From Fear to Faith. Joel L. Watts. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joel L. Watts
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781631997228
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      Praise for From Fear to Faith

      From Fear to Faith is a memoir of a spiritual and intellectual journey from fear and shame to a renewed embrace of Scripture and the God behind it. Watts and Milam have collected compelling stories from a number of fellow travelers who model this journey. They give voice to a growing phenomenon in conservative Christian culture of disenchantment with conventional and apologetically driven answers to difficult and pressing questions posed by Scripture, modern culture, and the intersection of the two. The stories in this volume will be an encouragement to those struggling with their own transition from familiar yet dissonant surroundings to unexplored but inviting spiritual and intellectual territory. The broader vision of the volume is a call to build cultures of trust, where Christians can feel that they will be honored and valued for taking the risk to ask honest questions rather than being dismissed, marginalized, or ostracized. Too many are growing dissatisfied with the status quo, and are looking for language to move on. This volume will help them on their way.

      Peter Enns, Ph.D, Biblical Studies, Eastern University

      This book offers many variant forms of the story of discovering the force of the Gospel that lies behind the illusions and distortions of fundamentalism. The authors witness to an emancipation when the old, phony “protections” are abandoned. Coming to such an awareness cannot be hurried or coerced, but it is an urgent enterprise. As one author concludes, “I needed to grow up.”

      Dr. Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary

      Many strange things are said and done in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Many of them are alien to the Christian gospel, even though they are done in the gospel’s name. Many of them are toxic, destructive both of persons and societies. They march under the banner of Christian fundamentalism.

      This interesting and important book is the chronicle of spiritual journeys that persons have taken from the prisons of fundamentalism [characterized by biblical literalism, anti-science, fear rather than love as the basis of our relationship with God] to the world of catholic (small c), ecumenical churches. For these persons, it has been a journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.

      The persons whose stories this book tells, are now living in what they believe to be mature communities of faith, where they are growing spiritually and finding the vocations to which they believe God is calling them. Several of them have been called to the formal ministries of their churches and have been ordained. Others have found joy and peace living out their discipleship as lay persons. This important book is their story.

      William Boyd Grove, Bishop (retired)

      The United Methodist Church

      Every once in a while, you are gifted with a growing realization that the book you are reading has needed to be written for a very long time. From Fear to Faith is a book like that. In the vulnerable, sometimes excruciating details of a journey into post-fundamentalist faith, we the readers are invited to feel the depth, integrity, and passions given to some of us whose paths began in places we could never have imagined, if they hadn’t been willing to offer them for us, without judgment, blame, or condemnation. Whether beginning in inherited, sectarian beliefs or an avowed atheism of humane reaction, these authors demonstrate the depth of their own inner work so that all who are willing can hold the fears together, in peace. Authors and readers alike may see the way to move through fear into faith with clarity and compassion, toward a better world for us all. We have needed this book for a very long time.

      Lisa M. Hess, PhD, Associate Professor of Practical Theology

      and Contextual Ministries,

      United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH

      These essays revive the ancient tradition of testimony – but in a surprising and compelling direction. The authors recount their journeys from intellectually and spiritually restrictive expressions of Christianity to a vibrant and satisfying faith. Readers will grieve the authors’ painful moments and celebrate their joy. The stories testify that we need not fear doubt, for doubt often opens the path to joy and fulfillment.

      Greg Carey, PhD, Professor of New Testament

      Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster, PA

      From Fear to Faith

      Joel Watts & Travis Milam, editors

      Energion Publications

      Gonzalez, Florida


      Copyright © 2013 Joel L. Watts and Travis Milam

      Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

      Scripture quotations noted CEB are taken from the Common English Bible, copyright © 2011. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      Selected chapter epigrams are from Saint John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul (Illustrated Classics) Catholic Way Publishing. Kindle Edition.

      Electronic ISBN: 978-1-63199-722-8

      Print Edition Data (Perfect Bound Paperback):

      ISBN10: 1-938434-60-9

      ISBN13: 978-1-938434-60-0

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2013939541

      Energion Publications

      P. O. Box 841

      Gonzalez, FL 32560

      [email protected]



      The editors of this volume would like to thank the contributors who decided to put themselves out there. They have taken a chance with publishing in this volume, and any success is due them. We would also like to thank our publisher who has worked with us even when we missed so many deadlines we just stopped setting them.

      Joel would like to thank his wife and his children for forgiving him for the years spent in fear and for loving him as he made the transition. He would also like to thank the Pathfinders’ Sunday School who has yet to actually vote on renaming the class after him but he has hopes that they will come to their senses and make the right decision sooner rather than later when most Sunday School classes are renamed if you know what he means. They provided him no small amount of encouragement in the darker days, even when he hid them, during the transition. To Tom Burger, who will always be Joel’s first anchor to Christ Church United Methodist. To the men’s discussion group — to Skid, to Frank, to Bishop Grove and to Charlie ... “it is finally his, Charlie.” To the Doctors Flanagan — pastor, deacon, teachers — who never pushed ... too much and who provided the place to think. He would also like to express his thanks to the Publishing Houses — those who bring the books to the bloggers — for giving Joel a chance to review for them. As you’ll see, this helped him in unspeakable ways. Joel has a wicked sense of humor and therefore would love to thank all of those in his life who made this book possible, much like they did at the end of the Fun with Dick and Jane movie, but he figures that he couldn’t get away with this. Finally, Joel would like to thank his blog readers who more than once sent notes of encouragement.

      Travis would like to acknowledge all those who have helped make this possible. To God: for reminding him that he does not have to live in fear to be His child. To Jackie, for helping him realize he is capable of great things and for her love and affection. To his boys, for showing him that knowing about God is truly not the same as knowing God. To his parents, for allowing him to think for myself and make his own decisions, even when this meant choosing a different path. To his friend Joel, for having the faith that he could do something such as this when he did not have it himself. To all those along his journey who have helped, prodded, listened, taught, and prayed: thank you and God bless you all.


      Joel L. Watts

      This book has come to fruition by the