British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII. Malcolm George Wright. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Malcolm George Wright
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781612519517
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remember them.’


      AA = anti-aircraft

      AM = Minesweeper

      AM(c) = Coastal minesweeper

      ASW = Anti-submarine warfare

      ATW = Ahead throwing weapon (Usually Squid but also sometimes used for Hedgehog)

      AWED = Admiralty War Emergency Destroyer (Usually WED –War Emergency Destroyer)

      BYMS = British Yard Minesweeper (US)

      DD = Destroyer

      DC = Depth charge

      DCT = Depth charge thrower

      DCR = Depth charge rack

      DCD = Depth charge dropper

      DE = Destroyer escort

      DP = Dual-purpose (gun mount)

      EC = East coast (UK)

      FCS = Fighter catapult ship

      FDS = Fighter direction ship

      FF = Frigate

      FFN = Free French Navy

      HA = High-angle (gun)

      HDML = Harbour defence motor launch

      HrMs = Her Netherlands Majesty’s Ship

      HF/DF = High Frequency / Direction Finding

      HH = Hedgehog

      HMAS = His Majesty’s Australian Ship

      HMCS = His Majesty’s Canadian Ship

      HMIS = His Majesty’s Indian Ship

      HNoMS = His Norwegian Majesty’s Ship

      HMNZS = His Majesty’s New Zealand Ship

      HMS = His Majesty’s Ship

      HMT = His Majesty’s Tug

      IFF = Identify friend or foe

      IJN = Imperial Japanese Navy

      LA = Low-angle (gun)

      LCF = Landing craft flak

      LCG = Landing craft gun

      LCG(M) = Landing craft gun (medium)

      LCM = Landing craft mechanised

      LCP = Landing craft personnel

      LCT = Landing craft tank

      LL(V) = Landing lighter (vehicle)

      LRE = Long-range escort

      LSH = Landing ship headquarters

      LSI = Landing ship infantry

      LSS = Landing ship stern chute

      LST = Landing ship tank

      MG = Machine gun

      MGB = Motor gun boat

      ML = Motor launch

      MS = Minesweeping

      MMS = Motor minesweeper

      MTB = Motor torpedo boat

      ORP = Okrêt Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Ship of the Republic of Poland)

      PCE = Patrol craft (escort) (US)

      PG = Patrol gunboat (sloop)

      PG(E) = Patrol gunboat (escort)

      RAN = Royal Australian Navy

      RCN = Royal Canadian Navy

      RFA = Royal Fleet Auxiliary

      RHN = Royal Hellenic Navy

      RINS = Royal Indian Naval Service

      RN = (British) Royal Navy

      RNZN = Royal New Zealand Navy

      RPN = Republic of Poland Navy

      SL = Searchlight

      Soviet = (Russian) USSR

      SRE = Short-range escort

      TSDS = Two-speed destroyer sweep

      UK = United Kingdom

      UP = Unrotated projectile (launcher)

      USN = United States Navy

      USS = United States Ship

      USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

      WA = Western Approaches

      WAIR= Old ‘V&W’ class destroyer converted to AA escort


(WSB) Bright White




      HMS SKATE H39

       Admiralty ‘R’ Class Destroyer 1939

Skate at the start of...

      Skate at the start of WWII when a minelayer. This ship had a variety of roles between the wars and during WWII. She was the only three-funnel destroyer still in RN service. Her numerous sisters were scrapped in the 1930s, having been poorly maintained in reserve. Note the effect of dull grey in dull conditions, such as a minelayer would operate under at night or in low light. MG light AA and 12pdr AA. Colour 507b. Deck Corticene brown and 507b.

      HMS SKATE H39

       Admiralty ‘R’ Class Destroyer 1940–1

Skate had a very good...

      Skate had a very good top speed and is shown when in service as an influence minesweeper. She used her high speed to avoid the explosions of magnetic mines, but it was still a very dangerous duty steaming up and down mined areas to set off magnetic mines that had been triggered for slow merchant ships. She had adopted the medium hull, light upper works style common to many ships. These duties kept her close to the coast and well in range of the Luftwaffe so she carries a quad 2pdr, quad 0.5in MGs and twin Lewis guns aft. Only one main gun is carried. Colours are MS4a and 507b.

      HMS SKATE H39

       Admiralty ‘R’ Class Destroyer 1941–2

Skate altered as a Short...

      Skate altered as a Short-Range Escort (SRE), for convoy runs from the UK to Iceland, and the UK East Coast convoys. Eight depth-charge (DC) throwers are fitted. Fixed Type 286 radar on foremast. Splinter mats and quad 0.5in MG between the funnels, There is a single 12pdr AA amidships and two 20mm aft. A very heavy depth charge load is provided. She carries an unofficial paint scheme nonetheless influenced by Western Approaches (WA) ideas. Green was often difficult to obtain. Only