Crack Head II. Lisa Lennox. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Lennox
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780979951794
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SQUAD CARS AND SPINNING RED LIGHTS, mixed with the blaring summer sun made it almost impossible to see. The turn of events played out in slow motion in front of Tonette's eyes as if it was happening right in front of her.

      She looked at Crystal as the police shouted to them. The fear in Crystal's eyes told Tonette they were both in trouble. Tonette looked back at the police who yelled again, “Get on the fucking ground!”

      This time, the glare of the sun glistened off the chrome-plated Glocks that were ready to drop their asses at any second.

      “I said, drop the fucking gun, goddamnit!” the cop yelled again.

      In an instant, the officer who continued to yell charged like a bull toward Tonette. She tried to reach for Crystal, but was tackled to the ground. The big heavy officer had all of his weight on her body and she couldn't breathe.

      Tonette put up a good fight, but his strength was too much for her. Next, she heard a popping noise, like something crackling. Then the smell hit her. What the hell, she thought to herself.

      “She's all yours,” the cop said in a distorted voice to someone behind her. Tonette tried to look in the direction of the officer but only saw Crystal standing there—her face morphing into something familiar and awful.

      “What the hell is going on?” Tonette yelled. The distorted face quickly came into focus. It was one she couldn't forget. Tonette's blood began to boil and she shouted, “I hate you, you bitch! I fuckin hate you!”

      The face radiated a beautiful smile, then Shirley Temple curls spiraled to her shoulders.

      “I'm-a kill you!” Tonette yelled as she continued to struggle against the cop. She turned her head to look at him. He was now faceless.

      In one quick motion, Laci bent down next to Tonette with a crack pipe in her hand, moving it closer to her…urging her to take that first pull.

      An annoying sound rang in Tonette's ears. She wrestled frantically from side to side, and then sat up, gasping for breath, her heart rate going a mile a minute. She repeatedly blinked her eyes slowly until her surroundings came into focus. It was all a dream, she said to herself. Just a goddamn dream. Shit!

      Tonette was so geeked, she quickly rolled a fat blunt and sat cross-legged in her bed trying to calm down. After a few tokes on the bud, she mellowed, but as she thought about the events that went down over the last couple of months, she became pissed again. Not only was her man, Dame, found dead with his dick cut off and his throat slit from one end to the other, her girl Crystal was killed by the police and her other girl, Monique, was wounded as well.

      Tonette was shocked as hell when the police arrived at her home to deliver the news about Dame, but the conversation quickly turned into an interrogation about her high-profile drug dealing boyfriend and weapons. This was when she realized they were just fishing for information because Dink was the man, not Dame.

      When the police asked to search the apartment for drugs, Tonette didn't bother to put up a fight. She used her angelic smile and light-grey tear-filled eyes to convince them that she was completely innocent and knew nothing of their accusations. She was merely a young woman grieving the losses of her boyfriend and a chic in her crew.

      Dame had another apartment where he kept the real shit, so she knew they wouldn't find drugs where they lived. They searched the obvious places, under the mattress, in shoe boxes and even in their VHS tape racks but what little stash was left, Tonette had already smoked up. In a desperate attempt to find something, the police even picked through Dame's jackets and sneakers but they still came up with nothing.

      “Um…excuse me officers?” Tonette asked, her eyes tearing to the brim.

      “Yes, Ms. Thomas.” They looked at her in anticipation of what she had to say.

      “Y'all come in here accusing me of stuff that I don't know nothing about.”

      “We have a report that you gave Ms. Moore the gun she was carrying when she was shot. We were also told that your boyfriend is a high profile drug dealer.”

      Tonette's nose began to flair. “I don't care what report you have. I don't know nothing about no damn gun and my dead boyfriend ain't no damn dealer. Y'all really need to check y'alls sources before y'all start accusing people of shit they don't know anything about.” She paused for a moment and spoke. “I knew something like this would happen when that bougie chick wanted to be friends with us.”

      “What bougie chick?” they asked, repeating her words.

      “Laci, but I guess because she don't live in the hood, y'all won't even question her about anything. That's fucked up.” Tonette knew that she was pushing the bar with how she was talking to the officers, but she had to do something to get the attention off of her. “You accuse me of having a boyfriend who is a drug dealer and question me about guns, but she's with the top dog. Do I look like I live the life of a drug dealer's girl? No. I even let you go through my things but you're leaving with the same shit you came here with, and I still got questions.” She looked at both of the officers. “Did you find who murdered my boyfriend and why did y'all kill Crystal?” The officers looked at one another. “Y'all can't answer me that, can ya? All I want are answers!”

      The officers knew of Tonette's rep. As a matter of fact, they had been watching the South Bronx Bitches for some time for alleged drug sales and theft. The local police department never had anything on them but anonymous tips that trickled in, but now after the shooting, it was the best time to investigate them all.

      She sat down on her bed, with a tear drenched face and red eyes. “This is just too much right now,” she cried and rocked back and forth in front of them. “Just too much.”

      Her innocent look and acting was on point because the police left not long after her outburst began.

      “Thanks for your time, Ms. Thomas,” the officer spoke. “If we have any questions, we'll be back, so don't go too far.”

      “That's fine, but when you come back, please make sure you have answers for me. That's all I'm asking.”

      “We'll see what we can do, Ms. Thomas. Thank you for your time.” They walked out of her apartment and closed the door.

      “What you think, man?” one of the officers spoke as they left her apartment building.

      “We got this information from an eyewitness, so something isn't adding up. I'm not touching this one. Let's turn this over to Clifton. I'm sure he'll get to the bottom of it.”

      “I agree.”

      As soon as the officers left her apartment, Tonette's anger radiated though her body. She was gonna get to the bottom of this bullshit. She really didn't give a fuck about Dame because a true hustler wouldn't have slipped the way he did. His dick head was obviously too busy thinking about getting up in some raggedy ass pussy that he couldn't see he was about to get fucked up. “Dumb ass nigga,” she rationalized, “that's what the fuck you get.” Tonette got up and trodded over to her mirror. “I know whoever that bitch was, she wasn't fly like me, so fuck her ass too.”

      What she most wanted to find out was who the fuck told the police that she gave Crystal the gun to deliver in the first place. She had let it rest long enough, and now it was time to find out.

      Tonette picked up the receiver of her Minnie Mouse phone and dialed seven digits. After a couple of rings, a voice answered.


      “Hey,” Tonette spoke tiredly into the phone, a ploy to make the person on the other end think she was vulnerable. “Where you been?”

      Monique paused before she answered cautiously, “how you doin'?” She ignored Tonette's question.
