Successful Selling for Small Business. Jackie Wade. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Wade
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Малый бизнес
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781908003089
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is sometimes we invest in marketing for image sake, without thinking of the R.O.I. – a glossy brochure, a fancy website, an expensive exhibition stand, etc. Will your marketing generate interest and if so how will this interest be captured and converted into a sale? [return to text]

      Chapter 2. A Simple Sales Framework – The Vital Ingredients

      For those new to sales, here’s a quick overview of what selling is all about.

      First and foremost, it is simply about connecting with the right people, in the right way, with the right solution. The emphasis being on the word right; otherwise it’s wrong and probably won’t work!

      Next, it’s about demonstrating or communicating the clear benefit(s) or value of your offering to your buyer so that it’s obvious your product is right for them. Make this a “no-brainer”.

      Then crucially, it’s about facilitating change – helping the buyer take action … with you!

      If it helps, think of moving your customer from Place B (without you and your product) to Place A (with you and your product), Place A being a significantly better place than Place B, or else there is no reason to move. (We will revisit this concept in chapter 4 when we explore the benefit and value of your product.) The better Place A is, the easier and more logical it is for your buyer to take action and buy – this is Logical Conclusion Selling©. Otherwise they will just stay put.

      And finally it’s about doing all of the above consistently as opposed to ad hoc, willy-nilly or when you have time.

      The Winning Sales Simple Success Formula

      Sales Success =

      Right Seller + Right Buyer + Right Product + Right Process

      = Return On Investment (ROI)

      Defined as:

      Right Seller = Positive, passionate, focused you

      Right Buyer = Connecting with the relevant audience with need(s)

      Right Product/Service = Offering the right solution which matches above need(s)

      Right Process = In the most effective and appropriate way

      ROI = Delivering real and obvious benefit

      So that the customer “gets it”, takes action and buys!

      This is truly a case of the sum of the parts working together to bring you optimum results, rather than any one element being critical on its own.

      You can have an amazing product but it will not sell itself. Unless you actually reach out and seek to engage with people who have a need for your product, either now or in the future, it will never sell. No amount of sitting and optimistically waiting for the phone to ring or the customer to come knocking on your door will change this.

      Equally you can have done great research, identified your perfect audience (who in your mind quite justifiably needs your product) and even made the initial connection. However, unless you can effectively get across to that potential buyer why they should bother with you and create obvious and real benefit in their mind, they will not move to buy: zero action, no sale.

      Also critical is your timing, planning and persistence. It is the steady and continuing engagement with enough qualified prospects which will allow you to develop an ongoing level of sales, such that your growth is consistent, rather than erratic and unreliable.

      Over the next few chapters, we will delve into each of the elements of the winning formula in more depth, developing an understanding of why getting each bit right is so vital and critical to your success. Selling should be a logical journey for the seller and the buyer; it has a start, a middle and an end, as well as a before and after. Setting off on this journey and ensuring you and your customer get to the right destination together is all about following this road map and carefully reading the signs along the way. There may be some diversions, distractions and/or roadworks, but you will not be deterred. You are clear on this final destination and the value of taking your customer on this journey with you. You both ultimately stand to gain significantly. Now it’s over to you to take control and make this happen.

      Winning Sales Framework for Sales Success©

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