Homosexuality. Joseph Walter Miller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph Walter Miller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781631996092
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have written numerous translations in English. There are more translations of the Bible into English than can easily be counted. There are several reasons for so many translations: we have recovered more ancient biblical manuscripts through the years, for one thing, and different translators try to balance readability with accuracy while pressing their own theological agendas.

      Context and language are particularly important for interpreting the “clobber” texts that were referred to earlier. The context is very important because four clobber verses (1-4) in the Old Testament are part of narratives that are the genre of myth or epic, and they are very important theologically. The theology is missed by plucking the clobber versus out of context. Two others (5-6) are short texts that are part of a large series of commandments that were related in ways that are very different from our way of thinking. The interrelationship of these commandments makes them difficult to translate to our culture. The last three clobber verses come from Paul or the Pauline literature in the New Testament. In each of these letters Paul is addressing specific early Christian communities that each has a unique relationship with Paul. He is addressing that relationship and preaching to them about various issues in those specific churches. We cannot ignore the context of these letters.

      Language is a difficulty in the majority of these verses for the simple reason that neither Hebrew nor Greek had a word for homosexual in their limited vocabularies. So these texts that have been used to declare homosexuality a sin have done so without the advantage of simple word translation. Specifically, in the Pauline scriptures that we will study, the translation and interpretation are very challenging, and various versions of the English Bible have vastly different translations of the clobber verses that appear in scriptures 7-9.


      Other scripture exegetes have already plowed the ground of scripture and theology regarding homosexuality. Like many polarized questions, the answers are varied and also polarized. Although some authors are reasoned and objective, some seem to bring their own presuppositions to the subject, even when it comes to scriptural interpretation. Of course, exegetes are human and come to biblical interpretation with lenses impacted by culture, environment, ethnicity, experience, education, training, and personal and implanted paradigms. One of the overriding presuppositions is traditionally and culturally conditioned to find homosexual practice repugnant, distasteful, and very wrong. Hence, much of mainstream biblical commentary presupposes what is now assumed in our contemporary culture. On the other hand, those who have had and have intimate relationships with the LGBT community, either through pastoral relationships or secular relationships, tend to interpret the same scripture differently. Observing and pastoring LGBT individuals and couples has become a motivation for many to favor the relaxing of doctrinal standards relating to homosexuality.

      Traditional Bible commentaries support the noninclusion interpretation. The accepted exegesis of these verses declares homoeroticism as sinful behavior. Since a lot of voices have already established the prevailing belief, the prevailing understanding requires little study. Most of my efforts are focused on individuals who have employed a contrarian interpretation. Logically, one should have to prove (through scripture, reason, tradition, and experience) that something is sinful rather than prove it is not sinful. However, homoeroticism has been accepted as a sin by many, so more attention has to be paid to the opposite.

      There are several sources available for our study: scripture is the primary source; presumably neutral commentary on the Bible (although my assumption is that most commentaries declare homoeroticism a sin); presumably neutral works on Bible-based ethics; specialized studies on the clobber scriptures that conclude that homoeroticism is either a sin or not a sin; and views expressed by different denominations.

      There are new books on this subject coming out constantly. The various angles that they are coming from are fascinating. However, the biblical arguments are pretty much defined by now, and I have tried to cover the major foci of the argument. Hence, my analysis is very much dependent on selected scholars, and it is not comprehensive. I do not cover everything that has been said about this subject.

      Who is doing the teaching today? Arguing that homosexuality is not a sin

      Daniel A. Helminiak published What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality in 1994 that went through seven printings. A new and updated Millennium edition was published in 2000 and went through 12 printings. Helminiak is a Roman Catholic priest who has ministered to several gay communities. Like other clergy who have intimate relationships with the gay community, his biblical interpretations dispute the traditional, literal interpretations that have been used to oppress the LGBT community. His book is largely a scripture-by-scripture commentary that dismantles the interpretations that claim all homosexual practice is sinful.