British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII. Malcolm George Wright. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Malcolm George Wright
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781612519517
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Stanley was rebuilt...

      Stanley was rebuilt as an LRE but was lost immediately afterwards while escorting Convoy HG76. When lost, she was wearing a camouflage scheme of WA pale green and WA pale blue on WS white. New bridge and two funnels removed. There is a 4in forward, a 12pdr AA aft, four 2pdrs and two 20mm. Alterations gave the ship a far greater radius of action and more stability.

      HMS CLARE I14

       Converted to LRE

Clare had the...

      Clare had the same refit as Stanley but most of her type were not given this conversion as the ships were too old and worn out. The drawing shows a very pale version of the WA scheme which uses the very pale WA green that was originally intended by the designer. There is a Hedgehog forward and Type 271 radar on the bridge. The AA comprises a 12pdr aft, three 2pdr singles and a single 20mm Oerlikon.



Chesterfield after extensive...

      Chesterfield is shown on her first convoy duty under the White Ensign. The camouflage is probably an invention of the wardroom using what was available from her paint locker. See illustration right for later appearance. Her only AA is an old US 3in aft and some MGs.



Chesterfield is shown...

      Chesterfield after extensive wartime alterations. Hedgehog, lots of DCs and only one set of torpedo tubes. She has 2pdr AA amidships, only a single 4in forward, 12pdr AA aft and 20mm AA on SL platform. A typical radar lantern for Type 271 is on the bridge. The scheme is one of the Admiralty patterns experimented with on these ships. The intent is to form a false impression of length and speed. MS4a hull with MS1 over 1941 blue.

      HMS RAMSEY G60


Ramsey demonstrates an...

      Ramsey demonstrates an Atlantic scheme based on the WA type but with more extensive application of colours. The scheme was intended to have more white areas and only small panels of WA green or blue. Three funnels lowered. She has been modified for escort duty but her AA is limited to a 12pdr aft and two single 20mm Oerlikons amidships. Note that the two US-type 4in guns amidships have been retained. These were uncomfortable ships in the mid-Atlantic and every opportunity to save weight and lower the centre of gravity was taken.

      HMS RIPLEY G79


Ripley has an...

      Ripley has an Admiralty-designed paint scheme and standard modifications for her type. The overall colour is MS4a with areas of MS1 forward and 1941 blue aft. Two funnels are also in blue. The intent is to confuse the length of the ship. Note HF/DF mast aft, 2pdrs amidships and 20mm in place of the aft SL tower. Fore funnel has been capped. There is a Hedgehog directly forward of the bridge. One torpedo tube was retained but has been relocated onto the centreline. These alterations are pretty much the ultimate for ships of her kind in RN service.

      HMS BUXTON H96


This is a well-thought...

      This is a well-thought out official scheme with a MS4a hull, broken up with patches of 1941 blue, but the use of sand or pale stone is unusual if serving on convoys. She has radar, Hedgehog, single 2pdrs and single 20mm. Her only set of tubes have been placed aft. This layout was very typical of her escort type that had received the full modifications. Radar at mast top is Type 286 fixed with Type 271 on the bridge. US-type 3in AA has been replaced by a RN 12pdr on the aft deckhouse.



Brighton is shown...

      Brighton is shown in a variant of white and 1940 green. She is heavily protected with splinter mats around the bridge. Although she has Type 271 radar in a lantern and Type 291 at the masthead, her AA armament is very poor, being restricted to a 12pdr aft and two single 20mm. Apart from that, she only had MGs on the bridge and aft.



Newmarket is shown...

      Newmarket is shown not long after transfer and with very basic changes to make her useful for Atlantic convoy duties. Like Chesterfield, the scheme is an early unofficial one utilising available paint. She still has 4in guns port and starboard amidships and one forward but the aft one has been replaced by a 12pdr AA. Her only light AA consists of MGs on top of the bridge. She still carries her forward torpedo tubes each side but one was soon removed and the other placed on the centreline.

      HMS LEWES G68


Lewes was unusual...

      Lewes was unusual in that she had 3in guns port and starboard amidships and one aft. Forward, she had two single 2pdr side by side. Others were on the centreline and SL moved to the rear of the aft deck house. She later had all her 3in removed and more light guns added. She served mostly in the South Atlantic and later as a target ship in Australian waters. Her scheme is very unusual, utilising white for some upper areas. On a pale grey-green hull, she carries panels of MS3.



Georgetown is shown...

      Georgetown is shown in a design that features a black line to catch attention and draw the eye elsewhere, a trick often used by artists. However, in