America's Best Colleges for B Students. Tamra B. Orr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tamra B. Orr
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781617600845
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write about a book you have read, don't pick the one that all high school students were required to read. Pick something unusual or different, a book that tells the admissions personnel something about you for choosing it. It does not matter if the admissions officer has ever heard of it. What matters is how you explain why it was an important book to you.

      If you are asked to write about an event in your life, go beyond just describing it. Show how it affected your life and how you are different because of it. The trick here is not writing what everyone else does. Along with Dr. Seuss essays, admissions officers weary of reading essays that focus on the “I've seen the light” philosophy. You lost the game, but achieved a goal. Your parents got divorced/took drugs and it taught you a lesson. You had this favorite teacher or coach. It's one thing to write about something that you learned from the experience, but it's over the top to write that you've found the purpose of life through these experiences. It's easy to think that you have to be profound and philosophical when you write this essay, but the truth is that admissions officers see more than enough of this approach.

      Quite often, the college application essay is the perfect opportunity to tackle the subject of your less-than-stellar-quality test scores or GPA. Many times you can tie the question you are asked to write about to the subject of your strengths and weaknesses. If you can directly address the issue in your essay, do so. Look back over the list of the most commonly asked questions. Can you see how you could relate your strengths to the topic? For example, “Use this space to let us know something about you that we might not learn from the rest of your application.” You could explain how you have been persistent, dedicated, strong, determined, creative or any other admirable trait through examples. You can show the admissions officers that while your numbers may not be the strongest they have seen, you are a bright, skilled and wonderful student that would be an excellent addition to any college. Think of the essay as your time to shine!

       Other things to avoid

      Don't try to be cute by adding poetry or illustrations unless they directly relate to your topic or your specific talent, don't use unusually fancy paper and never handwrite the essay. While it is okay to be emotional, do not whine, complain or be sarcastic. Avoid using current films, actors or television shows for your examples, and don't try to sell yourself. Represent the special person you are, but don't sound like an overzealous salesman working on commission. Don't use anyone else's idea even if it is interesting. It won't sound like you and your support will sound hollow.

      Be funny, be enthusiastic, be reflective—but make sure it is not something that you and 4,000 other students wrote about. Go beyond the expected and you will get noticed. The college essay is often the deciding factor in whether you are accepted or rejected. You want your words to push you over the top.

      College essays are typically 250 to 500 words. That is about one to two pages of typing, double spaced. According to the Common Application (, that limit is a guideline because colleges do not actually count the words. They won't mind if it is a little shorter or longer because quality is far more important than quantity. “College admissions officers are far more concerned that the essay is well written, proofread (not just spell-checked), well thought out, etc. Do not get caught up in the ‘micro’ (words, spacing, font size, color of ink),” states the website. “They are looking for the ‘macro’: does the student write well and what can they learn about this person from his/her essay?” Their website has more helpful information on what you will find on many college application forms.

      Once you know the question, sit down and brainstorm possible answers. Just let your mind wander around the topic and write it all down without judgment or self-censorship. When you have run out of ideas, start going through what you have. What looks best? Throw out the things you could only write a paragraph about and keep the ideas that you can build into several pages of examples and facts that support a topic sentence. Look for the ones that make you feel emotional; that probably means they impacted your life in some way. Then choose one.

      Now, write out an outline, just like you have done for other papers and reports you've done in school. What are the main points you want to cover? What details go under each point? For example, imagine that you have been asked to write about something you have read that was significant to you. Some points you might want to cover include these: Why you chose to read the book, how you felt while reading it, what new perspectives or points of view the author taught you, what questions the material raised in your mind, what you learned from the experience.

      Once your outline is done, it is time to write your first draft (and yes, that means there will be second, third and more drafts before you're done). Do not start your essay with any of the following opening sentences:

       My name is Kevin Jones and I…

       I was born in Los Angeles, California, and…

       My college admissions essay is going to be about…

       I am writing this because I really want to go to your college…

       This is the story of my life so far…

       I am such a great person that you will want to read my story…

       My parents, Jean and Jasper Carpenter, first moved…

      These are boring lead-ins and you will most likely have lost the reader's attention in the very first paragraph. Start with something interesting, eye-catching and unique. Grab the admissions officer's attention by writing something that will make him or her put down that cup of coffee, sit up straight in the chair and want to read what comes next.

      Your first draft should be written without worrying about grammar, spelling or punctuation. You want to get your best thoughts down first, without being slowed down by rules. In case you don't remember the basic structure from endless English classes, you need the minimum of a five-paragraph essay. It should look pretty much like this:

INTRODUCTION thesis statement
BODY: Paragraph 2 support for thesis statement
BODY: Paragraph 3 support for thesis statement
BODY: Paragraph 4 support for thesis statement
CONCLUSION summary of main points

      When you are done, show the first draft to your friends and family. Ask their opinions. Should you give more detail? Was everything clear? Did it represent your personality? Is this how they would have imagined you answering the question? Listen carefully to their feedback so you can use it in your revisions.

      Now write a second draft, pulling in any extra details you remembered and keeping others’ comments in mind. This time, fix any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Share it with a favorite teacher or your guidance counselor. Get their comments. Go back to the desk. Go through it again, keeping the new feedback in mind. Run spell check (but do not depend on it) and print. You're ready.

      It is entirely possible that you are a whiz at math or a mad scientist, and writing just isn't your forte. If this is true, the college essay may be all that much more intimidating. So let's give your essay some thought before you begin to put words on paper.

      Here are some ways to take your brilliant ideas and eventually come up with an essay. Which one sounds best to you?

       Get a tape recorder and tell what you would like to have in your essay. Consider this your first draft. Listen to it and refine it and when it centers on what you want to say, either type it as you listen or ask someone else to transcribe it for you.

       Sit down and talk to your parents or a special