Isaiah 44:6-8 (WEB)
As we come to the Lord in prayer, may we always have our feet on the Rock and cry out to our God, who is the First and the Last. Amen.
July 8
Waiting Eagerly and Patiently
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:25 (HN)
“Wait” is a four letter word. The way most of us think of it (and I’m included here) we could use it to cuss someone out. In modern American culture, we do not like to wait. Think about that as you read this devotional, which I’m going to present more or less as it happened to me.
One day Jody told me that she wouldn’t get a devotional done. For various reasons it had simply fallen off the priority list. I said I’d try to get one out.
In the morning I started to look at lectionary texts. Part of my personal devotionals is to take a daily look at current lectionary readings. I’ve been amazed at what God led me to. For unknown reasons (you may surmise what you wish) I started my reading with the verse that is coming up in two weeks, Romans 8:12-25. I normally start with the Old Testament reading, then read the Psalm, then the gospel, and finally the epistle. But I started with Paul this time.
I ended up focusing my thoughts on verse 25 which I have quoted above, using my own draft translation. There’s something I want to look into later in that verse, because the word used for “wait” there often includes the idea of waiting expectantly or eagerly. Paul adds the word “patiently.” At this point I was distracted from my reading and left the rest of my reading for later in the day. I had to drive Jody to work at 7 am, one of the reasons she was not writing the devotional.
I was combining meditation on the combination of “eagerness” and “patience” and at the same time wondering whether that aspect of the word should be translated in this verse (most English translations do not). So I was switching between thinking about the technical aspects of the passage and the spiritual idea of combining patience with eagerness.
I left Jody at work and went on toward a gas station. I had let the tank run very low, but thought I would reach the station comfortably. It was not to be. Probably a half mile from the nice discount station I intended to use, the car sputtered a few times and then stopped permanently. The positive side of this was that I was near a mall and that I was able to get into the parking lot and sort of sputter into a parking place. I also did not have a gas can, so I had to go in search of a gas station that might also supply a gas can.
Now if you want to test my patience in the most severe way, interfere with my morning. I get up early, usually between 5 and 6 am, and I find that I do my best work before lunch. Oh, I can work after lunch, but I don’t accomplish as much per hour.
Patience and eagerness combined. Picture me walking around, getting directions, finding a gas station, buying a gas can and a couple of gallons of gas, then starting to walk back. All of this was accomplished with what seems like remarkable speed looking back, but which I greeted with marked impatience at the time.
As I was walking back, I see some flowers in various beds in front of the mall. I think “Those are really pretty,” as I’m walking on by. Suddenly I knew I was supposed to stop and take a picture. Those who know me know that I’m not all that much for taking pictures unless there’s a specific purpose, and I’m not very good at it in any case. I could see no particular reason to take a picture of these flowers.
I took a couple more steps and the feeling grew stronger. I needed to stop a take a picture. So using the camera in my little Palm Centro that serves me as a substitute brain, I stopped and took a picture, not of just one flower bed, but four of them. The interesting thing was that as I looked at the flowers, decided how to do the picture, and so forth, I relaxed. I started to enjoy myself.
I was eager to get home and get to work, but patience came to me. I believe that patience was the presence of God in my eagerness. It’s not wrong for me to be eager to get to my work and writing, but at the same time, I have to be prepared to take time with God along the way.
We have so many of these combinations in our Christian lives. We are saved by God’s grace through no action or merit of our own, yet we are expected to act and live life according to God’s will. While we may strive to do God’s will, we do not claim to have attained that level of obedience. Jesus came as a human being into this world, according to orthodox theology, both 100% human and 100% divine. That doesn’t make a great deal of sense to us by human logic, but we believe it nonetheless. We are to wait for the second coming of Jesus, which is soon, but yet it seems like it will never come.
Often when we try to resolve these things through human logic we wind up heading right into classic heresies. Faith vs. works arguments have led more astray than is easy to count. Waiting for the second coming has tempted many people to provide a date for that event, even though Jesus said it wouldn’t work.
For me, this morning, patience and eagerness didn’t work together. The idea of waiting both patiently and eagerly was quite illogical. I was ready to believe it, should I conclude that was what God was saying, but I didn’t understand it. That is, until God stepped in for a moment in time and shifted my perspective.
I felt God’s grace in my life this morning, and the means was an empty gas tank, a few flowers, and God’s Spirit reaching out to touch me. That’s not the usual means of grace, but God often proves he can work through unexpected things.
(You can find the flower pictures from this devotional on the back cover of this book.)
July 9
If I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but don’t have love, I have become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but don’t have love, I am nothing. If I dole out all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but don’t have love, it profits me nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (WEB)
This is one of those passages (and the rest of the 13th chapter) that is good for me to read in an unfamiliar translation. In the NIV, I have read these verses so many times that I do not take the words in and allow them to saturate me and soak me with their truth and wisdom...with their love.
It is the love part that I so often glide through in search of some meat when it is love that is the power and core of God Himself! It is love that brought Jesus up from His knees in Gethsemane and set his path unswervingly to Golgotha. It is love that kicks satan and his buddies every time they bring selfishness, bitterness, unforgiveness, and pride and we choose compassion, joy, gentleness, and humility instead.
When was the last time you read 1 Corinthians 13 or Song of Songs? How about John 17 where Jesus intercedes for us? It is love that is in every letter and period. From Genesis to Revelation we are shown the many facets of God’s love. Even in the discipline and consequences there is love, the perfect love of a Father for His child. And as His disciple, I am to follow this love; be an ambassador of His love. I am not to store that love for some rainy day. I am not to just soak it up and lock it inside myself. It is to flow through me, untainted by me. I am just a conduit of God’s love to others who do not truly know Him or are too scared to meet Him. It is His unconditional and extravagant love that will ‘woo’ them to come closer to ‘taste and see that God is good’! (Psalm 34:8)
Take time today to soak in God’s love. Read the following verses and then go spill them on someone!
Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, doesn’t behave