symbol.” Ethru went to where a rug lay on the floor and reached under as he spoke. “She say symbol must be strong. Show all auchs power and strength of king.”

      He accepted the war hammer from his mate and rested it on the table in front of him to explain the meaning of the weapon. Then he sat back and waited while they admired the work. When he thought they had finished, he told them he had brought back other items. “Also send symbol for Battok. Kallu say leader of battles must have fine sword.” He took the sword from Ethru and passed it to his general. Then he passed the mace to Aiyu. “Aiyu be important watcher, but more important than that. Kallu tell Hirith that Aiyu job protect leaders.”

      “So just like when we young. Battok get idea for prank and Hirith help. Then Aiyu must save. I think Aiyu get blame too, like before,” he joked.

      Hirith grumbled a laugh and took the final gift from Ethru. “Kallu tell one more leader needed save auchs. Say auchs must have help of witches. Camille be leader of witches and Holdbori ask carvers make symbol for her.”

      He passed her the pin, allowing her a few moments to admire it before passing on Holdbori’s message that she would understand its meaning when the time for its use came. Then he brought up the first of his concerns. “Now have big problem. Kallu need more rainbow wood.”

      “We have taken all the fallen branches for many miles,” offered Camille.

      “Then must cut trees,” he told her though he knew she would object.

      “I’m not sure that is a good idea. There is something very troubling about those trees.”

      “Need rainbow wood or no can make swords and maces.” Hirith let his manner show that he was determined.

      Camille did not argue, but she thought deeply about her reply. “Then we must try not to attract attention. I will tell your people where to take the branches and I hope we can hide what we do.”

      “And last problem very important,” said the king. “I ask before but no have answer. Many auchs come and many weapons get ready, but no can use. Auchs ready fight for peace. But when lowlanders come, no can fight. The Edge protect auchs many seasons, but also protect lowlanders. Our people trapped on high country.”

      “Auchs go through passage,” suggested Aiyu as if the answer was obvious.

      “No,” corrected Battok, understanding Hirith’s concerns. “Too many auchs take many days go through passage. Many lowlanders come. Lowlanders wait and kill auchs when come to trees.”

      “That right,” agreed Hirith. “King want Battok and others find way get many auchs to lowlands fast.”

      Zon appeared to think out loud. “King ask much. Auchs no can jump. Too far, even for auch.”

      Hirith laughed. “Hirith learn king job easy. Only need say what want. Then job of others find out how to do what king ask.” He laughed again at his own humour.

      Chapter 3

      They stood in the shadows of the walls and watched the line of men marching towards Mubiri. Tyjan pleaded with the Empress to return to the safety of the House, but again she chose to ignore him as she had done from the moment she had announced her intentions.

      She had watched them flow over the rise and pour down the hill in their neat lines. Now they were halfway to the city. All the House gates were locked with their warriors waiting in the courtyards but she was interested to see if the enemy would attack all the outlying Houses or concentrate their efforts on one at a time.

      “There,” she said, pointing. “They carry ladders, and they leave their horses behind.”

      The enemy neared the first walls and their lines spun to attack the House of the Sparrow. So, the Sparrow will be the first to test the strength of this army, she thought.

      Men were running forward carrying the ladders. Nakime stepped out of the shadows to watch from the middle of the street while her companions begged her to return, but she wanted to see what would happen next. She had no doubts that the Sparrow would fall, but it would be necessary to know how, and how quickly, if she was to present any form of defence. And she felt safe enough standing in the open. The enemy seemed to have eyes only for their attack, and without their horses, she was sure she could outrun them if that changed.

      So far everything had gone exactly as she thought it would. When they were close enough, the ladders were rushed forward and positioned against the walls, and no sooner were they up than men began to climb, and from the top, arrows were fired into the House beyond. While they fired, more ladders grew against the walls and armed men began to climb to drop inside the walls. Nakime chastised herself. She should have anticipated that. She had given too much credit to the arrows. They were not, then, the ultimate weapon she had made them to be. But that is why she chose to be here, to watch and learn. And while she watched the gates of the House were thrown open for more soldiers to rush in. These carried shafts similar to the arrows, but