America's Best Colleges for B Students. Tamra B. Orr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tamra B. Orr
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781617600128
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than your grades and test scores. It gives them a snapshot of your achievements that will really help them understand what you have to offer.


      Feeling worried or pressured about taking a test is normal. Indeed, a slight edginess can often enhance your performance. However, if the worry turns into panic and/or fear and makes it almost impossible to study or take the test, you probably are suffering from test anxiety.

      Test anxiety can strike before and/or during a test. It can make you feel physically sick, from a headache or nausea to faintness and hyperventilating. You might have a dry mouth, pounding heart or sweaty hands or be unusually emotional. It is often very difficult to concentrate at all.

      How can you combat it? Here are some tips:

      1 Be prepared as much as possible for the test. The SAT and ACT are cumulative exams that assess years of study in high school. They are not tests for which you can “cram.” Get a good study guide and become familiar with what the SAT and ACT test. Try a few of the practice tests. Then relax and just do your best.

      2 Take good care of yourself. Get enough sleep, eat healthy and get some regular exercise. Don’t have any coffee before the test because caffeine increases your level of anxiety.

      3 Learn how to relax. Sounds simple, but it can be challenging when your body and mind are trying to do just the opposite. Like with other things, practice is the key. Spend time learning how to think about each muscle group in your body. Start with your feet. Tighten them and then let them go. Work your way all the way up to your head. Breathe slowly and deeply.

      4 Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Instead of telling yourself, “I am just going to blow this entire test,” say, “This may be a difficult test but I will do the best I can on it.” Visualize yourself doing well on the test.

      5 When you are taking the test, remember those deep, slow breaths. Be sure to read the test directions carefully. If you don’t know a question, skip it and go back later.

      6 If you find yourself tensing up during the test, put down your pencil, take a few deep breaths, relax your neck and shoulders and then go back to it. Go to another question or problem and come back to the one that made you anxious. Sometimes answering a few problems that you do know will help you remember the answer to the one that threw you a curve.

      7 When you are done, do something fun. See a movie, go out to eat, meet with a friend or just take a well-deserved nap.

Phone 555-555-5555Fax 555-555-5556Email [email protected]
Community Involvement Volunteered for six months (2011) at The Boys and Girls Club: helped organize and guide 30 children between the ages of 8 and 13 in multiple after-school activities. Learned skills of organization, teamwork, cooperation and discipline. Intern at Wheels Unlimited, my grandfather’s bicycle repair shop, after school for two years (2009-2011). Learned how to serve customers, run a register and basic mechanics/engineering skills.
Extracurricular Activities Participated in the Chess Club (2009) and the Debate Club (2010-2011). Director of the Drama Club (2010) and President of the Ski Club (2011).
Employment June-August 2010 20 hours a week at Marin County Public Library June-August 2011 18 hours a week at the Community Theatre
Education 2008-2011 East County High School Summer 2010 Theatre Workshop Summer 2010 Sign Language 101 at St. Martin’s Community College
References Mr. Bob Smith, Youth Coordinator at the Boys and Girls Club, 555-222-1111 Mrs. Jean Youngblood, English/Language Arts Teacher, East County High School, 555-982-1120 Mr. Rod Cooper, High School Debate Coach, 555-888-1210 Miss Lindsay Francis, Professor of Sign Language, St. Martin’s Community College, 555-333-0101
Awards received Debate Team Regional First Prize, 2010 First Place, State Library Essay Contest, 2010 Heart of Gold, Volunteer Ribbon, 2011


      Not every college requires an essay, but most of them want to see one. If you are applying at one of the colleges that do not require ACT or SAT scores, for example, the college essay is extremely important. Bottom line: The chances are pretty good you will have to write an essay. And, putting aside your fears for a moment, you will come to realize that this is a good thing.

      For many admissions officers, your essay is the first chance they get to see the real you. They already know your grades, test scores and what classes you have taken for the last four years, but they don’t know YOU. Sure, they are looking at how well you remember those grammar and punctuation rules, as well as what kind of vocabulary you use, but they also want a glimpse of your personality, ambitions, talents, goals and dreams.

      College essays have become such an important part of the admissions process that there are many books dedicated to showing you how to write them. Many also give sample essays to read from students who were accepted by colleges. One excellent book is Accepted! 50 Successful College Admission Essays by Gen Tanabe and Kelly Tanabe. Check out the many websites on the Net dedicated to the topic.

      Be aware there are unscrupulous companies and people willing (for a price) to take the headache out of your hands and write the essay for you. Yes, you can buy your college essay. Is this ethical? What do you think? Not only is this wrong, but it also won’t help you get into college. Purchased essays are never able to convey the real you to a college. Don’t ask a friend or relative to write it for you either. The admissions officers are good at spotting styles that don’t fit with students. Also consider that if you turn in something that reads like Ernest Hemingway, but your GPA in English class has always been a B or less, a red flag will pop up immediately.

      But the best reason for writing your own essay is that regardless of your skill, you can write a successful essay that will reflect your personality and your passion for life. It’s not as hard as you might imagine! Read on to learn how.

      The questions and/or topics you might be given to write about in college essays vary a great deal in subject area. Regardless of the question, the point is to say who you are. You will show that in how you respond, what anecdotes you use, what examples you include and so on.


       Describe your most significant personal experience. How has it influenced you?

       Identify and discuss a problem facing your generation.

       What have you read that has had a special significance to you? Explain why.

       Describe a person or experience of particular importance to you.
