10 Minute Bible Journey, The. Dale Mason. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dale Mason
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781614586135
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volume 9.4, October–December 2014).

      4 Acts 3:19–21

      5 Genesis 5:32. Noah is 500 when his first son, Japheth, is born (Gen. 10:21). Shem (son 2) was born two years after Japheth. We know this because Gen. 11:10 tells us that Shem was 100 two years after the Flood, and Noah was 600 when the Flood began. Noah’s youngest son was Ham (son 3, Gen. 9:24). No time span is specified, but a logical guess is that he was born 2–3 years after Shem. This means that the three sons were probably all born by about 95 years prior to the Flood.

      6 510’ x 85’ x 51’ is based on the older and longer 20.35-inch “Nippur” cubit, which is believed to be the most likely cubit length used.

      7 It is extremely interesting that when God told King David that his son, Solomon, would build the Temple in Jerusalem, the Spirit placed many details in David’s mind, and directed him in creating a written set of instructions. These were passed by David to Solomon. While the Temple was ornate and of immense importance, the Ark of Noah — which had to withstand the cataclysmic Flood and convey thousands of land animals plus eight people and enough food to sustain them for a year — it seems likely that God provided even more details than he did for the Temple (see 1 Chronicles 28:11–19).

      8 Genesis 6:7, 7:11, 7:23

      9 Noah was apparently told of the coming Flood when he was 480. In Genesis 6:3, 120 years before the Flood, God declared, to no one in particular, that man only had 120 years before he was going to wipe things away and change the world. The Flood came when he was 600 (Gen. 7:6). Genesis 5:32 says that all three of Noah’s sons were born after he turned 500, which means that his oldest son, Japheth, was 100 when the Flood came.

      10 One way or another — whether just Noah’s family, or with the help of additional laborers — Noah was able to complete the Ark within God’s 120-year timeframe. It is likely that it required about 55–75 years for preparation and build-time. See https://answersingenesis.org/bible-timeline/how-long-did-it-take-for-noah-to-build-the-ark/, by Bodie Hodge.

      11 See “Did People Like Adam and Noah Really Live Over 900 Years of Age? https://answersingenesis.org/bible-timeline/genealogy/did-adam-and-noah-really-live-over-900-years/ by Drs. Georgia Purdom and David Menton. Consider also “Why Did People Start to Have Shorter Lives After the Flood?” https://answersingenesis.org/bible-questions/why-did-people-have-shorter-lives-after-flood/ by Bodie Hodge.



      (c. 2349 B.C.)

      The Ark was finished, with hundreds of tons of food stowed inside. But what about the animals?

      Noah surely used many of the pre-Flood world’s amazing innovations as well, such as clever ways to capture, store, and distribute water. He also had to build waste disposal systems, ways to maximize light, and ways to flow fresh air throughout the huge ship.

      The procession may have caused shocked scoffers to stand in astonishment, and wonder if the Flood that Noah had been warning about was about to take place!

      Scientists who have studied how many different kinds of land animals and birds there were before the Flood, agree that the creatures would require only about one-third of the Ark. This would leave sufficient room for food, supplies, and possibly, to prove to others that there was room for them as well, if they had repented.


      Genesis 6:1–7:16


      “Of clean animals, of animals that are unclean, of birds, and of everything that creeps on the earth, two by two they went into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah.” Genesis 7:8–9

      WRAP UP

      “Father, thank You for rescuing Noah’s family and all the animals that You sent to the Ark. The whole world was against You, but You decided to start over with just righteous Noah and his family and that huge treasure chest of animals! Lord, please guide me to live for You as Noah did. Please help me to obey You and share about Your mighty works to my friends and loved ones.”
